Idea to solve CAS problem in RB

Which proves my point, they’re more than ready to sacrifice many things just for money, even something as important as gameplay isn’t safe.

Many other games that have multiple branches available have predetermined roles (and number of them) set before the game has even started, but Gaijin isn’t keen to put limits on their cash cows.

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Oh sorry! I thought we are talking about video game with tanks and planes and not real war, understandable, you are right, have a great day.

And what are your tanks and planes used for, realistic battle recreations. Have a great day

Silly point
In this game, there are only vehicles, without:
-mine fields

  • frontlines
    -basic needs
    -wounded crews
    -artillery many km behind frontlines
    -PTSD etc
    you dont even need to care about fuel here( in GRB)
    Its a limited system and engine limted video game made to have fun, why it should not be predictable?
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If you could predict the roll of a dice you would be a very rich man. Do you actually want a predictable game, repeat after repeat. Do you not want surprise and a challenge

And how my idea about reducing unfairness of CAS is gonna make this game 100% predictable?
And btw tell that to almost every MMORPG, Counter strike, rainbow six siege, all moba, strategic, screw it, even chess and card games players to stop playing because you can predict 100% of their games( 1000000% true statement, no sarcasm)

I don’t think they are putting in the effort to please either party to be honest, not considering the time they have had this game running.

One has to wonder whether that is the fault of the Game makers or the fanbase though. There is always a legion of defenders for what many see as the game’s bad points.

Quite simple, because currently rather mediocre pilots are able to use their conceptual advantage vs tanks without facing stiff air resistance.

No offense, but your whole response looks like you have used a very bad translator - none of your points is actually dealing with what i wrote.

Nobody forces tankers to play Air RB, bur somehow 80-90% of the prop pilots i meet there are tanker mains. Aligning the rather bad economy of Ground RB with Air RB would make Ground RB an option for current Air RB only players - currently you lose SL/RP (compared to Air RB regarding time investment) if you play there.

Your proposal is way too complicated to implement, despite it looks similar. You might consider that any kind of restrictions to use Air in Ground RB will face stiff resistance from players (which are able to use them to their advantage) and is affecting gaijin’s business model - imho a dead end.

It looks way more promising to add options than to limit options…

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I suggested on a similar post having varying SP costs per game for CAS so CAS can be plentiful in one GRB game and rare in another. At least give some tankers a break now and then and force one trick ponies to not rely on CAS for kills.

I never said you need to spawn with SPAA as your first vehicle. I said you can respawn in SPAA but you choose not to.

Yes, majority of kills in ground RB is from other ground vehicles. Just check the statistics at the end of the game.

Here you are again on another anti CAS forum It’s all just becoming spam.
I understand the argument but how many times?


Im not creating these threads…

I’ve suggested it before rather than allowing CAS to spawn you should be able to spawn a plane equipped with only anti-air missiles immediately at the start of the match.

I think this would be the only way to keep up with the current rate of air vehicles behind added. You can even restrict this feature to battles 10.0+ where SPAA first spawning will counter anyone stupid enough to go strafing with 20mm vulcans.

Not but they all end up the same way in the same petty argument. It’s not like either side has no valid point, is it? The AA argument fails in a tank with zero AA ability.
Would you spawn in a plane with no means to attack a tank?

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And it is so rewarding if you expect it, kill the revenge bomber and he exits the battle within seconds ^^

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Its not an anti-CAS post, but I guess you have to read it to know that…

Yeah but you have to die first to spawn as AA( it also applies to aircraft)

And of course most of the kills are tank vs tank, but the difference is, you have chances against tanks or you can just run away from things that you wont be able to kill

It has become and anti CAS just like they all do and that is because people don’t read them, they deal with the last post made. We have endless posts like yours or mine suggesting work arounds, but all people want to do is argue for the sake of having an argument.

It’s like going to a football match for a fight.


I bet he does lmao

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Well, of course I know him. He’s me!

But jokes aside I guess you are kinda right, my answer was chaotic, so I’ll enable monke-logic mode to be more readable( no offense, its just to better understand the topic, not to bully you or something like that)

Ready? Ok

Your idea:
-Ground- worse air players
-Air- better air players
-Tank players in air battle- uses flying bird
-Air players in ground battle- uses flying bird
-Tank player sad, cannot counter, air player crush big metal box, air player kills big metal box!

another paragraph

-Air player forced to play not with only aircrafts- air player sad
-Ground player forced to not play CAS in GRB( Air player can only play it)- Ground player sad

  • unexperienced SPAA or AA player fights experienced air player- AA player sad, tank player veeery sad

My idea:

-Easier implementation

  • CAS less restricted
    -CAS from the start
    -Ground players play AA, SPAA and air, Similar experience

tank player happy, cas player happy, AA player happy, and air player happy

I hope that will describe my idea more clearly.

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