"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

Yeah… but look what happened when the Soviets got R-73s. No way we’d get ASRAAM/IRIS-T in a vacuum. Aim-9X would be added to the US and guaranteed it would be tuned to be more resistant to flares.

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Probably. Id not be surprised if it was like 12.0 or something. Essentially too high to be any good or play over the Tornado Gr1

@Smin1080p_WT , @Stona_WT

And where is it?

Yes, that might actually be a fun early jet.
Average but fun

KH-38 for Su-24?

Dutch CV9035NL


Mass: 27.5 tons
Crew: 3 (commander, gunner, driver)
Stabilizer: Two-plane stabilization
Gunner equipment: Laser rangefinder
Vision equipment: Night/Thermal Vision

Powerplant: Scania DC16 16 litres diesel V8 engine
Engine horsepower: 1000 hp
Max speed: 70 km/h

Front: 20mm at 78°
Sides: 10mm at 0°
Rear: 20mm at 15°
Roof: 20mm


  • 1 x 1 35 mm Bushmaster III gun
    • Ammunition storage: Unknown
    • Ammunition types:
      • Unknown
    • Reload type: Belt-fed gun
    • Rate of fire: 200 rounds per minute
  • 1 x 1 7.62 mm FN-MAG coaxial machine gun
    • Ammunition storage: Unknown

For the MLU suggestion post, which includes most info on the base CV9035NL as well:


That isn’t 38, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it is. At least, it doesn’t look like 38. Thought 58, but it isn’t that either.

In either case. I kinda hope not. Su-25SM3 is oppresive enough, without giving the Soviets a supersonic aircraft with long ranged AAMs that no one can deal with

But I am looking forward to hunting Su-24s in Sim

It wouldn’t be so bad if they brought down the SP cost of planes with air to air missiles to counter it. Or just gave us scary AA.

Do not the su 24, I want to actually get to things to strike in Sim without the 3 week travel time of the frogfoot.

Muhaha, will kill them all. (asusming its not at 10.3 or something stupid that no one else can catch or deal with)

Cheap CAP and/or decent SPAA are long overdue. ASRAAM slinging truck for Britain please

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I do kind of hope it is at a lower BR, on account of F111s also likely coming in at a lower BR. But I don’t have high hopes, it’d upset the yanks.

No f-18 yet, sad. I mean the leak list said german f18 but if hope USA gets it first.

Kab-500S-E is interesting, wonder if it works the same way the JDAM did on the dev server along time ago.

Id guess 11.3/117 ish assuming its the later variant of the Su-24 like the Su-24M. But if its lower than that, with a half decent loadout (say Tornado Gr1 kind of loadout) then im gunna be a tad annoyed

If it’s lower and comparable to the tornado, could be used to argue the tornado down. Which the tornado desperately needs. Can’t bomb shit at its current BR.

Yeah… But they wouldnt even lower the BR of the Tornado Gr1/ ASSTA1 / A200 to be same BR as 100% identical aircraft (in air modes) of the Tornado MFG / WTD61.

We have no chance comparing them to an entirely different aircraft. Besides just look at the Mig-23ML and Mig-23MLA. They are identical (as far as I can tell) but the ML has a lower BR in sim than the MLA,

I live in hope, in spite of the attempts of Gaijin to crush it every other day.

For France, it has plenty to justify the creation of its own tree, with its own tank and aviation industry, the Swiss did not. looking around I found a handfull of prototype aircraft, let alone anything home grown that made it into production.

that is the eventual problem, they would be almost ENTIRELY copy and paste, hell even Israel could have been a subtree of the US as it has only a handfull of original aircraft and tanks, (those being variants anyway.)

Yeah… it’s fading fast though for me.

FA2 getting radar gunsight that they could easily C&P over to the FRS1 but didnt shattered me

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bad, no czechoslovakia in here