Making a digital Item artificially limited is just stupid. If its limited because you could only get it in an event or from a box drop then yeah sure but else nah.
and here is gaijin promoting the artificially limiting has main sale pitch
From what I asked of Microsoft, Gaijin was the one whom didn’t allow the market. If you take a look at CrossOut as well, you have access to that market.
Another problem with the current auction offering is nowhere does it say the tank camoes are camoes on the auction page itself.
I mean, if you read the news article or hang around the forum, sure, you know what it’s about but there’s no descriptor text or anything on the auction page itself to say this is just a camo.
Given that the marketplace is largely seen as a place to buy vehicles, there’s a significant risk some of those bids are going to be people who are expecting to get a vehicle instead of or with a special camo and, um, yeah.
UPDATE: I see since I wrote this the word “camouflage” has been added to the camouflage listings. Progress!
Interesting. I am not supporting the lack of War Thunder Marketplace access for console players, but fwiw the Crossout marketplace for Xbox is not linked to the PC marketplace: [PS][Xbox] Cross-platform gameplay on consoles is now available! - News - Crossout
If the lack of War Thunder marketplace access for console players is not due to Microsoft/Sony blocking access, then the only other logical conclusion is that Gaijin does not want to “give up” a percent of their GJN sales $'s to Microsoft and/or Sony.
However, this is confounded by the fact that account transfers have been locked for an extended period of time (years?) Thus, even if a console player wished to transfer over to a PC account to be able to use the Marketplace, they are unable to do so at this time. So, from my perspective, it doesn’t really make a lot of sense to block console players access to the Marketplace. Seems like money being left on the table, even if MS/Sony “get a cut” of GJN sales.
The legal/business issue of in game purchases might be different now with companies like Apple being forced to allow 3rd party markets/sales to happen on their operating system. ( Eg, Fortnite etc. ) [I read through this wiki further, I am not sure of the outcome exactly, lots of legal speak. But still, maybe there is a way for Gaijin to sell GJN to console players directly, idk.] So, maybe Gaijin has a route to get around that cut that MS/Sony want to take.
Having said all of that, I am still “voting” against the Auction system being implemented on/in the Marketplace 👎
92% against
6% don’t Mind/don’t care
2% for auction
The camos and decal i can borderline say it is socially acceptable to pay for(even though they would be better off free). An avatar frame? i would not pay for a PFP, let alone an avatar frame.
Skins are nice, but you can’t consider them art. It’s like building lego in a coor color and calling it “art”. Simply making them avaliable for GE is better for EVERYONE. Barely anyone is taking the auction seriously, and nobody wants to buy anything; If you made them accesable via GE, tonnes of people will buy it for a lower price which, at the same time, will benefit war thunder. Not only are you not listening to your community, you are being completely oblivious of basic economics.
I don’t think it is a great addition. I think it is fine for skins/decals/decorators. I think it is very bad for vehicles. I believe vehicles will eventually be added if this is successful.
I think another issues, that has been mentioned on this thread many times, is the necessity to prepurchase GJD to participate. Once GJD are purchased, Gaijin has the money.
In Gaijin’s defense I don’t think they could do a successful auction without the guarantee of funds from participants. Perhaps they should offer refunds, but we know they won’t.
I am unsure if I am willing to bid high enough to ‘win’ any items.
The skins are coupons and can be sold later. If I bought them it would be with intention to resell. I don’t have either vehicle.
I am not sure they will sell. Their rareness will help them command a high price, but will hinder there visibility on the market place. They can’t be sold for 180 days, that is a very long time.
There is a huge danger in buying anything rare in the marketplace. Gaijin can flood the market at any time. I have many coupons that once would have sold for over 100GJN that are now only worth 10-20GJN.
What is to stop these items from being auctioned every week next year after the waiting period? They could be auctioned a million at a time, every week.
The frame is not a coupon and can not be resold. I am leery to spend so much money on such a dumb thing. I also think it looks nice and I have plenty of GJD.
I am surprised this has been the price leader all auction. As it has a lower bid increment than the others I suspect Gaijin is surprised as well. I think the skins will end higher, but we will see.
even for skins and other cosmetics its just bad and unnecessary
if people don’t want the skin it will be way to cheap and combined whit low sales both gaijin and the creator go empty handed
and if there is a run on it alot of people go empty
or what happens wen a unpopular skin ends up becoming valuable because it becomes a meme and/or is shown by YouTube
and there are only like 10 copons left because none wanted them before those 10 players have now beaten the game (meanwhile again pretty much everyone goes empty handed
and i still fail to see how its supposed to benefit players besides those that have already beaten the RL game but if i can send a Tesla into space why would i play war thunder were skill is required.
