WT players abusing players, WT not doing anything about it

WT the last couple of Big updates have caused heaps of new players to join mostly Adult children,
I am at a point where the chat is so bad I’m convinced I’m in a Cod lobby.
Why is chat now a place for players to go and tell each other to Kill themselves?
Why is this even a thing?
I do not remember seeing players talking to each other like this 2/4 years ago.
This type of chat is 10y to 21y old most people over 22 have some level of life experience and don’t act this way,

Players who say this should straight up get a lifetime ban on the account.

I would suggest everyone who reads this to submit a complaint on this player


Hey, sorry that you’re dealing with this. It’s never fun to hop on a game and deal with toxicity when you’re just trying to have a good time.

I would recommend using the complaint feature to snippet those chat logs so that the report gets sent to queue. If you feel that the issue is urgent, this post details the proper way to contact a Game Master.

I’ve been seeing a lot of toxicity lately too, sometimes that’s the nature of online games, but some people take it too far.

It’s not aimed at me, but at someone else I’m just showing a snapshot. I’m very aware of how to complain about it. it takes more than one to do anything about it tho.

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Even just dealing with that from game to game can be pretty annoying to deal with, and I can relate with that irritation. Directed at you or not.

If you know how to complain about it, then that’s the best thing you can do. I’m not so sure if it takes more than one person for anything to happen, I feel that any report is likely useful and logged. Regardless, I understand your sentiment.

It takes 10 different players complaints in 24h before they look into it from what I’ve seen and read.


I explode like that sometimes but I’m not of that kind which just looks at someone’s profile, I don’t care about their situation on game, but begin completely oblivious of the situation on the match is another thing. That’s where the toxicity begins. Since War Thunder is a competitive game in certain way, it’s something that happens.

I suppose in an egregious case or if you feel that a particular violation needs more urgent attention it wouldn’t hurt to contact one of the listed Game Masters from the topic that I linked.

Otherwise, it would make sense that the report system has some kind of threshold to flag activity by quantity of reports received. It would be pretty difficult for the volunteer team to address every single report manually.

Shouldn’t really excuse bad players such as the abuser in this instance… No matter the ‘reason’ there’s no reason to even accept that stupidity in the chat at all, let alone justify it.

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No, that is not how it works at all. The “Automated” msg players get when they have 10 or more complaints against them in a certain time frame is triggered by those reports, that is true. But ALL complaints filed by players(except for tk’s) are looked at by the Game Masters and dealt with accordingly. So even a single report will be looked at by a MOD at some point. The amount of reports they deal with would prolly blow player’s minds. The other thing is, you only report what YOU see as Rules violations while you play/chat etc. Making a report against a player because someone told you too, as the OP is suggesting, is also against the Rules, and unfortunately there is a widespread myth that if a player is reported enough times they will catch a punishment. This is also untrue. Only VAILD reports are acted on and a player cannot be punished more than ONE time for any single violation. So having 10 - 20 even 100 reports for the same thing is pointless, clogs up the complaint system and just creates a lot of unneeded work for the Game Masters. Their job is tough enough, no reason for players to make it more difficult. It’s also pretty thankless for the most part. They deserve more respect. But, unfortunately, a vast majority of the players never bother to read the Rules they agreed to follow and have very little understanding of how the complaint system actually works.
If you see someone breaking the Rules(good idea to read & understand them first) make a report using the in game complaint system and that’s it . . . your job is done. No need to talk about it, ask others to get in on it, make Forum threads/posts about it or post about it in the in game chats . . . just report it and have faith in the system in place . . ez pz . . . lemon squeezy


I really don’t get why people get upset about some 12YO trying to be edgy on the internet. just laugh at them, block them and move on .

People have always acted like this in online games, at least for the 20 or so years I have played them. It’s just recently people want to make a massive scene about it instead of just blocking them and going back to the game.


Ignoring it allows people to think this is ok, and they’ll continue doing it.

There are rules for a reason.

Saying things like this should actually result in a perma-mute.

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My blocklist unforetunately only holds 100 people and was filled up rather quickly. I first started deactivating “all” chat after that. That filtered at least the loudest rants while winning or losing. Closely followed by “direct message” or “whisper”, because that is the next greater source of incomming insults. Back then the game played slower and you had greater distances, which I used regularly and was insulted for left and right for sniping people at 1500m+.

