Hi, this will be a discussion and a comprehensive list of ground vehicles that are produced and/or operated by Finland and Sweden
If there is any mistakes or possible additions, please let me know
List of potential vehicles that can be added
Domestic designs
Patria XA-180 Family
XA-180 Musti: Rare XA-180 variant with the Musti recoilless rifle
XA-180 TOW: XA-180 with a TOW-2 Launcher
XA-185 AMV: XA-185 with a LAV-25 Turret (Prototype)
Patria AMV Family
Patria AMV HITFACT-120
Patria AMV Hitfist-30
Patria AMV Rafael Samson-30
Patria AMV28 VTC-30
Patria AMV Bushmaster: Note this Specific Patria AMV is intended for the Australian Army so it possibly be added in either the UK or a future Australian/Austro-Canadian TT instead
Patria AMV(2K23): Note this Specific Patria AMV is intended for the UAE since they use the BMP-3 as well as mounting the exact same turret on their OF-40’s, which exact TT it would go we currently do not know but there is a chance that it could go to the Italian TT instead due to the UAE’s military connections to Italy (or the very least stronger initial military ties)
Modified foreign designs
A-34 Comet (QF-20pdr): Prototype variant of the A-34 Comet with it’s 77mm cannon replaced with a 20pdr. This was done as a response to the UK refusing to sell 105mm L7’s to Finland, so Finland decide to experiment with upgunning their existing Comets. This obviously did not pass the prototype phase
BMP-1PS: A BMP-1 modified to have additional smoke launchers, one thing to note is that Finnish BMP-1’s lack an autoloader so they will have a increased reload rate
BMP-25: BMP-1 chassis with the original turret replaced with a turret from a LAV-25 (Prototype)
BMP-2MD: Modified BMP-2 with thermal camouflage, new gunsights for the commander and gunner and external storage boxes, acting as spaced armour
ItPsv-90 (T-55): Marksman turret on a T-55 Chassis, one way we can add this is that the ItPsv-90 on the Leopard 2 Chassis can be moved to 10.0 with full APDS belts since it can more than handle it’s own while the ItPsv-90 on the T-55 chassis can be at the same BR as the T-55M but be balanced by having a belt that is half APDS, half APHE
155 PSH K9FIN "Moukari: A K9 Thunder built for Finnish specifications, the main gameplay difference is that Finnish K9’s use a NSV HMG instead of the M2HB HMG that the K9 is normally equipped with
P.245-4: Prototype T-34-85 with it’s 85mm S.53 cannon replaced with a 7.5cm Stuk-40 cannon (the same one found on the Stug III G “Strumi” and Pz-IV-J), among other changes
Lansverk L-182: This is a Lansverk L-182 intended for the Finnish army, it can equip a 20mm Lathi anti-tank rifle
T-55M MEXAS/T-55M Ps.262-37: Finland prototyped the MEXAS on their T-55M’s, could be added either as a addon for the existing T-55M or as a new vehicle folder with the T-55M
T-54 Ps.261-43: An upgrade and modernization for the T-54 that includes a new APDS round and caged armour. Otherwise Identical
ZSU-57-2M: Modernization program for the ZSU-57-2 with a new FCS and HE-VT shells. Basically Finland’s answer to the WZ-305. Would be a great addition since it would give the excuse to move the VEAK-40 at a higher BR while re-implementing the removed HE-VT shells
Foreign designs
KV-1A & KV-1B: The latter is identical to the Event KV-1B in the German TT, the former however we currently do not have ingame
Stug-III G “Sturmi”: Functionally identical to the Stug-III in the Italian TT, aesthetically however is different due to the addition of wooden logs on the side, Finland use logs on their tanks for the same reasons why Russian Tanks have logs on them
OT-133: T-26 with a flamethrower, it also uparmoured giving it [a little bit more] more survivability, could replace the premium T-26E with this variant,
BA-10: Finland captured multiple BA-10’s as well as the earlier BA armoured cars
Domestic designs
Lansverk L-180 Family
Lansverk L-180: This is the first series of vehicle from the Lansverk L-180 Armoured cars, was armed with various lmg’s, HMG’s and the focus of this particular L-180, a 20mm Autocannon from Madsen
