Mig23ml battle rating

I just bought the premium mig23ml, i got around 50 to 60 matches in it and i simple dont aee why its 11.7, the radar is quite bad, the flight perfomance is decent but getting gun kills can be difficult with the low ammo count, r24r are quite good at medium low ranges but you only get two of them, the 4 r60ms dont make up for it, i tried r24ts but theyre simply not good, if they see even as much as a missile theyll completely loose lock

Ill take one of my favourite jets in the game as a comparison, the f4e is at br 11.3, one br step lower. It has a worst radar and a better flight model and it gets 4 arguably better Sarh missiles(only problem is the slower accelerationif you can call it a problem), and 4 aim9js which whilst theyre very much worse than r60m they are much more of a backup weapon to the amazing aim7e2, and on top of that you got a much more forgiving gun, i got more gun kills than aim9j kills for example.

I dont think the f4e should go to 11.7 i think the mig23ml should be at 11.3. Opinions from more experience flogger pilots?
Edit: i forgot to mention the f4e has a better rwr)


R-24Rs are the best SARH at that BR by quite a margin. (and R-24Ts are potent as well if you dont want to use SARH)

Mig-23 can still easily out fight most other aircraft at its BR, the key is manual wing sweep.

It has 4x All-aspect IR missiles at a BR where most (supersonic aircraft) dont have any and you want to move it to a BR where it could see a few aircraft that dont really have CMs.

Mig-23ML is at the correct BR given its speed, flight performance and loadout.


nope it cant go down to 11.3.


Would you reccomend it to grind the entire air tree? Or would it be better to wait for a better option?

I’ve not played it, only fought against it loads and had good conversations with those that have. But its probably not a bad way to go, especially if you get it on the sale.


Got it, thank you!

It’s good at 11.7. Shouldn’t move up, but it also shouldn’t move down.

It’s rwr holds it back from being incredibly good (but the MLD fixes that). Uptiers kinda suck, but that’s not a Mig-23 issues.

The radar is decent for a non PD radar, but my main complaint is the very long ACM mode which can mess stuff up, and make it hard to lock the right thing.

It does have MTI, but that’s basically useless due to not being able to switch to it when you want to.


MiG-23ML is a bit hard to master. The R-24R’s are absolutely bonkers for the battle rating, as they have IOG, allowing them to track targets even when it seems it won’t hit. If your radar locks onto chaff, do not unlock it. Just let the missile do its thing, and 90% of the time it will hit. If you’re on the deck, launch anywhere from 2.5-6 km at targets that are not sub 200 meters off the ground. If you’re up at about 5000, it can easily hit 10 km shots. Don’t launch them in rear or side aspect though, as that’s unreliable.

As for the R-60M’s, launch them in a head on at 1-1.5 km. The enemy will often not react and will end up eating it. If they’re preflaring though, don’t bother. In terms of rear aspect, only launch at sub 2 km, as they have a range equivalent to spitting.

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If you wanna be a dirty rat heres a good little playstyle for you: Go full IR, 24Ts and 60Ms, switch radar to IRST, Fire the 24s at 3-4 miles at unsuspecting or preoccupied enemies, use the R-60s within 0.7 during headons. Most braindead playstyle but one that has got me many kills (and a horrid K/D on the plane but that’s beyond the point). In all the ML is possibly the only top tier prem worth the $70

The radar is terrible in ways that can’t be overstated, the RWR is one do the worst around, and flight performance is somewhat poor, but otherwise it’s a decent aircraft. It can’t go to 11.3 without bullying everything else in a downtier. I just wish they’d remove this awful nerf (MTI had manual override from what I’ve heard) and bring it back to 12.0.

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yeah they are quire good, as for r24ts you could shoot them under perfect circumstances and sitll miss cause a missile flew near it. its good at dogfighting but youre not dogfighting much at this br. i agree for the rest mostly that is. i still think id rather be in a phantom. 2 r24rs are not as good as 4 aim7e2

r24t seems to like doing nothing for me.

aim 7e2 has the same thing and i get 4 of em on the f4e

I have the exact opposite, 24Ts almost always hit but 24R’s always miss no matter the circumstances

weird i have had r24t completely avoid tracking and just go straight. and they also just tend to switch targest and miss easily

My MiG-23ML license just says top grade 24Ts ig

ive just had a r24r blow up and do literally no damage, i swear to god the soviet missiles are paid actors, theyre so incosistent. ive had so many weird moments

In so many cases the R-60s have felt stronger than the R-24s. Soviet missiles just make 0 sense, entirely just runs on instinct

r60s are meh, rather have them than not and theyre better than aim9js at least

not like strong as in good strong but like I feel I’ve scored more Kills/Severe Damages with R-60s than I have with the R-24s