Lower the SU-25BM pleass

They are both missing Mono-pulse seekers that would allow them to operate at low alt. It’s been reported ever since Skyflash was added to the game like 2 yeras ago. The refusal to add it is just as bad as “nerfing” them.

They were, massively nerfed. From the best IR in the game to worst easily. They have a number of issues that have been reported but not fixed. its been at least 6 months. But R-73s bnot quite right, fixed in 2 weeks.

Aim-9L It is still one of the best IR missiles in the game.
He has not been nerfed only brought down to historical values.
Before that, he was simply overperforming

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9L worst IR in the game? are you even remotely serious?

would you really choose an R3S over a 9L? if it was so bad you would


I want to replace the 9ls on the Tornado with SRAAM, even in their current state I’d make that change instantly.

9Ls were good, but they are a 1 Flare defeat currently and with MAWS coming soon, anything with 9Ls might as well not bother taking any, they’ll just be a waste of weight/drag.

Especially when 9L/I are more hsitorically accurate for a lot of jets, but i doubt we’ll see them for at least another 6-12 months

Aim-9Ls are the 3rd best missile in-game next to Python 3 & R-73.
They are no where near the worst.
SRAAM is worse than 9Ls.

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R-60M have better flare resistance, so they are automatically better

They are both defeated by a single flare, but 1 can pull high G the other can’t

you’d choose SRAAM (not ASRAAM) over 9L?


if you use 9L like you have to use SRAAM you’ll have better missiles in every aspect, especially in the front aspect

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R-60M is the most flarable missile in game, I’m pretty sure there is data to back this up too


R-60M goes after no flare too

had them following the sun in a downwards engagement today

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SRAAMs are far superior. Especially when they get double the range and all-aspect. 9Ls barely work in rear aspect these days

For me to evade an R-60M, I have to throttle below 100% throttle, dump a dozen flares and break hard.

To evade a 9L, you drop 1 flare

you’re trolling or have never used either of these missiles


Clearly you have never used a 9L vs a OP Mig-29

*to evade any IR missile

This is everytime for me

I own both MiG-29 and Tornado, I used both a lot

and I also hsed SRAAM on my Harrier

Just like I laugh at the Su-25BM asking for 10.3.

the only thing thats better about the R-60M in comparison to a 9L is the APU60-2 twin rail

I do too I say it fits the BR well

I do good with it until fighters show up

Just like its a skill issue that you cant get 2 easy kills iwth R-73?