How to properly report players and contact Game Masters!

How to properly report players and contact Game Masters

First, let’s have a look at what different ways are a player acts against the rules, and what to report when:

Click Spoiler to view


Or, with more details about how players can report issues, like this:

Click Spoiler to view

Reporting a player for chat- or name related issues:

If someone in the chat write “bad” ’ things and/or violates the game rules (e.g. by having chosen an unacceptable player name…), report this person via the ingame report function!

This is done as follows:

During and at the end of the match there is a table with all players and their results. Find the name of the player you want to report, right click on it. A small window with various options will open. To report the player, you should use the “Report” option.

Click to activate spoiler

Then another folder will open where you can select the category. In the next window you need to write a small message that will help us understand the issue.

Click to activate

After that, click Send! Done, report sent!

Please note that you must be in the match (or in the chat window if it’s in a chat channel in the hangar…) when you report the player, as only then the chat log of said match / channel is attached to the report! We need this chat log to be able to prove the offense…

Reporting a player for gameplay related issues (suspected cheats, bots, TK)

Now to gameplay related offenses (suspected cheating, bots, harasssment (pushing into line of fire, etc.), excessive team damage,…):

Those cases are to be reported using the Server Replay Report functionality, meaning you will need to find the server replay of the match where you observed the issue, then report it as described below. This again is needed to provide exactly the info and proof we need to positively identify the offense and act on it:

How to find a server replay?

First you need to go to the website where all the server replays are located:

  1. visit the War Thunder homepage (
Click to activate

  1. Click on “Community” and then on “Replays”.
Click to activate

Next you need to find the server replay of the game you want to save or report a player.

The easiest way is to filter out only the games in which you participated. Theoretically, it is the last game you played…

  1. check the box next to “Find replays with my participation”.
  2. click on “Search…”
  3. in the filtered list of games, click on the game you want to view as a replay server

As you can see from the screenshot below, selecting a specific game will open a window with more information about the selected game, including a list of all players who participated in it.

Click to activate

Click to activate

Click to activate

To watch the replay, the War Thunder client must be running without a game or custom battle started, so it’s best to stay in the hangar.

Then click on 'Start Replay.

How do I report a player using the server replay report function?

To report a player, you need to click on the “exclamation mark”.

Then a small window will open with the options “Use of cheats” and “Unsportsmanlike conduct”.

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct: Harassment such as blocking a tank, pushing the tank into enemy fire or water.
  • Use of cheats: Suspicion of cheats and hacks used.

Choose one of these categories and write a short message about what happened so we can better understand the situation.

It would also be perfect if you could tell us at what point in the game this happened, so we don’t need so much time to look for the incident and can take care of it faster.

Click to activate

Click to activate

unknown (4)

Please note that because of data privacy reasons you as a reporter will not receive any feedback, neither automatically nor when you explicitly ask for it!

How and when to contact a GM (Game master)

We GM’s are mainly responsible for the following topics:

  • Processing chat-related reports
  • Processing player name related reports
  • Live moderation of official chat channels

We are not responsible for the following topics, and therefore can not provide you with any help regarding such cases:

  • Cheat / Gameplay Abuse related account bans
  • Finance related game bans (“negative credit card balance” issues)
  • Automated Team Kill bans

Please do not contact us in those cases mentioned above, because we can’t help you there

To contact a Game Master, first you have to see which Game Master speaks your language. The language is indicated next to the name. Here is a list to the Game Masters:

Game Masters:
(Contact them via PM if you have problem with: Chat Ban / Chat Moderation / Game Ban (excluding Bans due to Use of Forbidden Modifications / Hacking and Account Security Issues, or Teamkills). Note also the languages the GM’s can be contacted in.)

  • Alscrime- FR, EN
  • GracingLily - EN, CN, BM, (KR)
  • Crimfobic, EN
  • EsperJosh - EN
  • FastGT007- EN, DE, IT, FR
  • FlyingLeathrneck - EN
  • Gentlespie - EN, SP
  • Ledo - EN
  • Lazo1337 - EN, DE, SERBO-CROATIAN
  • Monika_in_action - EN, CN, (JP)
  • tbhoop - EN
  • white_3t - EN

Senior Game Masters:
(Contact them ONLY if those above cannot resolve your issue or if you have problem with any of them)

  • Badpanzer - EN
  • Beestar - EN, CZ, SK
  • Schindibee - EN, DE, FR, IT
  • WoIfman - EN

Community Manager:
(Contact him only if those above cannot resolve your issue or if you have problem with any of them)

  • OrsonES - EN, PL

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please contact a Game Master only via private messages!

  1. visit the profile of the person you want to contact by PN.
  2. click on “Send message”
  3. enter a subject and write the message, then click “Send” when you are done.
  4. the recipient of the message will surely write you back.

Note: If you don’t receive a reply within 48h, please add another GM’s or Senior GM’s to the message. We’re only volunteers and sometimes real life doesn’t allow us to respond more quickly. Please do not send individual messages to different GM’s, but add additional GM’s to existing messages.

The Game Master Team