Dutch CV9035 NL MLU

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Welcome to the Dutch CV9035 NL MLU, this suggestion will introduce you to a potentialy new vehicle into the French/Benelux technology tree.



The CV9035 is the second export model of BAE Systems Hägglunds’ CV90 (Combat Vehicle 90) tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV). An improved version of the CV9030 MkII, it features a 35mm auto cannon and is considered the MkIII in Sweden. The Royal Netherlands Army was the first to order the CV9035 in 2004, followed by the Danish Army a year later. Surplus CV9035s from the Dutch Army have since been sold to Estonia.

The Royal Netherlands Army initially ordered 184 CV9035 vehicles in 2004. Deliveries began in 2007 and were completed by 2012. Subsequently, 44 surplus vehicles were sold to Estonia. In January 2021, the Royal Dutch Army received its first CV9035 vehicles that had undergone the Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU). A total of 122 vehicles will be upgraded between 2024 and final delivery in 2027, extending their service life until 2039. The principal upgrade includes BAE’s new MkIV D-Series turret, equipped with a dual Spike LR2 ATGM launcher and Iron Fist Active Protection System (APS), aligning most of the vehicle’s capabilities with those of the CV90 MkIV, albeit the overall vehicle baseline chassi is still based upon MkIII with an overhaul.


The CV9035 Mk3 differs from the Mk1 and Mk2 CV9030 models with several key changes:

  1. New 35mm main gun
  2. Frontal armor modifications
  3. New SAAB Active Protection System (soft)
  4. Additional storage box
  5. Changes to the rear of the turret
  6. Engine and transmission overhaul



The CV9035 NL is equipped with the Bushmaster III automatic cannon by ATK Alliant Techsystems, a 35mm calibre auto-cannon capable of firing different ammunition types such as the latest programmable air burst munitions KETF and APFSDS-T. Key features include:

  • Ability to fire 35mm Oerlikon
  • Compact size facilitating easy upgrades of existing turrets
  • Supports linked and linkless feed systems
  • Proven safety, reliability, and low life cycle costs
  • Dual feed system of 35 x 2 ammunition handlers

The CV9035 incorporates a Munition Programmer for Air Burst Munition and a target-driven gunner Man Machine Interface (MMI). The Fire Control System autonomously sets:

  • Type of ammunition
  • Lead and super elevation angles
  • Fuse setting (air burst, impact, or delayed detonation)
  • Burst and dispersion patterns

It is also the first CV90 IFV model to feature a Commanders Independent Sight, enabling the commander to search, engage, or hand over targets to the gunner, similar to a third-generation main battle tank. Both ammunition types are developed and produced by the German-Swiss company Oerlikon Contraves Pyrotec, a subsidiary of Rheinmetall DeTec. The ABM/KETF round features a programmable time-delay fuse, essentially modernized shrapnel. These shells contain tungsten-alloy pellets in front of a burster charge. The velocity of the projectile is measured in the barrel, and the delay setting is calculated and programmed inductively at the muzzle using data from the fire control computer. An electronic impulse sets the time fuze on the shell as it exits the muzzle, timing it to detonate just before reaching the target. This creates a cone-shaped spray of pellets, akin to a large shotgun blast. The ABM/KETF can effectively counter various modern battlefield threats, including armored vehicles, field fortifications with anti-tank guided missile systems, exposed troops, and attack helicopters. Recent trials during the initial procurement of the MkIII back in 2004 have demonstrated its capability to fire ABM ammunition. The gunner can choose between single or multiple shot modes and utilize an anti-aircraft mode with the laser range finder in “pulse fire” mode. The gun’s standard rate of fire is 200 rounds per minute. Additionally, a 7.62mm machine gun is mounted coaxially with the main armament for engaging light targets and providing close quarters defense, with an increased elevation of up to 50 degrees for urban warfare situations.


The CV9035 features new base armor with attachment bolts across the external surface, allowing for the mounting of modular armor such as MEXAS, AMAP, and RUAG’s RoofPRO-P Armor, as well as other passive armors. The vehicle includes full NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) protection and is compatible with both soft and hard kill Active Protection Systems as per client requirements. The standard soft kill APS classifies targets, provides threat warnings via the Vehicle Information System (VIS), supports the driver with maneuvering instructions, and deploys countermeasures to reduce the risk of being hit. The frontal arc armor is engineered to shield the vehicle and crew from 30mm armor-piercing ammunition. Additionally, the vehicle offers comprehensive allround protection against 14.5mm armor-piercing rounds and artillery fragment impacts.

