

  • A bug that caused the loss of guidance of laser beam-riding missiles and missiles with semi-automatic guidance due to rapid release of flares and chaff has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug that caused the secondary weaponry to not appear on the pylons of previously torn-off wings if after landing on the airfield the reload was completed before the repair of the torn-off wing has been fixed. (Report).
  • AV-8B (NA) — a bug that caused the direction limits indicated in the targeting pod camera view to not match real limits has been fixed.

Ground Vehicles

  • A bug that caused gun-sights on vehicles with unguided rockets munitions (38 cm Sturmmörser, for example) to not display after the settings reset in the Sight settings menu has been fixed.


  • A bug where the player could hear random, seemingly unrelated pops, even further than 2-5 km from any sound source on the map has been fixed.


  • A bug that might have caused a game to crash in ground battles when switching between gunner and commander views has been fixed. (Report).
  • The multipliers that are applied to mission points in events and Pages of History for some ranks and game modes have been changed:
    • Ground Arcade Battles: 0.93 → 1.0
    • Air Simulator Battles: 3.0 → 2.3
    • Ranks I-III: 0.8 → 0.9

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


Still waiting for “All Merkava 4 variants had their armor corrected after we neglected them and their research for the past 2 years”


No put that sim multiplier back right now

Also I’ve been playing the Strv 103 lately, can yall fix the tanks parkinsons disease when aiming?


USS Gearing’s AA is still critically bugged.

Renown is missing her HE-VT, and has incorrect drafts along with many other ships.

US Battleships have ahistorically long reloads.


Pretty surprising it took them so long to nerf people abusing Air sim to AFK events. Solid changes for Ground arcade and ranks 1-3, but the balance is still a bit off between Air RB and Ground RB for events, it is a lot easier to get Mission score faster in Air RB than Ground RB, even if you aren’t afk bombing bases. Would be nice to see an increase in the mission score ground RB gives overall.


Best Snail can give “we’ve set correct weight to 80 tons based on this obscure source without corresponding protection increase”


So inetead of fixing real ASB issue - base bombing farm, everyone should suffer by receiving worse rewards. Great job.


Wow, i got my first bug report fixed within the last 10 years !!!


BM-31-12 is usable again! Just only 3 weeks of broken sights…

General “short sight” still has no distance markings, you need to reset the sight manually to fix it.

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It was really odd to hear every ATGM launch at any distance in a plane

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You guys could’ve just nerfed the points gained from airfield bombing. Blanket nerf across everything is just a lazy approach and a big L move. Zombers are now just gonna zomb harder.


Maybe you haven’t figured it out because you never played Air SB but not all players there abusing to AFK events, there are many who play for pvp.

BUT they are NERFING point earning FOR ALL of them

I think that’s a bit unfair.


You guys just can’t help yourselves, can you?
At least remove “useless actions” because I am so so so tired of being capped by this “feature”, effectively having half the rewards per minute than ARB.
No, on top of that you just HAD to reduce score for events. Why even play this game at this point?

AAB is boring.
You turned ARB into Ace Combat 16v16 five minute flustercluck.
Ok so I come to ASB, learn it and then boom. Useless action reward reduction. Boom. Score reduction.

Tell me. Where should I go play my planes now?!
I tell you, DCS!


no, this one is still present at least on the sturmtiger.

Petard was worse

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i did understand now that is for event vehicles progression not Rp and SL

is gaijin listening to my microphone? I was just complaining to someone else about that sound bug yesterday

Yes. Today’s change nerfs only score progression towards events. Nerfed because of zombers AKA bots.

ASB is capped by maximum points you can earn every 15 minutes called “useful action”. For example you can down 100 planes in 15 minutes, but only recieve RP and SL for 2 downed planes. The rest is just wasted. Implemented years ago because of zombers.

I brought it up, because I am pissed off. Instead of nerfing zombers in ASB, Gaijin is going the easy / lazy way AGAIN by punishing entire SIM community FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!


How about actually addressing the ‘farmers’ by reducing the score gained from suicide-bombing the airfields over and over? Blanket nerf across everything and inability to nerf the actual farming tactics is the reason sim players nowadays have to go to RB and save up SL to even afford to play sim.


I think many is an overstatement, the sim community is smaller than the naval one, but I’m well aware plenty of people play it for PVP, but those people are also getting massively inflated scores because they can farm all the free kills. It isnt their fault there are all of those free kills, but this is probably why they are nerfing the rewards as a whole, because they see everyone has inflated stats, and dont want to make it so that you have to be a good sim pilot to get anything done, because you have to remember that base bombing is a viable gameplay method, and hard nerfing rewards for just that will scare off a fair portion of the sim playerbase. I did try to get into sim air but it takes time, especially if you want to use a stick and pedals of any sort, and having a high bar of entry to something means that you do need to retain players when they get into it.

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