Marketplace Premiums for consoles

That could be possible, but if its a system available to PC players, as long as the prices are the same as the marketplace, it would crash it.

You’d have to keep prices for PC above the market price in order to keep the marketplace relevant.

The other issue is the idea of having to trade one vmevent vehicle for another would ensure that you still wouldnt have access to all the vehicles.

That’s why i added the fact that you can’t exchange coupons from the marketplace. Only way to obtain old vehicles thew new way would be by grinding

This is precisely part of the point. Gaijin will never give you access to everything just like that, let’s be real. This way you can at least get the stuff you want the most.

Maybe a Token style system is the way to go here, trading in a coupon as per it’s physical rarity (purple coupon = 1 purple token) and you get options of vehicles to exchange that token with that change on either a weekly or monthly basis, a system that rewards grinding events and also is very difficult to ‘cheese’.

Furthermore having a rotation of vehicles over a time span allows for older event vehicles to be brought back without spam of them, this system is also far more healthy for FOMO syndrome than the current marketplace since it gives people time to decide about a potential purchase and compare it to potential others

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Yes, this is probably the most realistic way. It allows gaijin to not care about adding half baked events like they were doing recently, since interest for grind will still be there even if reward itself is bad. So it’s not even bad for gaijin.

At the same time it mostly solves the issue of old event vehicles without taking away their rarity

And as a side effect of that, those bad event rewards that most players exchange will become quite rare themselves, generating interest further in the future even if they are uninteresting

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I kind of based it on the syatem they used to have in Forza games (may very well be in others too) were a roster of the ‘rare’ unobtainable cars are available for unlock using a ‘backstage pass’ (token) which is earned through grinding and playing the game, these could be varied and often times had me genuinely excited to see what cars were released onto there to see if trading in my token would be worth it.

Obviously a rather niche example but one that I think would benefit War Thunder quite well

Im not looking to get access to everything. Im looking to get access to somewhat of an even playing field as PC players.

If i was on PC and i wanted some old prop, (whether it be the AU1 or something less appealing like the BF109E7) I could just buy it outright if i thought it was worth the price.

Theres a few vehicles on the marketplace i think would be worth the price as a collector, I would like to have the similar chance at buying these vehicles like a PC player would.

You keep trying to bring up systems that would still limit console players on how much content they’d have access to. I’m not looking for a system like that.

If its available to PC players at a high enough quantity, it should be available to console players too. Period. Not grinded out, not traded for other event vehicles, if you can buy it out right, I should be able to too.

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In the system you yourself proposed AU-1 would be excluded anyway since it falls into too rare to sell category.

What i bring up is a system that allows everyone to access the same amount of content with the same amount of effort. It has to be limited in some way in order to not crash the entire marketplace. Gaijin will never implement something like that and you know it well yourself.

I guess best Gaijin could do is occasionally add some sort of event store event for consoles where you would be able to buy vehicles for their marketplace price from the day of the event’s start with a condition that for the vehicle to be able to appear there it would need to be listed on the marketplace more than 300 times at the time of event’s start.

I doubt it is any realistic to be ever implemented, but that’s probably the best gaijin could potentially offer

So apparently, this is not the case. Crossout has a Marketplace on PlayStation and Xbox, which uses GJN coins:

My reply to post above:

EDIT: So, IMO, the marketplace could+should be opened up to console players. There might be a way for Gaijin to sell GJN directly to Console players, and/or perhaps even just mark up the cost of GJN to cover the cut from Sony/Microsoft. With the existence of Crossout’s console marketplace, it doesn’t seem like it is being blocked on MS/Sony’s end. I’m obviously not sure, but that’s what it looks like to me.

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Your system does not do that.

Even with your system you’d still be able to choose the vehicle you think is worth the price on the marketplace and just buy it outright withlut any grinding what so ever.

A system where I’d still have to grind out an event vehicle coupon and then still have to decide on whether I should keep it or trade it and on top of all that, making it so thats the only time players have access to marketplace vehicles is still not going to work.

You’re whole discussion on here has been “you cant just buy these out right because it doesn’t go through the marketplace and I want you to have even more limited options then what PC players have”

Would you still be for this coupon trading system if it completely replaced the marketplace for PC and you’d also be limited to obtaining previous event vehicles by trading current even vehicles?

Yes, i would still be all for it. It is a good system to have regardless of whether marketplace is there or not. It is an entirely independent system from it, so removing marketplace wouldn’t make it any less useful and good for the game.

Regardless of whether marketplace is there or not, it still lets you obtain old event vehicles just by grinding and greatly improves the situation of players who missed events for said vehicles.

Yeah you can’t buy these outright if it doesn’t go through the marketplace, because it will increase amount of some rare vehicles available in circulation without control. In the case of vehicles no one really cares about anyway (those that are listed more than few hundred times on the marketplace) it wouldn’t be an issue, but for anything else it would.

It would not be an issue becaus they’d be listed at the same price, or higher as they are on the market. It wouldnt effect their availability on PC at all. The only reason you’re against this is because you think itd ruin the marketplace from what I gather.

Why youre so uptight about a system for console players is beyond me. The only way a system thatd allow console players to buy marketplace vehicles, would affect PC players is that youd see these vehicles more in game. It wouldnt do anything to affect you otherwise.

So please stop suggesting systems that still unnecessarily limits players ability to obtain content.

Theres no reason to force console players to have to grind out and trade vehicle coupons while PC players still can buy them at will.

It wouldnt matter because theyd still have the same quantity limitations on PC.

Sell console>buy pc>lose all progress


Oh my bad. Let me just drop $1300 on an up to date PC. Buy a workable desk, monitor, and chair, find room in my already cramped house. And then tell my kids that instead of having access to a single vehicle now and hen for wayyy less money, TheDudesRug, some random guy on the internet told me I had to get a PC. So i had to chip into their Christmas fund.

See, some of us have other obligations outside of videogames.


And I don’t? I have career, family, study, hobbies, all of that. I just didn’t make a bad decision like you have and bought a console. Actually, I did - I bought a PS5 and now its collecting dust because there isn’t a PS exclusive game worth a damn (except maybe Grand Turismo). Nice try with the rubbish logic, though.

Fair, will have to wait until they allow transfers again.



Bad decisions? Nah you just have bad priorities or your parents card that bought your initial system.

Imagine telling someone who likes spendimg money on their own kids to “just buy a PC.” Like damn, sorry i dont make video games my personality trait.

wHy DoEsN’T sOmEoNe ThInK oF tHe ChIlDrEn

Oh, you’re are full of good ones, aren’t you? Thanks for the laugh.

Im sorry that you think spendong money one my own children is counterintuitive to what you think I should be doing.

But this discussion has nothing to do with the rest of this thread. So unless you have a solution for console players in game. Doesmt sound like your opinions are needed here.

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The coupon for the t80UD was worth only 100WB.

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Thats criminal. Only a fraction of whats needed for a rabk 2 premium in the WB shop, plus the 12 seclecial orders needed to get it.