Gaijin auctions the skin again. Rule is it has to be 1 year later (and that rule could always change).
I don’t think anyone claims it will benefit the players. The closest claim is it will help content creators. I am not sure if that is true or not.
why have something which is like stepping on Lego if it doesn’t even benefit anyone
firstly who wants hes skin on an very predatory pay to win auction and then only get 30% of the top 100 bidders and the rage of angry players that lost money whiteout getting it
As many others here I’m thankful that you stepped in to provide some clarity. @todace
I found this passage to be rather crucial as it shows that there is a perceived disconnect between the Developers and the End Users (which we are :) ) and I think that is rather concerning.
I’m not sure who would act as your Product Manager within Gaijin, but it would be that persons responsibility to ensure that there is no such disconnect.
One of the things that I’ve noticed over the years is that Gaijin is keen to implement new things that they percieve as useful/helpful and progress to the game. Some of those changes are good and welcome, others are not.
We, as the End Users, do not feel like our opinion counts. There is absolutely no Voice of Customer that I’m aware of that collects our feedback in a proper and constructive way. There is no feedback form, no customer survey…nothing.
This forum provides some feedback, but apparently it is either being ignored, nor is there any constructive dialogue with anyone from Gaijin.
If we had that kind of dialogue and if our “voice” would actually be considered, then I think the feedback from the playerbase to the devs would be significant better, because at the end of the day, we all recognize what a difficult job you guys have and what a fantastic product you actually deliver.
However, if we we are constantly under the impression of talking to a wall and every now and then we get something thrown over the wall, then it can lead to frustration and that is then expressed in a non-constructive way.
So maybe you can get your War Thunder Product Manager to start a proper customer survey and a continuous feedback form and then maybe more Developers will feel encouraged to engage with the community.
this is the main problem currently
there is always some feed back
"tiger 1 needs go to 4.0 " , “no tiger needs to go to 6.0” …
historical brs , ww2 separation
and gaijin needs to decides whats important and what not
but this here is vastly different given the feedback goas overwhelmingly in a single direction without anyone arguing for it at all
There’s three sides to this, players, content creators and Gaijin.
The good
- More cosmetic options added to the game
The bad
- Artificially limited availability on camouflages
- Highly inflated prices for game content
- Need to purchase GJN to participate, which can’t be refunded, forcing a player to spend money even if they don’t “win” the right to buy
- No console availability
- Possibility of escalation into more aspects of the game (such as vehicles)
The good
- Additional option to get their content into the game
- Good pay (possibly)
The bad
- Their hard work is limited to obscurity
- Bad pay (possibly)
The good
- Additional income
- Generally high prices
- Low effort (since camouflages would be player made)
- Possibility to expand past cosmetics
The bad
- Limited sales due to limited quantity
- Limited target customers due to inflated prices
- Limited target customers due to lack of console support
- Negative reputation
Overall I’d say other options, such as for example a weekly rotating camouflage store for user camos and seasonal items (such as the profile frame) as a GE based store in the game would be a lot more beneficial to all, so I hope that is considered instead.
name checks out at least
you forgot the part of content creators getting hate for making/promoting unachievable skins making people lose money
I want to be fair.
But I cannot understand—if the developers are so passionate about the game, why are they making these changes? If these changes in the Auction weren’t made by the developers themselves but were instead ordered from above, I struggle to see how this is can be so black and white. Are there no higher-ups who are as passionate about the game as studios like Arrowhead?
I just don’t get it. There are so many bullet holes in this game that remain unpatched. Wouldn’t better motives and treatment of the community lead to more doubloons? One of the reasons I bought Helldivers 2 was because of the passionate dev team—like the CEO who stepped down to a lower position so a more capable person could take charge.
One of the reasons I haven’t spent more than 40 euros on this game is because it feels untrustworthy. Why are we getting so much copy-paste content? Imagine if, instead of the M26 copy-paste, we got the Rocket T-62. The videos around it would be popular and drive more player to install this game. This just feels like corner-cutting to push content out. I don’t want these SPAA’s.
I want these
Gaijin i want these
Object 640 (Black Eagle)
BT-7A (L-11)
IS-7 model 1946. The forgotten older brother.
one of these
and many other things, like a bomber rework—please, for once, don’t let this game become wasted potential.
That would have been a good thing to announce at the beginning :)
first move in the right direction very good