Challange for USSR CAS

Time code 3:50 19.5 кm


Wrong. Im trying to compare effort and “challenge” for USSR and other nations cas.

Can you answer my question, or not?

You dont just smack fox-3s. You only launch them if you see the opportunity. Otherwise you just wasting your missiles.

With your logic in mind I can say that other nations spaas against cas jet is 3-8km. Which is significantly worse then 0-13 km in case of pantsir.

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No, pre-correction to missiles ITO-90, FlaRakRad, and ADATS all had superior missiles.

@mineLo Of course you defend OP CAS just cause I want things to be balanced.

Drones [and jets LARPing as drones] are not jets.


Yet another dude coming in to defend his ability to play CAS without ever dying.
OP CAS needs balanced.

I defend unique weaponry

We will get highly advanced weaponry one way or another, removing them is a no go

Either get new gamemodes to escape CAS or make counterplay way more effective, thats all i can say to this situation

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Im trying to do exactly the opposite. Im trying to get either USSR cas either USSR spaas to get nerfed because its completely unfair.

I have 52 K/D on sm3, because noone could even touch me. And im trying to nerf this nations top-tier.


it was F16 who also thought that Pantsir S1 doesn’t shoot further than 13 km)

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“Pantsir can kill CAS. WT doesn’t need new SPAA, CAS is not OP.” is an argument I see far too often.

HUNDREDS of Pantsir missile launches on me from Harrier to F-16, zero hits.

You dont understand english or something? I just told you, I want to get either pantsir either USSR cas to get nerfed, because its unfair right now.

  1. I cant check if its true because you have 2.53 bot kills per arb game. You probably got all your a2g kill in plane on bots.
  2. You might only face bad spaa players. Player skill should not be considered when you balance a vehicle. Pantsir outranges all precise munitions its playing against. SM3 outranges all spaas its playing against.

If you have some real arguments - please go on. If you want to continue this stupid takes without any argumentation behind them, go bother someone else.

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USSR CAS isn’t the best CAS, it’s just among the OP CAS in the game.

Ground RB isn’t air, and my air RB has been unrelated strike aircraft for the last month.
Welcome to I play strike aircraft as strike aircraft.

NATO CAS out-ranges all SPAA in the game and has since 2022, congrats on USSR catching up to NATO.

Pantsir doesn’t need nerfed, all ten tech trees NEED SPAA superior to Pantsir. All of them, any exception means you hate balance.


I hate current disbalance. If everyone had spaa with pantsir capabilities I wouldnt even create this post. Read the first message please, before arguing here.

But here you can see the current situation
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CAS would still be OP and ukillable.
We need SPAA better than Pantsir and have needed it since 2022.

I do have to agree with AlvisWisla here. The whole reason this issue exists, is because CAS has become so strong that most SPAAs lost the catch up game. And your first response is to nerf SPAAs to make CAS even better?

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No, my response is to equalise cas-spaa capabilities between USSR and other nations:

  • Either everyone can attack ground targets from the safe zone
  • Either everyone have to enter killzone of spaa

This is the point of my topic.

Im sorry if I didnt put it right way, Im not an english native speaker as you can guess.

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and thats the only solution. We dont need Air RB 2.0 with more realistic AI ground units

Its not the theme of this topic.

Here is my point:
my response is to equalise cas-spaa capabilities between USSR and other nations:

  • Either everyone can attack ground targets from the safe zone
  • Either everyone have to enter killzone of spaa

Alright. This absolutely have sence at my opinion. One of the options to solve this unfair situation.

But for some reasons people are comming here and trying to explain to me, how actually weak pantsir is, instead of looking in to the main problem itself.

Well no country has killzone SPAA, and all but Japan has safe zone CAS.

Im not going to repeat for the fifth time same things.


Well, to begin with, it was my first high-ranking technique, of course I filled my hand, which is why the K/D is low. Tornado, the stormtrooper is known to be ugly, so it’s basically hard to play on it. Well, in general, yes, I’m a bad player, but even I feel that pantsir is not invincible