Mid-Life Update Details (MLU)


At the International Armoured Vehicles Conference, BAE Systems Hägglunds detailed the Mid-Life Update (MLU) for the Royal Netherlands Army’s CV90s. This update, contracted on January 13, 2021, aims to keep the vehicles operationally relevant until the end of their service life in 2039. The update process began with a pre-definition study in January 2020 to identify required improvements, focusing on four key areas: situational awareness, NATO General Vehicle Architecture compliance, enhanced protection, and improved firepower. In general, the vehicle will receive the latest turret, Mk IV, or “5th generation” turret alongside minor upgrades to the vehicles baseline. This means it will be a focus on turret capability and what comes with the latest generation. Not every upgrade will be implemented since the MkIII cannot support all of the MkIV generational improvements because of the hull itself.

Situational Awareness Enhancements

The updated CV90 will feature significant improvements in situational awareness, addressing previous limitations. The current CV9035NL model includes a chassis-mounted daytime situational awareness system but lacks 360°-night observation capability. To address this, a mast-mounted electro-optic head will be installed at the center of the turret, providing all-round unimpeded vision at 10° negative elevation when the mast is raised 500 mm. This positioning helps avoid blind spots caused by other sensors on the vehicle roof.

This advanced system includes a laser rangefinder and an elevation arc of –20° to +60°. The mast can be raised to various heights up to the 500 mm limit, with the computer automatically correcting parallax errors based on the operating height. The sensors are fully operational and stabilised at maximum height and speed, ensuring comprehensive situational awareness.

The identification range of the electro-optic head matches the long-range lethality effectors, such as antitank missiles, for both day and night operations. Additionally, the system integrates Artificial Intelligence algorithms to enable automatic target detection, reconnaissance, identification, and tracking, significantly reducing crew workload.

These enhancements ensure that the updated CV90 provides superior situational awareness capabilities, vital for modern combat operations.

Protection Upgrades

The integration of Elbit Systems’ Iron Fist LD active protection system offers 360° coverage through strategically placed sensors and radars. This system neutralizes incoming projectiles and enhances situational awareness.

Firepower Improvements

The 35 mm gun has been repositioned to create more space in the turret, increasing the number of ready rounds by up to 25%. A twin missile launcher for Spike LR2 missiles has been added, offering multiple firing modes and enhancing long-range lethality.

Turret Redesign and Production Plan

The turret has been redesigned, maintaining a steel structure with added armour for enhanced protection. A new vetronic architecture will allow easier future upgrades. The turret is being built in Sweden, with production later moving to the Netherlands. The final design review was scheduled for December 2023, with the first delivery, that has been made, in 2024.


Steel tracks will be replaced by new rubber tracks provided by Soucy of Canada. This will further improve the overall sound quality both inside and outside of the vehicle. Albeit, the CV90 has a strong track record of being silent in comparison to equivalent IFV’s, this will further help improve its sound characteristics.




Characteristics Standard CV9035 NL MkIII
Characteristic Result

Main Gun 35mm Bushmaster III auto-cannon, Elevation -8 to +35°
ATGM Capability Yes
Secondary Weapons Coaxial 7.62mm Machine Gun
Ammunition Storage 35x2 ready rack and 133 stored 35mm, x? 7.62mm
Engine Scania DS16 41A 616hp (460Kw) Diesel
Transmission Perkins X300 Series, 4 speed forward/2 reverse
Top Road Speed 70 km/h
Road Range 600km+
Fuel Capacity 525 litres
Vertical Obstacle 1m
Water Capability 1.4m
Trench Crossing 2.4m
Gradient 60%
Side Slope 40%
Length Gun Forward 6.87m
Length Hull 6.6m
Width 3.19m
Height 2.80m
Ground Clearance 0.45m
Weight 31.75 tonnes
NBC Protected Yes
Standard Armor Type Steel, Laminated
Optional Add-on Armor Type Composite, Spaced, Modular
Active Protection Systems Soft-kill
Crew Commander, Gunner, Driver

Why do we need this?

With the implementation of the Benelux into the French nation in the game and the lack of IFV’s in general for the French technology tree I believe this will be of outstanding complementation and a most welcoming sight. This vehicle will fulfil an important role as a fast, agile and supportive IFV in the game. Since its deployment for the Dutch/Netherlands nation and because of the current game state I do believe it is possible to implement this vehicle into the French nation technology tree.


Official sources:

BAE Systems delivers upgraded CV90 with brand new turret to the Netherlands | BAE Systems

CV90 | BAE Systems

CV90MkIV | BAE Systems

Relevant Articles:

CV9035 Mk-III (NL), Evolution, rather than revolution - Dutch Defence Press

Hägglunds köper israeliskt skyddssystem till CV90 | Försvarssektorn (forsvarssektorn.se)

New Turret for the Versatile CV9035 Mk.IV by BAE Systems at Eurosatory 2024 (armyrecognition.com)

BAE Systems Hägglunds details the Royal Netherlands Army CV90 MLU - EDR Magazine

CV9035 Infantry Fighting Vehicle | Full history, operators & variants (fighting-vehicles.com)

IAV 2024: Dutch CV90 MLU releases new firepower and survival tech - Army Technology (army-technology.com)