Lansverk L-180 (mod 1974): Irish “Modernization”/Upgrade of the Lansverk L-180’s that the Irish Army was operated as early as 1937. The upgrades mainly consists of replacing the 20mm Madsen autocannon with a 20mm Hispano Suiza autocannon as well as replacing worn out components and engines with more modern ones. The Irish Army used the upgraded L-180’s for 8 years, mainly as training aids and as a reserve AC from 1974 to 1982 where they were finally retired from service. This is also significant since Ireland is the longest operator of the L-180 and Ireland is the second largest operator of this type behind the Netherlands
Lansverk L-181: This is the second (and largest) series of vehicle from the Lansverk L-180 Armoured cars, is equipped with the usual lmg’s, HMG’s, and 20mm autocannons (either from Bofors or Madsen), this time however some L-181 are equipped with the 37mm Bofors anti-tank cannon. Only two nations used the L-181 with the Bofors cannon, the Netherlands and the Third Reich, because of this there is a chance that the L-181 could appear in the German TT as well either as a premium, event or in the Beutzpanzer line. Both the L-180 and 181 can be added as another reserve vehicle for varieties sake
Swedish L-181
Lithuanian L-181
Dutch L-181 with a 37mm Bofors cannon
CV90 Family
CV90 AMOS: An AMOS Mortar system on a CV90 Chassis
CV90120 (2007): A CV90120 with some additional upgrades including a 50.cal Remote weapons system and a AMAP-ADS Hardkill Active Protection System
Link to suggestion below
CV90 Mjolner: Another double barreled SPG/Mortar variant of the CV-90, this time using the Mjolner weapons system instead
Ikv-91 family
Ikv-91 AMOS: An AMOS Mortar system on a Ikv-91 Chassis (Prototype)
Ikv-91 (L/70 Bofors): Ikv-91 with a 40mm autocannon, essentially a testbed for the CV90
UDES 08 & Pbv-302 No.4002: A prototype Pbv-302 subvariant, 2 prototypes were built one having a 25mm Mauser autocannon and the other having a Oerlikon KBA Autocannon
Link to suggestions below
UDES 03: A Experimental Tank destroyer using a hydropneumatic suspension similar to the one found on the Strv-103 (prototype)
UDES 19: A Experimental Light Tank/TD using a unmanned 120mm cannon, this gun is mounted on 2 chassis, a Marder Chassis and a Strv-103 Chassis (Prototype)
UDES 19 Marder (Note this prototype is also trialed by Germany)
UDES 19/103
UDES XX-20: Experimental Articulating TD with a unmanned 120mm cannon
Panzer Bandvagn’s
PvBv-2062: Militarized Bandvagn-206 with the Pvpj-1110 recoilless rifle
Link to suggestion below
PvBv-2063: Militarized Bandvagn-206/Bandvagn-206S with a ATGM, either a TOW or RB-56 ATGM, I elected the RB-56 since that is unique to Sweden (Bandvagn-206’s with TOW-ATGM’s are also operated by other countries, mainly Italy)
PvBv-2063 (TOW/RB-55)
Bv-206 TOW in Italian Service
Bv-206S (RB-56)
Eldenhet 98: A Bv-410 modified into a SAM launcher with it’s own Giraffe 1X radar system. The missiles in question are IRIS-T SLS
Tridon: A modern SPAA system on a 6X6 Volvo truck, using the same 40mm Bofors autocannon that the LvKv90 uses even being able to use the same APFSDS rounds
Modified foreign designs
Pansarterrängbil 202: Swedish variant of the XA-203 with the turret of a Pbv-302 and the ability to equip either SAM’s or ATGM’s
Pbv 401 (RBS-56 Bili): Modified MT-LB APC with a launcher system, firing the Bili ATGM, essentially Sweden’s answer to the Shturm S
Pbv 501A: Modified BMP-1 variant with a new engine, suspension and the ability to use the 9K11 and 9K111 ATGM’s removed
Note: The Pbv-501 that was added in the “Kings of Battle” Update is the regular Pbv-501 so this suggestion will be still pending
Terrangbil 16 LEMUR: Swedish designation of the RG-32M A scout armoured car of South African origin, this specific Terrangbil 16 is a prototype variant with a M320LF Chain gun, the same Chain gun found on the AH-64 Apache