My teammate destroyed my nuke plane

like the title said i didn’t even provoke anyone in the match and he was waiting for me to reach the battlefield just to shoot me, is there any way to report him?


If the teamkill shows up in the kill feed then there is an automated system that deals with it, if it doesn’t show up in the kill feed then you can report it using the server replay function. A guide on how to report each issue can be found here: (How to properly report players and contact Game Masters!).


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so my reply gets flagged within… 40 seconds? really?


i have reported the player as the game master instructed, i hope they’ll take the necessary actions against nikitozzzzz91

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No idea how shooting a teammates plane equates to fun. I mean if you do it enough, and continue then they’ll ban you for it…so that’s fun.


yup, too many weak poeple in here.


My new favorite thing is taking the nuke plane and flying low and around 800 km/h. i dont care if i get to drop it or not i just like it when team m8s shoot me with machine guns or try to take me down and they immediately explode.

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Maybe the forum finaly recognized you as a bot.


Well, maybe if war thunder wasn’t getting boring people would not shot down friendly nukes for fun

Need to repost it, as someone decided to flag it for some reason. Maybe don’t try to censor people but engage in discussion?

Maybe you can answer me, why people don’t engage in normal gameplay but choose to troll for fun instead?

just disable aerial TK. problem solved

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disabling TK between tanks and planes would be a huge buff to already strong cas

Well you see it’s a game mechanic issue. There is a way to allow for CAS to be less powerful without that very abuse-able.mechanic.