Mig23ml battle rating

So like the Harrier, Tornado, F-14, etc etc. I dont really see the issue here.

Yes that is why it is at 11.7 It also has the superior SARH missiles.

Only if the meta was hugging the deck at 60m… Wait…

Mig-23 has 60 large calibre CMs, Most F4s have 60 standard CMs except the FGR2/FG1 which have 90. Mig-23 has the superior CMs either way though as Large CMs are around 5x more effective than regular CMs

Mig-23s can readily catch the fastest Phantoms which are the FGR2/FG1, so… Not at low alt they arent

Just that controller users always seem to have a disadvantage.

higher G sure, but lower speed. There’s a thing called “trade offs”

Just like with Aim-9ms your point? Or are you being Anti-Russia again?

I never specified a model, and that’s a bit odd I can outrun the Mig-23 if I’m not carrying a SIM fuel load or full bombs.

At high altitudes the F4 zooms like crazy.

72 if you take the CM pod. Also, taking the CM pod only makes every other flare fire twice, so you end up getting way more flare pops than without the pod.

So does the Mig-23. It does have worse fuel efficiency, but it is faster overall (I think).

R-24Rs are way faster at close range, need to be at 10km+ before Aim-7/Skyflash would win in a joust, but below 8km. R-24R will always hit first,

I was not aware that any F-4s at or around 11.7 were equipped with Aim-9Ms, so I dont know why you are throwing that out there. But we could give all the F-4s currently stuck at 12.0 their historically accurate Aim-9Ls instead of leaving them with rear-aspect only IRs vs Mig-23ML/MLDs all-aspect IRs, including the pseudo IRCCM missile the R-24T at 11.7

What cm pod?

Also yes it will have worse efficiency it’s an old aircraft that kept getting updated, and has two engines.

Screenshot 2024-12-30 154441

I was talking about the Mig-23 there, I believe that it has a worse range than the phantom.

The F-4(UK) should get them, same with the German F-4F (and move it to 11.7 to compensate).

R-24Rs have higher acceleration but not higher top speed.
Seems to me you don’t know the aircraft specs.

And your distance is backed by… your opinion? Do you have any supporting chart data to that claim?

I never said that there were. Rather you brought up deck level flying with IR aams. Which guess what tons of aim-9m carrying planes do? Same “problem”, different nation and br.

The R-24T is hardly irccm. If your talking about it getting data tracking via the IR radar mode, then that is something in a whole other ball park.

Yep, FGR2 as well, though FG1 should stick with the 9Gs and move down to 11.7 instead

Oh neat! Tells you how long it’s been since I’ve played them. I considered getting the Mig-23ML, but it’s not on sale on Xbox yet, not to mention I have the F-4S which I like far more.

This is also coming from the guy why think the Su-39 should be higher in Br because it can 600 mph while the A-10C can only do 410 mph.

Coming from the guy who thinks the Su-39 would only be 12.0 with R-77s?

lol if you really want to get into it, you thought the A-10C was perfect at 11.3 but now we are going vastly off topic.

As was mentioned in the other thread. The R-77s or R-27s wouldn’t be busted due to air frame speed, radar, etc

Nope, I always thought A-10C should equal the BR of the Su-25T/Su-39, but maintained reservations on how good it would actually be given it is an A-10 at that BR. People were saying it should be 12.3+ just because it had Aim-9Ms which was obviously totally insane.

I said 12.0 especially since it meant if in sim or AAb it would have a lineup with the F4S, and not to mention it wasn’t going to get that load out at first but the USA mains rebelled against gaijin citing “it needed it’s real life weapons” which the Su-39 is lacking.

I still see A-10Cs doing really well on average thanks to 4 irccm aams. Which is insane to think it can see 10.7

Anyways the Mig-23 is pretty well balanced.

if it wasnt for the fact the missiles are constantly on drugs. in the same match i had another r24r go for a dudes magic 2 instead of the enemy, and ive had them straight up not guide many times(thats the fault of the junk radar me thinks)

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Could be the radar, or the fact gaijin won’t give correct, or well operating aams, otherwise Russia may have a benefit

I’ll have to save that, for when someone says “Russia Op”

When people complain about russia its usually ground rb, and they have good reason. Arb is a problem only at top tier, russia at lower tiers is extremely good. At prop tier they have arguably the best aircraft, and early jets are very good too. Mig 21s are decent/quite good depending on the mode mig 23s also pretty balanced(though incosistent as in my experience) i dint see why gaijin doesnt fix russian top tier, its no like fixing the flight models and slightly lowering the r77 drag would make them broken(hell it wouldnt even make them competitive just less weak), and i forgot but russian cas at topt ier is way too good. I understand people being annoyed at thst considering the only reason its like thst is because they artificially gimp other nations cas

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I don’t think the best 11.7 jet should get a BR decrease because you have a particular skill issue with it


Continuing the discussion from Mig23ml battle rating:

I think that the Mig 23 should be at same BR or lower thant the F 16 and F 15, if we want to take into consideration the fact that in the Goulf War, american F 16s and F 15s fought against Mig 23 and MIG 29,