Dear players and developers of our beloved game War Thunder,
I would like to address you with a request to change the HMD for American aircraft in the game. Currently, the JHMCS for top-tier aircraft looks, forgive me, terrible. What’s even worse is that it is the same for all aircraft. I ask you to modify the JHMCS separately for each aircraft.
One of the major drawbacks is that the HMD does not display the locked target on the radar, forcing players to activate the missile seeker, which complicates combat. Additionally, some important interface elements present in the real JHMCS are missing.
I urge the developers to review this aspect and adapt the HMD for each aircraft in accordance with its real-world counterpart.
This will require a bug report for the specific aircraft with evidence of what it should look like. I assume, in the absence of this information, they are using a slightly more generic HMD
This for example, should be easily reportable and is present on HMDs i’ve used in game such as on the Typhoon.
But like @Morvran said, for JHMCS to be modelled separately for each aircraft that use it to include any differences between them then separate bug reports would need to be made for each. That might take a while though, F-15C/E/J(M)/Baz M/I, F-16C/A OCU/C Barak II/D, F/A-18C (might have missed one or two).
Personally I think it would be better for JHMCS to be the same for all aircraft that get it but it gets the fixes and missing features that it is missing. It would be easier that way instead of having 10+ versions varying slightly.
No, that wont be accepted. It will need to be primary or secondary sources. Ideally pictures of the actual HMD. (A lot of the bug reporting for the Typhoon came from a documentary on the Typhoon for example, which showed the HMD)
You can contact a Tech Mod for help with bug reporting
Yeah it was reported a while ago but nothing has come of it yet. I did ask Smin if he could bump it but he said that the Devs are busy sorting through the current Dev Server reports but they might look at it after Hornet’s Sting releases. After the update I will probably ask if he could bump it again so it atleast gets accepted.
Yeah it’s a shame. Would love to see some attention from the Devs go to looking at some cockpit bugs/issues and fixing them. Just looking at how many issues I have found which haven’t been fixed is frustrating. Just in the topic I made there’s 105 reports with only 3 issues that have been fixed since making it.
Even from this coming update I have collected loads of reports (28 to be exact) to test after the update releases to see if any of them have been fixed.
But no doubt there will be even more that turn up alongside the update that wasn’t present/reported during the Dev Server.