They are both missing Mono-pulse seekers that would allow them to operate at low alt. It’s been reported ever since Skyflash was added to the game like 2 yeras ago. The refusal to add it is just as bad as “nerfing” them.
They were, massively nerfed. From the best IR in the game to worst easily. They have a number of issues that have been reported but not fixed. its been at least 6 months. But R-73s bnot quite right, fixed in 2 weeks.
Aim-9L It is still one of the best IR missiles in the game.
He has not been nerfed only brought down to historical values.
Before that, he was simply overperforming
I want to replace the 9ls on the Tornado with SRAAM, even in their current state I’d make that change instantly.
9Ls were good, but they are a 1 Flare defeat currently and with MAWS coming soon, anything with 9Ls might as well not bother taking any, they’ll just be a waste of weight/drag.
Especially when 9L/I are more hsitorically accurate for a lot of jets, but i doubt we’ll see them for at least another 6-12 months