yeah but the radar is shit
eh i dont think theyre that different, aim7e2 definetly feels like it has a longer range to me. r24r is mach 1 off the rail and its more rsponsive right off the bat but i like the E2s more,
Only below 1.5km, and only when you are facing towards the ground.
Overall, it’s pretty useless, since you’ll never by pointing your nose down for long at that alt anyways.
Do you have to physically put your nose down or does it also work when you just gimble your radar downwards?
I am not sure, but I assume it is when the nose is pointed below the horizon.
I’m not sure how to do that with a radar, so I can’t really test it.
no gimbling the radar doesnt work
ingame manually lowering the radar doesnt work
It does, but it’s pretty janky. Sometimes when I lock in MTI, it doesn’t switch to TRK MTI and instead goes to TRK which is bombared with Ground Clutter, sometimes it wont even the lead missile right in a solid MTI lock, and when the radar switches to SRC MTI you can’t manually it left to right so it’s stuck in center position.
R-24R has a substantially higher DeltaV than the AIM-7E-2, meaning it has better acceleration and range, there is nothing the AIM-7E-2 does better really
blah blah balh, dont complain about its br, complain about the compression effecting its br. please and thank you
yeah but mig23 radar is so bad
where do you see that? because i regularly miss shots i wouldve hit with the E-2 because of too little range
i definetly dont feel like 11.7 is particularly compressed. 12.7 aircraft are better but not by a huge margin, the only really problematic aircraft is the f14iriaf. even with the shitty rwr aim54as are workable, fakour is the issue.
I dont entirely agree with that. My understanding/placement of these weapons, Sub 8km R-24R is the best by far, but at any sort of altitude (like 10k ft) past about 10km, the Aim-7/Skyflash take the lead
makes a lot of sense as i tend to stick around 3k+ meters in the f4e.
I totally agree with you man but 11.7 to 11.3 isn’t that big a change with a chance of a up tier.
tbh i was approaching this comparing it to 11.3 aircraft. i really dont feel like the mig23ml is much better than 11.3s f4e, kurnass, Ja37. all are very good and definetly competitive compared to the mig23. r60ms i feel like are the only draw for the mig 23ml as theyre much better than aim9js, aim9g i dont know as theyre rear aspect only but significantly longer range and a good bit more falre resistant.
Bruh, they can only travel 2-3 km. I would take the AIM-9G over the R-60M any day.
r60m range is less than 2km. aim9gs can hit even at 4+ km with an height advantage, ofc flaring it is easier with that much time from firing