JH7A can use more precision-guided weapons

During the service life of JH7A, most of its career is spent on launching various missiles.
YJ83 anti-ship missiles, YJ9 light anti-ship missiles, YJ91 anti-radiation bombs, etc. Anti-ship is his job, but in addition to these anti-ship missions, the JH7A also carries a large portion of the Chinese Air Force’s ground attack.
He uses more than just laser-guided bombs, but a wider variety of ground-attack missiles, such as the KH29, which accompanied the introduction of the SU30 into China, the YJ83/YJ9, which are modified with TV-guided or laser-guided guides, and its most commonly used ground-strike weapon, the KD88.
The KD88 is a bit more outlandish for the current game, and while it has infrared imaging guidance capabilities, it has a 240km range and a combatant equivalent of 250kg+, and I don’t see acquiring it right now (even if the Americans have the AGM62ER)
But as an 11.7 weight ground attack aircraft, the JH7A should get certain FF missiles, such as the KH29T, and there are images to prove that the JH7A is allowed to fire the KH29.





jh-7a need kh-29t



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At the very least it should receive the KH-29, but it should also atleast receive some of the shorter range ATGM’s that are domestically produced by China such as the C-704 with IR TV guidance. Considering how at most It can only carry 4 guided weapons, it means the the plane is already a bit restricted in its effectiveness compaired too other strikes planes at the same BR, but with having such a restricted loadout, it feels really underwhelming if its going too stay in the 11-12.0 bracket


不发很正常,我一点都不觉得意外。 以前以为多氪金就会给你好东西🤣,只给铁炸弹都正常,官网以前就说了,爱玩玩 ,不玩。。。。

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I’m sorry but I don’t know what your saying 😔

My English is not good, so I use translation software
To put it simply, I mean:
“Where is my fking missile”


Lmao real

Can’t agree more
It should get KH29T or something like that
Otherwise it should be at lower BR such as 11.3


@Smin1080p any chance you could make a comment about the possibility of air too ground missles such as the Kh-29 coming too the JH-7? And also would y’all be accepting bug reports for missing ordnance right now since the devblog seems too suggest that the only guided ordinance coming are laser guided bombs?


KH-29 is currently not on the loadouts for this aircraft. Reports can be submitted for consideration with properly sourced evidence when the aircraft is final and available.


You heard Smin, comrades.
Write up the report


Greatly appreciate the response

Yep, and while the photo evidence is good, I think it would be nice if folks can also gather up extra info so we have double proof, just too convince gajjin


Credit too pesto, but this article should be a good start, and someone else found the image, and then ofc shout-out too the guy on Twitter who identified the JH-7A with the Kh-29T:


I’m just putting this info here for now, so we can collect it and then use it in a report


Just throwing my two cents in from the RR thread.

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I would also like to see the dual rack for the GB 100’s be added. For ground RB, I think this would make a big difference with being able to now carry, what up to 8 GBU’s compared to 4? Albeit they don’t have as much explosive mass. Could still be very useful as a lot of the tanks it will see are quite lightly armored.

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Some nice guy has created the issue to add 6 x TS250 guided bomb loadout
JH7A can carry 6x TS250 laser guided bomb as historic loadout // Gaijin.net // Issues