J7W1 BR drop / air spawn?


Why does the J7W1 continue to sit at 6.0?

It has a terrible top speed for the BR (Only reaches high speeds around 8000M) , no climb rate, no medium speed manoeuvrability, and does not maintain energy particularly well. The only thing that this aircraft has going for it is its 4 x 30mm guns, which you only get 60 RPG. Most games in this plane consist of just trying to evade until a team mate can come and save you. It is very unenjoyable.

This thing could easily get an airspawn and go to at least 5.7.


Just read these threads:


Oh hey look, japanese J21

Welcome to pain, my friend
welcome to pain

I fully agree it should go to 5.7 as a unseen, unheard of, completely off meta fighter.

Well, most of Japanese props are pretty painful, due to their foolish opponents