CVR(T) Series - Technical Data and Discussion

A discussion area for the Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) series of vehicles, including research on armament, protection, mobility, upgrades, foreign service, and variants.

With the addition of the third CVR(T) variant into War Thunder, I thought I’d create a thread dedicated to this iconic series of vehicles. As a former CVR(T) driver I immensely enjoy using these vehicles in WT in their intended battlefield role of being a sneaky little ratwagon.

I hope that in this thread we can contribute to their accurate depiction in the game, and encourage Gaijin to add more variants of this highly successful and long-serving platform to War Thunder.

In War Thunder
FV102 Striker
FV107 Scimitar
FV4333 Stormer HVM




  • L23A1 76mm gun (Scorpion)
  • L21A1 RARDEN 30mm autocannon (Scimitar, Scimitar Mk 2, Sabre)
  • Cockerill Mk 3 M-A1 90mm gun (Scorpion 90)
  • BAC/BAe Swingfire ATGM (Striker)
  • MILAN ATGM (Spartan)
  • Starstreak SAM (Stormer HVM)
  • Martlet SAM (Stormer HVM)


  • Sight, Periscopic, Armoured Vehicle, No.43 Mk I (Striker [early] x?/x? day sight)
  • Barr & Stroud Combined Sight (Striker [late] x2/x10 day sight, x2/x6 TI1)


  • Jaguar J60 4.2l Mk 100B (petrol)
  • Jaguar J60 4.2l Mk 101B (petrol)
  • Cummins BTA 5.9l (diesel)
  • Perkins T6.3544 (diesel, Stormer)


  • David Brown TN15 (petrol-engined vehicles)
  • David Brown TN15D (diesel-engined vehicles, Stormer)
  • David Brown TN15E (diesels)
  • David Brown TN15E+ (diesels)
  • David Brown T300 (Stormer)
  • David Brown T303 (Shielder)



FV101 Scorpion [UK]
FV101 Scorpion [Thailand]
FV103 Spartan MILAN [Belgium]
FV107 Scimitar 2 [UK]
FV108 Streaker MLRS [UK]
Sabre [UK]
FV120 Spartan MCT [UK]
FV103 Spartan Javelin
Scorpion 90 [UK]
Scorpion 90 [Belgium]
Scorpion 90 [Malaysia]
Scorpion 90 [Venezuela]
Scorpion 2000
Scorpion IFV (FV925)
Scorpion Shturm
Stormer 30
Stormer IFV (LAV-25)
Stormer IFV (FVT900)
Stormer IFV (FVT925-T)
Stormer HVM/LMM
Stormer 90/LPXV
Stormer Thunderbolt
Storm 105
Streaker Laserfire

Bug Reports
Striker suspension under performing [accepted]
CVR(T) armour material incorrect [accepted]
FV102 Striker lacks Scouting [not a bug]
Warrior does not eject spent 30mm casings from ejection port [applies to all RARDEN, accepted]
RARDEN SAP-I/APHE-I ammunition lacks tracer [applies to all RARDEN, accepted]
FV102 Striker has wrong sight modelled

War Thunder News - FV102 Striker: Five Missile Death Punch!
War Thunder News - FV107 Scimitar: Single-Edged Sword!
War Thunder Forum - How strong would the 76mm HESH of the FV101 Scorpion be in game?
Perkins Engines Company Ltd - “The 6.354 story - the making of a legend”~
HMVF - Historic Military Vehicles Forum


Here’s a good question to start us off;

When will France receive the Belgian CVR(T)s?



When will Swingfire be able to Swing.


The FV107 Scimitar Mk.2 TES(H) should be a good addition between the Warrior and the Desert Warrior. The book Scorpion and Scimitar — British Armored Reconnaissance Vehicles 1970 - 2020 by David Grummitt published by Pen & Sword Military in 2022 if I’m not wrong mentions the importance of this vehicle;

Already, following the experience in the
Balkans, it had been recognised that the
Scimitar required additional protection
against mines and Improvised Explosive
Devices (IEDs). The wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq only made this need more acute.
In 2002 a Mine Blast Protection (MBP)
was fitted and from the following year, in
preparation for Operation Telic, a further
Ballistic Programme (BP) was applied to
CVR(T) Scimitar, Spartan and Samson.
This involved fitting Kevlar composite
armour panels manufactured by the Israeli
company Plasan-Sasa to the hull and turret
sides designed to enhance the protection
offered against shell splinters. From 2004
all CVR(T) deployed as part of Operation
Telic received Enhanced Protection Bar
Armour (EPBA) designed to protect against
RPG-7 attack.

— p. 14 Upgrading the Scimitar: New challenges

I think the possible addition of this upgrade would enhance the early high tier British, and I love the British Scimitar and Scorpion series vehicles, even though they’re not the best, it attracts my attention.


Personally i feel that the Scimitar Mk.2 would be better as a premium vehicle, and then have the Scimitar LEP EM 235 as the tech tree vehicle.

