M26 Pershing BR rating


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how does apcr even shattered
like isnt it tungsten one of the densest material? how does something shattered so easily(might be an idiot for this but i wanna know)
its been years and many people want to make apcr historically accurate but its just not

It is, which is a part of its problem.
APCR (and other sub calibre penetrators like APDS) commonly use tungsten carbide alloys, which are incredibly hard to punch through armour but is quite brittle at more extreme angles of impact. The ballistic casing APCR (HVAP is the same thing btw) offers no structural support and is only present so the penetrator can be fired out of the gun, like if an APDS didn’t discard its sabot.

Shell shatters are far too common in war thunder for APCR and APDS yet isn’t present for other shells which were susceptible to shatters such as APHE and earlier solid shot AP shells


M26 suffer from BR compression. And gimped AP/APCR damage output compare to APHE. (incase of T33 it also got lower penetration because Gaijin refuse to fix them or modified their fomula)
And not to mention that Gaijin refuse to give 90mm better APHE variant (like M82 but with better velocity + lower exposive mass)

Just compare these two images of HVAP and APCR and why I have reason to believe that gaijin uses russian stats for ALL forms of APCR in game.

76mm BR-354p Var APCR


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This doesn’t look like any US APCR I’ve ever seen.

Rather it looks like Russian 45 mm APCR.

Actually you are correct, the picture is not American HVAP, despite me looking up American HVAP for pictures. I’ll edit to put actual M93 in there.


Its not very fair that most shells use the same base characteristics despite being very different, rarden and bushmaster APDS has a similar chance of shell shatters to 17 and 20pdr APDS despite having 40 years apart from each other. probably just development laziness

It’s in a bit of a tricky spot right now. Reducing the pershing’s br any lower will result 6.3 tanks like the jumbo, and the T25 useless.

It’s similar to the Tiger 2p. Way to good at 6.3 but no reason to use it over the Tiger 2h. For the longest time I thought the Tiger 2p was still at 6.3, I have no idea when it was moved to 6.7.

Don’t get me wrong, it is not 6.7 material as the T34, T26E5 and super pershing are way better than it. You do get a slight mobilty advantage but it’s hardly noticeable. I believe there were different variants of the pershing where it got a better engine, having that replace the current pershing would be worth bringing it at 6.7.


The problem is the M26 variant with the better engine is the M26e2, which later after the war was reclassified as the M46 Patton, which is already in the game.

OMG another one…

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I mean it’s a tank I really like and was confused on why it’s at it’s BR even though there are other tanks that are so obviously superior. And maybe the fact that this is a common topic is because people care about the fact that it is so outclassed by basically everything else.

Welp BR as a whole need to be rise up and decompress altogethers.
It still amaze me that Gaijin still refuse to buff(fix) 90mm AP/APHE despite report/suggestions have been sitting there for years.
MiseryIndex556 being an example. has push forward many buff (fix) for 90mm AP bug reports and suggestions.

Well the 90mm APHE is relatively good, but T33 is completely screwed. Like I stated above it should be able to pen a panther up to 500m, but in game cant even at point blank. What people really want for the APHE is for the regular M26 to get M82(late), which I believe it did recently.

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M26 is just a Panther that someone at Gajin for some reason hates.

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i dont know honestly but its even op then good armor its a fun tank to get nukes with if it went down it would be a nuke printer just too op look at germany and russia mains even us teamates that br is filled with newbies dont be harsh with them i tank tiger 2 shoots with the pershing was a very fun tank to spade

Yes it good that US finally recive M82(late) . (which have been on Italy tank for a while i believe)
But for 90mm solid AP penetration still need addressing that and APCR damage output as a whole should be buff (not to the same as APHE level but it should produce consistent spall).

Yeah most US APCR had roughly equal post pen while also having much more penetration. This was due to HVAP having much larger cores than every other nation in war thunder. So a buff to 76 and 90mm HVAP would most likely include buffing damage to roughly solid shot levels, so still not great but still an improvement.

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yes, I think the 90mm is nerfed too hard. Give it a bit more damage and US tanks can stay where they are.