LD-35 -- Chinas Bird Net

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Howdy yall! Today im making a suggestion for the Chinese ground tree, and in particular, a new SPAA that has the potential to be a great gap filler for the Chinese SPAA tree, and would hover around 10.0-10.3 br if added.

The LD-35 is a very recent vehicle, and has yet to formally enter service with any nation, although it is currently being marketed for export to several countries. Despite being very new, its design is simply an evolution of the PGL-12, which itself is based off of the ZBL-08 chassis. The PGL-12 can be looked at as the Chinese equivalent to the Gerard, but on a wheeled chassis, and with more modern electronics and systems. the gun itself is even derived from the Swiss 35mm, although modified with an increased rate of fire to compensate for the loss of the second cannon. the LD-35, originally starting as a concept under the name SWS-2, was meant to compensate for the shortcomings of the PGL-12 by adding an armament of 4XTY-90’s to engage longer range and faster targets.
Almost all of its appearance’s have been at Chinese military expos, and its only been seen from the late 2010’s to early 2020’s. It seems that currently, the Chinese military is focused on attempting to export the design as a short range SPAA system, although it remain unclear if any nations will purchase it, and if the PLA will ever formally adopt it to replace and upgrade the existing PGL-12’s.


SWS-2(LD-35) Concept
LD-35 Current
The LD-35 makes use of weapon systems that we are already very familiar with in game, from its pod of 4XTY-90’s, and its single 35mm cannon, derived form Oerlikon cannon we see on several other SPAA. The turret is unmanned, with the crew sitting in the hull. It has a search radar, and a IRST capable optic for the gunner to use.

Weight: 23 tones
Power: Deutz BF6M1015C diesel 11.9 liter
440 hp (330 kW)
Max Speed: 100km/h
Transmission: Semi-Automatic
Is Amphibious

4XTY-90(-5 ° to + 70 ° movement for missile launcher elevation angles)
1X35mm chinese revolver cannon( -2 ° to + 85 ° elevation angles) with 1000RPM rate of fire. Can use all shells made for Gepard
initial velocity of 1050 to 1175 m/s
400 rounds of ammo

Fire Control system:
Search radar can reach up to 24km
Optical electronic unit can track a jet at around 12km
has the same systems as found on the PGL-12


Credit to @NCC105 for helping me find some of the most important info!


+1 ofc, fill the gap between 9.3-11.7


I like the idea, would be great at 10.7 imo.






+1 China has a gap between the Tor and the PGZ that this will help fill very nicely. Fortifying existing lineups with anti-aircraft utilities such as this one is essential.


Only stupid people will vote no. This and also the PGL-12 are much needed anti airs to clear the skies from planes. I suggest putting this to 9.0 br.




+1 from me, also what about the ammo of the cannon? i readed somewhere that there are proxy rounds for the 35mm cannon (the pgz09 can also use them but aren’t in game for balancing reasons ig)


It could receive all normal shells in game, but also multiple Chinese domestic made rounds, and yes I believe proxy should be one of them

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if gaijin decides to add proxy rounds it would be good to have this thing at 10.7, while the yi tian at 10.0.?

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I think that would make the most since, but also hard to sya what gajjin will do

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This is beautiful. I’ve looked at it for five hours now. +1

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The fact that my nation’s top tier SPAA is the Tor-M1 is disgusting(im ok with the tor in the chinese TT, just we dont have enough chinese modern SPAAs)


As for the fate of PGL-12 in PLA service, it seems it has lost to the Type 625 SPAA and was never seen again after a few trial use.

+1 SWS-2 is (well, now was) my favorite chinese light tank/spaa, knowing that there is an upgrade of it with 2 more ty90s is good to know :)

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PGZ09 should have AHEAD ammo, not proxy, but time fuse with programing to make it act like proxy

AHEAD can only be programmed with a special muzzle device, which can be seen on the end of the PGZ09’s gun barrells. The same device is on the Puma, which is the only other vehicle ingame capable of shooting AHEAD

If the missiles are indeed TY-90s, then it could be 10.3-10.7 even since their range and maneuverability can exceed most other MANPAD-type missiles in WT.


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It will fill the gap, +1

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