Object 640 (Black Eagle)

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Hello, today I have something something special to suggest: the Object 640. It was designed by Omsktransmash in 1990s but sadly went bankrupt. But still were able to build the prototype.

Black Eagle at Omsk Arms Show in June 1999

Graphical representation of the longer chassis variant



-2A46 (-M2/-M4, source info differs) smoothbore cannon
-7.62mm pkt coax

-composite armor (no info)
-active protection system (only proposed)
-kaktus era (on the turret), kontakt-5 (on the hull)

-48 tonnes


-GTD-1250/1400/1500, 1250, 1400 or 1500 horsepower turbine engine (source info differs)


During the 1980s, the development of the object 640 started in the design bureau of the Leningrad Kirov Plant. The design was based on a T-80U stretched hull. The bureau closed and passed the design to KBTM in Omsk.

In September 1997 a mock-up of the Black eagle showed up and was demonstrated in the VTTV arms exposition in Omsk. It was later found out that the turret was made of wood.

In June 1999, an early prototype of the object 640 was shown in Siberia. The tank had a stretched hull of the T-80U having 7 pairs of road wheels instead of 6. It looked like to have very thick front armour and a new-generation Kaktus explosive reactive armor on the turret and kontakt-5 on the hull. The turret featured box-shaped bustle autoloader with blow-out panels instead of the classic carousel autoloader, which made possible to make the cannon fire longer projectiles. The turret crew were seated below the turret ring.


Due to financial problems, questions about the reliability, the design and the performance, the project was formally cancelled by omsktransmash in 2001. Because of the poor performance of the T-80 platform it was decided to never produce tanks with turbine engines ever again. This included the object 640, which was fully cancelled in 2009. Omsktransmash tried to appeal the decision, but they weren’t able to do that after filing bankruptcy in 2002.

In late 2011 it was announced that some technical solutions from object 640 and object 195 would be incorporated into T-14 armata.

Parts of the object 640


Tank x-ray

The hull
image001 (1)
image002 (1)

The turret
image001 (2)
image002 (2)
image001 (3)

The autoloader
image002 (3)
image003 (1)



Object 640 - NamuWiki
“Object 640” (Black Eagle)
Black Eagle (Object 640)
Black Eagle (tank) - Wikipedia


Another. T-80. Some may not know or I’m wrong; OmskTransMash is now state-owned company, after the bankrupty, 2 years after if I’m not wrong, it was turned into a state-owned company. While I support this addition, USSR need new stuff over another T-80.

It’s not the average t80 copypaste that we usually get tho, the black eagle is very unique, a very interesting tank…


You’re 100% right. We already have maybe 8 T-80 models in USSR there are many interesting variants of T-72 which can be added or some IFV.

Yeah but this one from the show has T-80U hull but longer with entire new turret

In War Thunder terms; yes it’s, the difference is using similar auto loading design to the Object 292 which presents to be a weakspot; the 2A46 (mentioned by Wikipedia) would have the same geriatric gun handling as every other T-80 in-game except by the T-80BVM and, yet possible the installation of the 152.4 mm cannon, it doesn’t proper mention any further. In general it would be a super armored T-80U, keeping the slow gun handling with similar protection of the T-80BVM and better and much faster, if in game it equips a 1500 hp engine.

I hope we get the model with the crew lowered in the hull (not sure if it reached this point).

This article is pretty identical to this one:

this is a suggestion and doesn’t seem to be plagariased


The poster of the linked thread actually just copy and pasted the whole btvt’s Blog article and translated.

i think where okay on OP russian prototypes -1

There’s never enough comrade.


Unless more information comes out about it, it’s a no from me. This vehicles history and development seems to still be relatively classified or shrouded in secrecy, and I have doubts about its claimed capabilities.

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Is it possible to you find more information regarding the vehicle? I’m not trying to be mean and throw your time researching for those informations on the mud, but, I would suggest you going to https://btvt.narod.ru/, which despite being the same https://btvt.info/ still hold some information you may not covered in the topic but only linked it.

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There are some patents about autoloader.

+1 Man i want this badly, it’s the Object 292 but modernized on top having the possabilty having the 152mm makes it spike my russian bias detector

Just give me the '195 already.


Only as an event vehicle in my opinion.

it’s a myth