Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Would be cool as an event vehicle or maybe a squadron vehicle. Might even be a premium but I don’t know whether Gaijin wants to add a premium F-16 yet.

Everyone’s getting a AH-64E passed before the US

Hold on Air RB EC? That’s unexpected but definitely welcome.

Again another surprising suggestion passed. Would be great seeing as basically half your RP goes to waste in a spaded vehicle.

Have they just got the link name wrong for this? The suggestion that is linked is for Radar HUD IFF indicator Update. Or maybe they have got the wrong suggestion, this is the suggestion for Terrain Following Radar

I wws hoping they’d add the ATGM version first, I guess there’s still time.

Yes! Finally the Luchs passed to devs!

On the Arjun, do y’all think they’ll add the PCB round?

Probably, it’s basically just SAP.

The Ingwes have been great on the ratel since the buff

I was hoping it would bring the ZT3s fire on the move capabilities

That would be nice, any idea why that’s not possible with the ratel?

Cuz Gaijin says so.
That is the only reason.




The early USA aircraft premium pack rank 8 bad ?

In the future unknown next pre-order aircraft for USA after F-20A, but battle rating higher 12.7

British and france tech tree received Apache Guardian too

I might believe very good for aircraft 11.0 ~ 14.0 and higher

But bigger 128 km x 128 km ?

Why choose, when you can have both?
And yes, it works


That would defently boost the community trust overall and stop mad lads to thinking bias country bad and propaganda runs the snail

edited so it is more clear what i mean as I was meaning for the “GE returned” bit.

So on this, anyone able to say how many crates to get the "guaranteed to receive " “talismans and premium vehicles” when it comes to the returned GE? Does the returned GE mean that you have to buy more crates to get a different ranked premium vehicle given to you?

NGL leaves a bad taste in the mouth how its written, just feels weird.

eg, say I buy 14 crates, get a tank in a bracket I have them all for, and just get the GE returned, do I need to buy 14 more crates for another go at a vehicle under the Guaranteed" bit?

Dont need the new mexico we need newer bb

  1. Talisman for vehicles (15% chance but at least once for every 14 crate openings); breakdown of chance by vehicle rank:
  2. Premium vehicles including unavailable for sale (15% chance but not less than once for every 14 crate openings); breakdown of chances by vehicle ranks:

Need to go newer not older

So 14000 golden eagles for guaranteed premium… Oof

Its a guaranteed prize, but that doesnt mean you cant get a vehicle even from the first crate

Sorry I was meaning to add to it on top of that bit of “if you have the ones of the rank, and get the 999 back, does that count to your guaranteed vehicle still, and need you to drop another potentially 14 boxes?”

Gaijin says so, but as it’s a more modern system and probably going to sit at 9.3 or so (with Fire on the move) I think fire on the move would be reasonable.

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