Dutch CV9035 NL MLU

@ChefViken wanna take the bet that gaijin will correctly implement air tracking and the dual feed system to the NL CV but not the DK CV?

I have the feeling it will still be broken.

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Definitely a +1 from me!

The Dutch CV90’s do look slightly differnet from their Danish counterparts (like in this one that invaded Urk):


MkIV has the 1k+ hp engine

Well, i’ll keep my hopes up but wouldnt count on it. This model however comes with everything we want for the CV so…

Just bump it to 11.0. Simple.

could do with 11.0 but i would rather see it somewhere in line with the PumaS1 (spike variant) altough i dont know were that one will be. But somewhere around 10.7-11.0 should be fine for starters.

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D model turret.
The danish CV9035’s are also going to be using the D model MLU turret also. Though it looks like the Danish model will have more armor around the front.
Like the standard turret. Looks like the one in the photo just has the missile launcher on with the frontal armor. Strange.

Current base CV9035



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Sweden is also acquiring this vehicle for themselves to replace the CV9040c given to Ukraine

We need a BENELUX tree to hold all the smaller European countries stuff

Thank you for your effort; this is a very detailed post! However, I don’t know how much longer I have to wait to play the CV9035MLU in the French tech tree. It’s said that this vehicle won’t be in the next update, which is really disappointing.

We may not see the MLU for a while, its more likely youll get the base cv9035 like what is on sweden.

I wouldnt get any hopes up this year, it would be likely to come to the game during next year or at the very earliest for the December major update which i doubt.

I agree, perhaps i should make a suggestion for the standard Dutch MkIII? It would be almost the same as the Danish one.

It’s different enough, people need to understand that the base CV9035NL isn’t a C&P one…

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This is true and i would very much like it to be implemented also.

Im not familiar with my own countries CV9035 lmao, im an aircraft guy lol, as far as gaijin is concerned it will likely be copy paste.

Looking at the finnish t72 whoch could’ve had the 890hp engine and improved transmission.

Or been the finmod.

It shouldn’t be:
CV90-infanteriegevechtsvoertuig | Materieel | Defensie.nl.

The base 9035 Danish one is different from the Dutch one:


Comparison of the MLU vs the Base Dutch 9035NL:

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Heres hoping it gets implemented correctly then considering the track record gaijin has for correctly introducing the CV’s

Great information! This is also proof that the CV 9035 does fire ABM ammunition (which all CV90s can do) including the elder MkIII

And yet gaijin will still find a way to deny it