Is It Time For More Top Tier Modern MBTs?

No, obviously.

But you’re not seriously implying that the SEP v3 features literally no other improvements other than armour, right?
The SEP v3 will have a whole host of additions to it’s systems just like the M1A2 SEP did before it.

The current M1A2 platform has reached it’s maximum weight limitation and therefore reached a ceiling in terms of upgradability.
That’s why the M1E3 program is now underway, which aims to bring the M1 platform back to much lower weight so that it offers new upgrade potential.

SEPv3 is 3 tons heavier than SEPv2, which is 2 tons heavier than SEP, which is 1 ton heavier than A2.

Basically, there’s a 6 ton difference between A2 and SEPv3, and that’s taking into account the ~3 tons saved from the weight saving measures.

There’s only so much new or additional electronics can weight… and I seriously doubt there’s 3 extra tons of electronics from SEPv2 to SEPv3 when most of the additional weight from A2 to SEPv2 was electronics already (and again, in spite of the weight saving measures).

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heres some SPAA

USA: Hisar-A(15km Range) + C&P Libyan Pantsir(18km Range)
Germany: IRIS-T System (25km Range)
China: HQ-17 (15km Range) + HQ-17A FM-2000 (30km Range)
Israel: HVSD/ADAMS (12km Range) + Spyder AA (20km Range)
Sweden: IRIS-T System (25km Range) + NASAMS HML (30km Range)
Italy: CAMM (25km Range) + Draco w/ DART
UK: MMEV (25km Range) + CAMM (25km Range) + Sky Sabre/Land Ceptor(25km Range)
France: Crotale Mk3 VT-1 Missile (16km Range)
Russia: Pantsir S2 (30km Range)

Edit: IRIS-T SLS (~12km Range). IRIS-T SLM (~40km Range)


We definetly do not need another Pantsir.

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Why is USA getting a Libyan vehicle?

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It was a suggestion.

America captured a Libyan Pantsir and used it for testing.

America doesn’t have a good SPAA equivalent to add since they jump straight to SLAMRAAMS and Patriot. Which are both to early for player controlled vehicles. Even the Hisar is Turkish IIRC.

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So its a new Swedish T-80? No thanks.

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I think the BR’s just need to be spread accordingly and features, like the ballistic computer, implemented, that make newer tanks stronger.
Time wise the tanks already are quite a bit more modern than the planes

Auto track for tanks?

I might be confusing and remembering wrong but there was weight saving initiative where they replaced a lot of the older copper wiring/cables which saved somewhere between 1-3 tons.

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The issue isn’t these new tanks, because honestly they won’t introduce any new mechanics that cannot already be implemented on existing tanks.
But rather that between the top tier and mid tiers of every nation there are serious gaps.
It would be unhealthy for the game to have a lot of WW2 tanks, a lot of top tier tanks, and not many mid-tier tanks.
Still primarily IFVs and LTs missing from this game for all ranks.

Yep! I listed 3 tons saved at minimum, but it is most likely that the Abrams saved about 4 tons between M1A2 and M1A2 SEPv3.

Which means; if we don’t take into account these weight-saving measures, M1A2 SEPv3 would weight easily 71 tons.

Which means that, without the weight-saving measures, there’s a 9 ton increase between M1A2 and M1A2 SEPv3.

So… of these 9 tons, I can buy that up to 4 of them are new electronics, APU, etc. But the other 5 tons…? What exactly would those 5 extra tons account for, if not improved protection…?

Improved Protection could mean a whole host of different things

  • Lighter Arrays
  • Different Materials

Just because a vehicles says it got improved protection from an upgrade doesn’t necessarily mean it will protect more against KE threats.

And besides what I said is the same stance Gaijin takes when looking at vehicles with improved protection. We don’t really know how a tank achieves the improved protection so it won’t get the improved protection.


I mean… if there’s a 5 ton weight increase leaving aside additional equipment and the weight saving measures, I doubt they are exactly lighter xD

And here’s where the issue lies.

Making well-educates guesstimations based on available sources should be acceptable.

If we KNOW armor is improved, any improvement estimation based on what we have is better than not modelling any improvement at all.

Imagine if Leopard 2A7V had the exact same armor as Leopard 2A4 ingame because Gaijin didn’t consider reliable enough the sources about its improved armor… imagine they said: “we know it’s improved, but we don’t have solid sources stating numbers/values, so we will just keep it like 2A4’s instead”. Because that’s what’s happening with the Abrams.

There’s a point, when it comes to fully clasified and secret vehicles, where making well educated guesstimations should be acceptable, instead of keeping the armor blatantly wrong just not to make a move.

Well the SEPv3 is supposed to have a new armor package in the form of NGAP, the problem is that we don’t really know much about it beside the name.

I agree. Gaijin takes 0 liberates when implementing a vehicles.

They are so conservative and sticklers for their sources that they will purposefully and blatantly add a completely wrong vehicle without a second thought on it.

That’s fine and dandy that SepV3 gets different armour package but in the eyes of Gaijin all the V3 is going to get is the SEP(Same Exact Protection) with a few extra plates added on. Because no sources stating the increased protection will be able to found since its all classified.


This is going to be the problem with more Modern MBTs eventually being added to game.


And any others.

Theres so little information on these tanks outside of “Designed to protect against modern threats”. That gives Gaijin the leeway to completely fudge the protection in anyway they believe.

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For top tier there are some USSR and Russian Objects worth even for top tier.

Some of the improvements with the SEP v3 include, but are not limited to:

  • Improved power generation and distribution to support the increasing power demands
  • Compatibility with joint battle command network
  • Survivability enhancements including Next Evolution Armor
  • Additional floor stiffners
  • Hardware to improve lower limb protection
  • ?Reinforced suspension elements?
  • Changes to internal structural supports
  • Reduced vulnerability to IEDs
  • Improved lethality via ammunition datalink
  • Incorporation of auxiliary power unit
  • Improved silent watch capability
  • Total Integrated Engine Revitalization (TIGER) engine
  • Upgraded transmission for improved power pack reliability and durability
  • Improved computer systems to include microprocessors, color flat panel displays, memory capacity, Soldier-Machine Interface (SMI)
  • Block 1 Second Generation Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) for the Gunner’s Primary Sight and the Commander’s CITV for improved thermal ranging night vision capabilities.

The wiring alone for all the different kinds of systems bolted onto the M1 platform account for possibly up to several tons.
You are consistently underestimating the multitude of additions the M1 has received, and their subsequent weight increases.

Not at all, I am just aware that weight-saving measures were taken to make up for the additional weight of those upgrades.

4 tons of additional equipment, 4 tons of weight-saving measures… and yet, there’s still 5 more tons to account for.

Besides, you did NOT include SEPv3 improvements alone here; you have included improvements of the entire SEP program, and mostly from the base SEP.

My whole point is about the multiple extra tons from SEPv2 to SEPv3, when the majority of the features you listed had already been implemented between SEP and SEPv2.