Is the Tornado GR.1 worth it?

Yeah, I haven’t used it much in sim, maybe I’m pressing the wrong buttons.

Yeah personally I hope the Tornado would not get AMRAAM (Yet) Until it gets the rest of it’s problems sorted.

Radar is always fiddly to use.

Yeah I still don’t know most of their functions, just IFF, PDV, SRC, HDN, ACM modes, I don’t really understand TWS (Britain doesn’t get TWS as far as I know) or any of the other modes. I also don’t understand Russian radars well (only IFF)

I kinda hope it does. Give the F4s the 9Ls they should have, and then move the F3 up. Currently the SkyTrash STs are kinda unreliable and you cant win in a turn fight. So AMRAAM would give it some much needed teeth. More than likely though, at least for us playing in ASB, you’d face the exact same jets. Its going to be EC9 where you’ll find Fox 3s, so would rather have them. Whether its 11.7 or 12.3. if its only fighting 12.3s then what it faces aint going to change

F3 has TWS

List of modes;

I get the basics but dont understand it fully. ASking in the Tornado thread could be a good idea if you need help

I especially agree with the 9L, I mean, AIM-9G works just fine but 9L is what they do need. Give them 9L, but them up to 11.3,

As with the Skyflash, I have no idea what is up with the normal Skyflash and I’ve never used the ST. Skyflash only hits my target 50% of the time, and it’s really annoying. Even if they’re flying in a straight line from a perfect launch.

ST is just a little faster with slightly better range. But basically the same. Yeah, raising your nose and firing can help, but they just dont always track, its a real shame.

Yeah but I won’t have the F.3 for a long time, since I only just got the Meteor F.4, and I am still wondering whether I should go for the Harrier GR.7 or Tornado F.3 next.

I find that they track until it’s just about to hit the target then it just… idk it has perfect tracking till it’s just about to hit

Harrier Gr7 is a really fun aircraft in ASB. If you are in no rush for the F3. especially if A2A combat is not your thing, then you may enjoy the Gr7 more.

Yeah, i’ve had a few just… miss. Also a few that decided to kill a tree or go on holiday rather than tracking the target. Though lofting has helped with both

Yeah, I just don’t really know if I should get the GR.7 because I don’t ground pound, and otherwise it is very similar to the FRS.1 which I have

Yeah that has been a problem of mine, sometimes they just lose track and explode after launch too

Try raising your nose to about 10 degrees above the target before firing. So the missiles archs up and kinda comes down on the target. Can help a lot with BVR missiles. Also in the F4s, when head on with an enemy, use PD.

Ah yeah, the Gr7 is a little better in the turns, but the FRS1 is very similar playstyle (cant wait for that to be finsihed as well)

Then yeah, maybe start working towards the F3 instead.

Yeah alright thanks, I just like Tornados more than Harriers tbh

Yeah PDV HDN is my usual mode ahaha


Then yeah, I’d go for the F3 first. Though fingers crossed we get the Tornado Gr4 soon. Firing of Brimstones from that is going to be really really good fun