Gaijin, Stop blanket nerfing an entire game mode - This is just a lazy approach and does not address the cause of the nerf

In today’s update (Update, the event score multiplier has been reduced across the whole air sim mode from 3.0 > 2.3. I believe this was done to address players suicide bombing airfields to rack up mission score very fast.

Other objectives in sim like killing enemy players, killing AI units, base bombing (2-5 bases for an entire team with 4+ mins re-spawn time) does not provide mission score fast enough to warrant a blanket nerf like this.

This nerf does not address the key issue behind the tactic but rather just punishes the air sim community as a whole. This is not going to stop the suicide bombers, they are just gonna bomb more for their event tasks.

This tactic wouldn’t have been possible/feasible in the first place if you guys added better air defense for airfields (which is widely being requested by the community) or adjusted mission scores awarded from just airfield bombing.

Nerfing a whole game mode just to address one/few tactics to speed up the grind is just a straight up lazy approach and to make matters worse, this nerf won’t even solve the root case.

Let’s make the game better for your player base, not the other way around.



the 15min 600 point cap is also ridiculous


Honestly couldn’t agree more, it’s just a lazy excuse for not doing anything effective to deter botters/zombers


so many times have i had it where i get like 6-7 kills in 15mins but i get same amount of rp and sl if i just got 1 kill


Yep. This system has grown into a real downer.
There is no reward for 2/3 of your actions, just risk of dying and loosing all the SL you can get in these 15 min.

I normally don’t give much about events so this change doesn’t really hurt me, but it’s the same lame and lazy solution as always. Punish all players, instead of solving the problem.


Yep… They just punish all sim players for the actions of a few. Again… and again… and again

When will they fix Sim instead of punishing sim players for their choice of playing sim.


Actions of a few?

The amount of players that abuse sim to grind the event are probably greater than the number of actual sim players.


Yeah but instead of adding reward caps and nerfs that affect the normal players Gaijin should instead place reward caps on what the zombers are doing, bombing bases and airfields. If Gaijin directed the nerfs to bombing then the number of zombers would drop drastically


Figure of speach. But punishing people who dont AF ram instead of fixing the AF ram tactic is not fair

If they made RTB be obligation for full bombing score it would aready fix 90% of problem. But why would they do that when they can make everybody suffer. Worsening your grind is more profit for them.


RTB should be 1 goal for sim game mode to get any reward at all.

I would request to have a 10% payout on death
45% on succesfull ejection in frendly held teretorry and on land
25% in enemy terrtory with a chance of 0% upon “imaginary capture”. The closer to a enemy airifeld base the higher the chance.
100% on landing intact.
and if you manage to land demaged, the more demage, a bonus.

I mean cammon, every idiot can take off a few can land but only the real skill players get home in a swiss cheese sponge smoking and leaking from holes. Thats wher eteh whole fun is in. How many bombers i had to bring home on one engine, manualy adjust featerhing and radaiators, just controll it withh ruder, use flaps and gear. Yes 90% of the timne you crash but when you dont…

Keep it for RB as it is but empehsis the sim aspect more. Pilots dont want to suiccide they want to come back home.

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I disagree. Sim SL gain is already not good, and these changes will only make it worse, and push new players away from the mode. Why should I pay 15k SL to spawn, only to not gain anything if I get shot down? Gaijin just needs to reward landing and making it back, instead of ruining the rewards if you die. Maybe give a larger SL+RP boost on landing instead.

Also, RNG 0 rewards is a really terrible idea.


They have already nerfed bomber damage and points generated from it.

The fact of the matter that the number of players that are exploiting the game mode far outnumber players that are playing the game mode for the sake of it.

I knew this was nonsense:

It’s for events and Pages of History, not the game mode itself.

No change to my score, same 390 per base it was for at least the last few months.

Holy moly.
Never cook again.


Let’s rephrase then: Punishing people who play sim for its own sake rather than show up for fast RP/score and then leave once they got what they wanted.

Are you paid to shill? You are biggest coalposter i have seen in my life.


Criticizing the game is shilling now? Okay. Keep defending War Thunder through hiding what’s really going on.

Agreed. The SL costs are the main reason I cannot play sim as much as I want (battlepass tasks being obnoxiously RNG with how specific they can be and not finding those planes an entire match second).

I do however see the point of incentivising RTB though. Maybe something like SL gain on getting killed cannot be lower (if you earned score that is) than it cost to take off regardless of useful actions time. However RP and mission score I don’t see as big of a reason to protest such.

It might even justify upping RP rewards again.

Yes, we all know that it affects the grind for events and pages of history, it said that directly in the changelog.

Score means absolutely nothing when there are no events. Gaijin have done this simply because they won’t deal with the zomber issue head on and instead are just trying to kill Air Sim instead.