First of Royal Netherlands Army’s CV90 IFVs completes MLU - Army Technology (army-technology.com)

Official BAE PDF file:


Sight system:

UTAAS Tank and Anti-Aircraft System | Saab


SPIKE® LR2 - Rafael

SPIKE LR (eurospike.com)

Iron Fist:

Iron Fist system | Elbit Systems

New rubber tracks:

Composite Rubber Track (CRT) and Climatic Conditions | Soucy Defense Division (soucy-defense.com)

CRT Systems | Soucy Defense Division (soucy-defense.com)


Informative and detailed suggestion but -1 for France. If I want to play some Swedish copy-and-paste then I’ll go play the Swedish tech tree. Besides France has various other, better options. It would be a travesty if this was France’s first tech tree IFV.


+1 from me. Modern and potent IFV, could be a great support vehicle for the top ranks of France. As @Bossman919 mentions, shame that it could be the first researchable IFV that France receives. But I certainly still support its addition.


Hello, I am the creator of this suggestion and i would like to clearify that i will be making the same suggestion for the Swedish tech tree once more information has been released and when they are closing in on delivery dates. I have quite alot of information already but i feel they need to release some more statements about a timeline for deliveries first. So for anyone who wonders why i made this one for the French Benelux tree its because they have already received their first ones.


I hear you and understand your point of view

Id beg to differ, While yes it is a CV 90 platform standard to sweden. I feel that this would be a great addition to the dutch sub-tree in france. and would add a great vehicle.

Me being a swedish main, and believing that Sweden should be a Nordic/scandinavian TT Id take no offence that a CV 90 variant “unique” to specifically the netherlands would be a great representation in showing their decisions.

Though personally i think they should focus on pre-ww2 all the way to modern vehicles instead of throwing around modern vehicles imedietly. Though that is my prefference.

Nonetheless a great +1 for me for Netherlands.


Really nice vehicle and very well made suggestion. Though i think it should not go to french TT. Even when I know gaijin will just shove it there I would rather see it in swedish TT probably as a squadron vehicle under dutch flag.

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I really absolutely don’t want to see that stuff in France tech tree, it does not fit in here and this one should be in swedish tech tree, i wish they copypasted all the vbci, vextra and whatever vehicles like that where france just put a different turret on top that would fill the capability gap that france has in some area.

Is it this or the mk4 that has a 1k hp engine… anyhow +1 for le france as they are direly in need of a tt ifv

If i remember correctly this one is a “somewhere around” 810 hp engine, an upgrade for the MLU, while the latter MkIV chassi has the 1000+ HP engine.

I understand your view, however i do think it would be fun to see it in the Benelux tech tree for France and i will make a similar suggestion for Sweden in the near future. They are pretty much the same but differe in some minor areas.

Interesting suggestion of implementation! Thank you for your comment :)

Not sure if you should have standardized this post cause Sweden is getting this exact same model for their army https://www.baesystems.com/en/article/bae-systems-signs-contract-with-sweden-for-new-cv90-combat-vehicles

MLU is unique to the Dutch for another few mo ths as the Danish are upgrading to the MLU model. So as it stands now this would be a very unique vehicle(for now) the problem is whether gaijin will actually accept cv 90 docs which are submitted by the french players since gaijin refuses to acknowledge most of the official docs for the danish cv9035.m such as AHEAD, aircraft tracking and dual feed system ect ect.


The Danish are also doing this, their current fleet of CV9035’s are being upgraded to the MLU model.

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I just dont think it was a good idea to put Netherlands into french TT. The only vehicle i can really see there would be amx-13 105.

Also btw are there any mentions about upgrading its powerpack. Since regular CV90 Mk IV got new powerpack including really strong 1000hp engine I thought they would install that too.


I have email correspondence a while back and as it sits now it is not possible to upgrade the MkIII engine to MkIV standard because of the overall chassi model. If one wants the 1000+ HP engine and the latest transmission etc you would need to buy the entire MkIV model. The turret however was able to be implemented as an upgrade to the MkIII models but thats about it.


This is true, i did not come to think about a standardization but i did think of making two suggestions as i mentioned earlier. I have most of the other post ready but i am awaiting the fall of 2024 to see if there is any more news coming out but your suggestion and thought are much appreciated, didnt think of that :)

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My favorite IFV ever. Stunning looks, powerful weapons, and a comprehensive suite of defenses and technologies to put it ahead of anything else on the modern battlefield. BeNeLux is here for France, and I’d be OVERJOYED to have my hands on this. Tech tree or premium, I’m gonna get this tank. +1000000

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My only problem is how will they balance it when the MK IV’s come? Rn it will probably be 10.7 with spikes but compare it to the MK IV im curious how gaijin will model them since the biggest difference will be the engine power. The MK III’s cant get the 1000hp engine like the IV.

Still want both the Danish and NL MLU’s to come

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