Is It Time For More Top Tier Modern MBTs?

The BVM is infinitely better than any B3

Look at merkava mk4 its not good

Not good as it currently stands. The tank is an absolute powerhouse IRL, and its “multiple use abilities” have proven well. It’s armor is much better than how it acts in game, they have a lot to fix on the merkava before it really becomes what it’s real glory is IRL.

Doubt it gonna fix look at Leclerc for example still don’t get armor fix until these days if it was Russian i’ll give not more than a week to get fix


It’s funny how we already have the 2A6EX in the form of the PSO, but we still don’t have the proper D-Tech armor for it lol.

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Absolutely gold post my brother.

Thank you for taking this initiative absolutely gold.

Great ides and discussions here left and right so hopefully we can get this forwarded higher up!

The purpose of adding two SEPv3s is allowing us to make a lineup of stronger tanks!

And same goes for the addition of V4.

V4, V3 Trophy, V3 and V2 is better than V3, V2 and V1!

If Gaijin ever bothers to improve the hull armor of the Abrams (and that’s a big IF, since they said they “believed” there were never any hull improvements, not even for V4), it will likely be only from V3 onwards; hence why I want as many V3s and V4s as possible lmao

Realistically, SEPv2, AIM and FEP would also have improved hull armor, but here we are. So the V3s and V4 and onwards are our only hopes.

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They can be stupid sometimes
US is not Russia did gaijin really believe that word superpower that spend money for it military almost more than Russia entire GDP don’t bother upgrading hull armor of their Tanks?
If not stupidity then must be ignorant

Don’t forget about the Abrams test beds.

CATTB / M1 TTB / M1 Thumper

Also Challenger Falcon

Edit: Challenger Falcon is CR1s

If you would go full on with USSR there would be Object 640, Object 195 and Object 187 N5/6, there’s more really but it could be a really bug stretch for any nation.
However I am more interested to come back to cold war tanks to actually add more of them and close gaps in nations.

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But when will Gaijin inplement these fixs to game?

as i know that ZTZ99A has a 140mm canno protrotype, and VT4 has a new improved model VT4B

i remember that israel have Merkava Mk.V and it has appeared in the Gaza area before

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Probably because there’s still no clarity whether D-technologie is purely referring to the external armour modules.


As TheChieftain says, the M1 is a '70s tank upgraded to the level that congress is willing to pay for.

The XM-1 project’s main goal was to lead to the creation of an affordable tank, after the failure of the MBT-70 project and the spiraling costs associated with it, there was a major focus on keeping the vehicle’s costs down.
Also, if budget weren’t a concern like you’re implying, they would’ve already moved past the M1A2 and it’s variations entirely.

Another major concern is the weight of the vehicle, numerous potential improvements were not carried out because the weight penalties they brought were deemed too great.
This is precisely why the M1E3 program is focussed around substantial weight reductions.

And here’s a analysis regarding upgraded hull armour for the M1E1, clearly demonstrating that the improvement in hull protection makes nearly no difference in the efficiency and lethality of the system.

Especially considering only around 6% of total hits occurr to the lower plate of an M1 according to US testing.


As much as I like the idea of adding modern variants (like T-90M/T-80BVM 2023 mod and whatever WESTFOR is cooking), I think we need more IFVs/APCs first and then we can tackle the experimental variants (like there is a whole park of Soviet “Objects” from the 80s (personally would love Object 195, as it was or “as it could be”)

About the only theoretical difference the V4 would have is probably newer thermals than the preceding SEPs. But SEPv4 program got shadow realm’d into the M1E3 Program IIRC, so I don’t think we’d ever actually see a SEPv4 per Gaijins rules about vehicles needing at least a model produced. Unless someone can find evidence they actually built a SEPv4 before the program in question was changed to the M1E3 program…

Source on upgraded thermals here:

Can you make a list of SPAAs and IFVs for every nation.

Need as many as he can.

Not feeling that optimistic since they used the sweeping statement of ‘all production model Abrams’ in that devblog post about the Abrams hull armor. As it stands we’re still waiting on the 250% improved chemical protection on the turret side armor for the SEPs & the volumetric turret ring implementation.