Sorry, but that seems extremely thin skinned and excessive to me, people do already get chat banned permanently for repeated chat violations. What do you want them banned from the game completely for hurting your feelings? That strikes me as petty.
Do I think people should be saying things like that in game? No, obviously not, there are kids and people with mental issues playing. But there is already a system in place to deal with it. The guy in the screen cap 100% got a chat ban if he was reported.

And there is a system in place for dealing with rule breakers and applying suitable punishments for a reason to.

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You are the equivalent of guys with torches and pitchforks…Seriously…

Are you a SJW? Man, wake up. There is nothing to see there…

I just quote myself from another thread:

There is only a problem if you want to create a problem.

  1. If gaijin would care about toxic language in wt they would have implemented multi-language filters and hired enough staff to punish people which are violating their “Community guidelines” almost in real time.
  2. The fact that such things are not implemented is proof enough that they just follow the general trend in censoring communication as there is legal pressure from totalitarian governments (aka as “democracies”) to control language - and therefore indirectly thoughts.
  3. Just a reminder: This is a shooter - the whole point of playing a shooter is to kill (virtually) other players - so it is all about virtual violence. It is therefore kind of a joke that players complain about speech, which is by definition non-violent.
  4. This whole debate simply avoids the core issue: This game is designed to earn money with minors (with access to credit cards) - that’s why the game shows no blood and has a PG 12 rating.
  5. Most of the guys which like to be offended by everything (weather, climate, CO2, etc.) simply forget that they complain about a bunch of kids which have zero clue what they are talking about - and even if they know what they do: Nobody is enforced to be offended by a text from a random stranger.
  6. And nobody is enforced to play a SJW feeling the need to follow a “higher call” to play chat mod - they simply forget that it is gaijin’s responsibility that their rules are enforced. So it is up them to ask gaijin why they allow speech outside their rule set.
  1. Unfortunately not - if you play long enough you reach very fast the limit of blocking as you can only blacklist 100 people.
  2. I do agree that the in-game all chat shows a hell of extremely toxic language - as i do not want to be enforced to read this stuff i block them - but i have to delete an older entry first as i have always 100 guys blocked.
  3. Imho we need an increase of the limit of 100 players to 2-300 - and the possibility to add an attribute like “chat clown” or “team killer” in order to distinguish blocked players.
  4. And even if you block certain players, quite often you can still read their nonsense in all-chat; had this yesterday…

You can “disable radio” for an individual player, you can still get into games with them but it blocks out all their messages in all chats, I don’t know where you find so many abusive people though, in 5 and a half years I have 12 people on my blacklist, and I think most of those where either cheating, TKing or spamming “attention to the map”/ “attack the D point” non-stop.

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And that’s why reporting this sort of thing is needed, not growing a thicker skin and ignoring it…

Hence why I said I think they should get a perma-mute for this sort of idiocy because it’s just a game, but they obviously can’t handle that and let thier anger get the better of them, so they should lose their priviledges for it.

Ignoring them doesn’t fix the true issue.

I had a couple earlier on, it’s not that hard to actually find them if you just have chat turned on like many actually don’t.

That is making you incommunicable. I take the D point calls as an over-all plan about the match, and enthusiasm.

Spamming pings on the map though is a sign of panic and demand.

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I actually think it’s bugged in matches currently… Someone mentioned they were still seeing the blocked players messages in chat, where I know they weren’t able to be seen, and not even able to be clicked on to show.

That’s entirely up to you, I stated that I don’t care what people say in chat and don’t get why people care about the opinions anonymous nobody on the internet. I also stated that this behavior isn’t increasing, people are just making more noise about it and I might add giving the people saying the obnoxious things exactly what they want, attention.

They already do, so a mote point.

yes it 100% dose, I can’t hear them, issue gone.

I have chat on, I just suggest turning it off if you can’t handle the odd jerk that shows up. Sure some people curse out a spawn camper or a plane that is repeatedly bombing the spawn… or a PE-8 that bombs half his own team, put it rarely get excessively vulgar or abusive.

I think the fact that as I stated that I have 12 people blacklisted for 3 different reasons over nearly 6 years should tell you that I am only doing it in extreme cases, not just blocking anyone who calls 2 or 3 times at the start of the match.

Then they shouldn’t spam it on random locations for 5 mins before there is any enemy contact to the point my ears hurt. Go read “The who cried wolf.” there is a lesson in that, both for the ping spammers and the people complaining about chat abuse.


I don’t have any of that problem in my Game ,none at all.I turned chat off.It is a facility the game gave you too.

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Welcome to the INTERNET, if you dont like it dont read the chat