The Patriot will cover the sky within a radius of 60-70 kilometers, this is a medium-range air defense. Moreover, it also cannot work autonomously as one machine, a separate guidance station, a separate radar, and so on are needed. It is impossible for the United States to provide air defense better than adats, because they did not have adequate short-range air defenses anymore. There are interesting options only for Israel,italy, japan or come up with some new missiles for the flaracrad and ito 90. That’s it. I think in these circumstances, it is reasonable not to add air defense to NATO countries, but to drastically lower the points for aviation with only anti-aircraft weapons. A conditional f16 with an aim of 120 should cost 200-300 points, no more. If the ribbon on the gun is not armor-piercing.
I am completely aware of that + who said that it has to be controlled by the player? Gaijin has shown a keen interest in adding very modern weaponry. You know how to counter that? Definitely not with the SPAAs we have rn, aside from you know, shooting the missile. Will be fun once we get stealth missiles / missiles with countermeasures
- SLAMRAAM - 16km AIM-120A/C, 15-16km AIM-9X Block II, fired in maddog mode
- SLAMRAAM-ER - 15-16km AIM-9X Block II, 40km SLAMRAAM-ER (AIM-120C with booster), fired in maddog mode
- LAVRAAM - 16km AIM-120A/C, 40km SLAMRAAM-ER (AIM-120C with booster), fired in maddog mode
- MSL - 15-16km AIM-9X Block II
- FMTV MML - 15-16km AIM-9X Block II, 10-15km Tamir Interceptor
- Liberty M-113 - 11km VT-1 (still better than the ADATS)
- HVSD/ADAMS - 12km Barak-1 (still better than the ADATS)
- XM44 FOG-M / EFOGM - 10km MIM-157 FOG, 15km YMGM-157B EFOGM
- Hisar A+ - 15km Hisar A+, Turkish subtree
- Hisar O - 25km Hisar O, Turkish subtree
- Hisar O+ - 40km Hisar O+, Turkish subtree
(Pretty much all of these were on the High Tier - Top Tier SPAA Mega List.)
It’s not reasonable unless Gaijin implements a system to research aircraft at your current tier without having to grind the rest of the air tree, as otherwise NATO players would need to grind twice as much just to get anything to combat CAS.
Dont you feel like there is some logical error in this statement of yours? Im not saying youre a bad player. Dont get me wrong please. Your starts are above average player in both arb and grb. I just cant understand how youre saying this:
But dont even have more then 1 K/D. I mean, its good but its definetely not “easy”. Also given how matchmaker works nowdays, youre barely facing pantsirs even in 1 of your 5 games.
“You actually do have experience in top tier CAS yet I’m going to ignore that for the sake of my argument, and dismissing your opinion by totally ignoring your point and instead going after how much experience you have instead of your argument”
He is stating that pantsir is easy to deal with. Im replying, pointing out the reasons he is thinking this way. Whats wrong about my words?
And I aslo like this:
He is not. That the whole point.
Alvis is just a hipster who feels superior to what he thinks is different from others.
When i look his bullshit sentences,
I storngly think Action T4 should have existed until these days just for him
Are you even reading what he wrote?
The KH-38MT needs to be removed and only the laser version of it should remain, justice for Brimstone.
I don’t understand why the nation with the strongest SPAA also has the strongest air-to-surface missiles. I should sell my mother to the devil to fly an A10C so that Pantsir can shoot down all my Mavericks if I’m lucky. I can usually find him on the killcam.
No. These two weapons have different guidance systems, they aren’t comparable.
The justification as to why Brimstone won’t have LOAL is because it would break the game, would take no challenge to use, have no counter play and would operate outside SAM range. Guess which one missile fits that description.
The KH-38MT is all of the above except it is not LOAL, but it still offsets the balance of top tier; I’d be okay with it if Western nations had an SPAA that could take out a SU-25 and SU-34 as soon as it spawns so that they at least would have a harder time.
For the time being it should be removed like they did with Grom-1 until the game is ready for such ordinance.
None because the KH-38T can be spoofed by smoke. It does have some counterplay, but it’s up for others to decide how effective that it.
Plus, the Brimstone with LOAL capability would be hilariously OP.
So, you’re not arguing it’s because of the brimstone, that’s confusing. The Kh-38MT at least has counter play.
If only my FlaRakRad could dodge mach 2 missiles, I guess I should’ve smoked and notched.
It is counterable, if you have a SPAA that can actually see the missiles appear on radar, yes. For the record, I have, but the window of reaction is so little that by the time you see it, it’s already too late. You pretty much have to be a first spawn SPAA and be on the lookout for incoming AGMs.
KH-38MT has no place in the game until NATO gets a Pantsir analogue.
I don’t have these issues, the VT1s are capable.
Capable of intercepting it on time? Sure, if you are lucky and vigilant.
Capable of hitting a SU-25SM3 flying outside VT-1 range? No chance, not to mention that at 12 km you can easily out pull a VT-1.
That’s what this thread is about, we need a SPAA that actually negates this type of ordinance from being so lazy and OP to use.
There’s plenty they can add, Such as the Spyder AIO, ACSV G5 Nomads, FK 1000/3000s and even the SLAMRAAM. That’s up to Gaijin, I think some of those are close to being added, some of those are step ups from the Pantsir-S1 even and would likely trigger such additions such as the Pantsir-SM.