Is the Tornado GR.1 worth it?

Ah yeah, the Gr7 is a little better in the turns, but the FRS1 is very similar playstyle (cant wait for that to be finsihed as well)

Then yeah, maybe start working towards the F3 instead.

Yeah alright thanks, I just like Tornados more than Harriers tbh

Yeah PDV HDN is my usual mode ahaha


Then yeah, I’d go for the F3 first. Though fingers crossed we get the Tornado Gr4 soon. Firing of Brimstones from that is going to be really really good fun

Oh yeah GR.4 is sexy, I have it as my laptop background ahaha, though I can’t wait for the 800,000 RP grind for it!

Hehe, in ASB, actually not that hard to do. Didnt take me more than a day or 2 to farm out the GR1 in the Gr7, and then the same again for F3 using the Gr1. Though I did have the aircraft before them already unlocked. Probably not more than a few days, maybe a week of hitting ASB kinda hard to grind that much. Assuming about 30-50k per 1-2 hour game

Yeah I get really distracted, like I’d bomb a base, then instead of going to the next one: OOH A PLANE, then I fly halfway across the map to find out it is a friendly bot. Then I run out of fuel, glide back to base, repeat. I only get about 30k per 3 hours.

hehe, easily done :P I definetly havent found myself limping back to base at 50% throttle because I decided to chase something instead of landing like I should

I’m often all the way next to an enemy airfield with 2:45 fuel left, just because I decided to check out this plane (it was a friendly F-4S suicide bombing an airfield)

haha. Just land on their AF, Im sure they wont mind sharing some fuel :P

Yeah definitely… is there any way for me to not get as distracted?

Nope :P

Gott verdammt. Oh well I’ll just take less fuel, that should work right? Therefore my fuel will get low just as I reach the enemies base, so I can turn back (instead of thinking “yeah I have enough”)

Prehaps there is a reason to take that fuel tank ;D

Yeah you might be onto something there, but with that extra fuel I would want to get another base, but I don’t have enough bombs


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Tested out bomb loads and figured out what you need to destroy a base.

6x Mk13s (was 5) or (when you get into the Gr1) 7x Mk83s (was 6)

So you could destroy one base and then damage a second. But you couldnt destroy 2 full bases anymore in the Phantom. That is still a fairly decent amount of score though. You only get a bonus from destroying a base. You still get plenty of score for damaging a base

bugger it. one bomb short.

also why can’t they give the Phantoms napalm?

I don’t know why they havent given Napalm to a lot of jets. The Harrier Gr1s only just recieved them. I think they could be carried on all the Phantoms and Bucs. Jags too probably