They are very similar vehicles, where the main difference between them is the hull of the vehicle, the LEP EM 235 uses the hull of a Scimitar where the Mk.2 uses the hull of a Spartan APC (which is a bigger hull). Otherwise their specs are generally similar.


Scimitar 2 would be good as either the last vehicle in the TT sequence, or as a Premium. At least then it would remain available rather than being locked behind an event.

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I’d rather not have the larger silhouette of the Mk.2 when the “Mk.1” EM235 was identical in lethality, ballistic protection and automotive performance, just on the smaller, sneakier hull that’ll be better for scouting gameplay.

Mk.2’s major “buff” to survivability was primarily against IEDs. Simply by having more space between the crew and the vehicle’s floor, and installing blast-attenuating seating. Not really a threat we’ll face much of in War Thunder: so probably not worth making the vehicle taller.


It still had no FCS (in game is wrong), no stab either. It had a more powerful diesel engine instead of the engine from an E type jaguar and thermals tho. I dont think the differences would even make it 8.0

First off, thank you for making this thread. We’ve waited for a long time for the Scimitar, and it’s wonderful to see it in game.

It would appear to me that the mobility is a little undercooked on the Scimitar at the minute, not that I’d be too worried.

The sibling, the Scorpion, can be seen in this video by the Tank Museum, to have exceptional mobility on road, regardless of conditions:

Heh, British kit never is the best irl. We (supposedly) make up for it by training everyone extremely well.


The good thing I mention is how bad the vehicles can be, I even bought the ‘Fish’ camouflage of the FV4005. The Warrior, Striker, Swingfire and Falcon are all good vehicles to be played with, at least how I see them.

Same applies to a lot of others “bad” vehicles — labeled by the community — like the M41D, Type 60 (ATM), M551 Sheridan and others, you can list them as bad vehicles but I would at least point something that makes this vehicle interesting, to me.

Ha, we do have some gems. I do personally really like the Warrior and Barn (and while I can attest to the Falcon being filthy good, I hate playing it because I’m just naff in it haha)

Honestly the fun ones are the ones you don’t expect to do well in. I tell you what else is a shout - Olifant Mk.1A. Really surprised it didn’t go up to 8.7 with the Rooikat Mk.1D.

Good little 105mm gun with M111, LRF is pretty good as far as combos go. Penalty is of course, rather inadequate armour against anything that isn’t autocannon, and it’s ungodly slow. But otherwise, I would recommend it. Spaded it’s a monster imo.

Anyway, I do feel based on video evidence that the Scimitar is a touch too sluggish. I personally think it’s how WT’s automatic transmission is handling it, because it seems a touch too keen to push up a gear. But I’m keen to have a further look.

There are some glaring mobility issues, so many that I’m astonished that it was put into the game in the current state.


Just did some testing with the Scimitar in manual Transmission mode.

These are the top speeds in each gear, and what the RPM fell down to when changed into that gear from 4900RPM in the previous gear.

Gear Top Speed RPM at start of gear
R7 -81 3600
R6 -52 4200
R5 -39 3700
R4 -22 4300
R3 -13 4800
R2 -10 4700
R1 -4
N 0
1 4
2 10 4600
3 13 4800
4 22 4300
5 39 3700
6 52 4200
7 81 3600

From my testing, i think one of the reason why it is feels so sluggish, is because the when changing gear from 6th to 7th, it looses so much RPM, that it needs to regain. At the same time, any minor adjustment you do when you are driving, you loose a lot of speed, therefore also a lot of RPM. These minor adjustments are multiplied with the current oversensitive steering, so it is necessary to make constant minor adjustments.


There’s also the issue of the Scimitar switching up a gear in Automatic Transmission too early imo.

Those first three gears go by very quickly when you drive one irl, you can easily get into 4th in 3-4 seconds. There’s also a significant lurching movement which the vehicle does on the 3rd to 4th or particularly 4th to 3rd gear change, and mitigation of that is the sign of a good driver because it can send the turret crew flying.


Scimitar vs Striker I see the engine is different but what about the gearbox, breaks and suspension?

Currently they handle very differently. I did a rough test of the neutral steering and the results were very different. Stock vs spaded the Scimitar got 38s/16s and the Striker got 28s/10s for a full rotation on the same flat area of tarmac.

I’ve been going on the assumption that the Scimitar should have mobility similar to the Striker. If not better due to the higher power to weight ratio and lower center of gravity.

Am I correct thinking this way?

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That’s strange, because so I understand they should have the same engine, but the Scimitar is lighter actually, so probably should be a bit faster, but maybe more liable to a higher centre of gravity?


All vehicles in the CVR(T) series have the same powertrain, the only one that might have suspension upgrades is the Samson, because it’s the recovery variant.


I’ve really had enough with copy and paste nonsense, if you want to play the swingfire get it in the uk tree. France has a bunch of atgm vehicles yet to be added

I think the Striker is modelled as it having the Cummings diesel engine instead of the Jaguar petrol engine, that is why its mobility might be different.

The Strikers engine: 190 hp (at 4750 rpm)

The Scimitar engine: 195 hp (at 5000 rpm)