CAS needs to be fixed

So in otherwords- it is just a beefed-up 80’s era thermal. Sounds like this needs to be bug reported lol- if the M1A2 is denied it’s Gen 2 thermals (although that is perfectly reasonable as IIRC the upgrade came later), I don’t think the Chally 2 should be able to scoot by with a toob optic thats was fit to Centurions.

Its barely 11.3 worthy, with Gen 1 nerf, would need a BR drop down to like 10.7

Mate cry about it TOGs is gen 2

Also it was never fitted to Cents and M1A2 didn’t get better thermal till the the SepV1 which is in game

I dont get it. Gen 2 in game is 800x600. 720x576 is coser to it than to 500x300 so it gets alittle rounded up.
Just so you know, ther are reports for everything else using SPRITE to be changed to Gen 2, and all are acknowledged. Just waiting in the pile of shame.

And all Cr2 got upgraded with Catherine-MP Gen 3 detector, but that is also denied.

There is a reason the US crew were jealous of the Chally it thermals

I meant Chieftains, apologies.

Except they aren’t on the Chally 1- nor is the sensor on the TIALD. Its inconsistent and generally leaning towards gen 1.

I acknowledged this- this merely sets the precedent that unless the sight actually gets better, the thermals shouldn’t even between major revisions; i.e. the TOGS on Chally 2 should be equal to the TOGS on Chally 1.

Is that a bad thing? I feel like it would be great to face against TURMS players in the Chally 2.

That would likely be added as a new tank, post TISP.

Edit: Found a suggestion for such a tank: Challenger 2 CSP - "The Last Hurrah"

What? The M1A2 SEP predates the Challenger 2 and received gen 2 thermals, superior to that of the Chally.

As a side note- this was a thread complaining about CAS- the topic has been derailed by advocacy for improved British thermals turning into an analysis of the Chally. This argument is probably best had elsewhere.

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They were made before the document part of which i posed, was found. After finding it they were reported and await the change.

OES, TES and maybe 2F could be changed to Gen3, as all of those configs were seen after TISP.
But yea, i provided, so im out.
Lorax Floating on Make a GIF

To return the point then. There are many ways in which CAS actually needs to buffed, not nerfed, like a 12.3, subsonic aircraft with only Gen 1 Tpod.

That Tpod should be Gen 1.5 - 2 not too mention they did actually make use of Sniper and could be upgraded to a full Gen 3+ Tpod.

As much as CAS needs adjustments (SP is the only way to do it). It also needs buffs as many aspects of CAS have been massively nerfed by Gaijin

In game no because of what devil stated

One no the M1A2 sep thermal upgrade happened in the 2000s after the Challenger 2 also not what i was referring to as i was talking about the M1A1 thermals which were worse then the Challenger 1 which had the same thermal sensor as the Challenger 2 which is gen 2 by in game standards

I would give you a five star review if that’s how the forum worked.

Considering we currently have gen 2+ and gen 3+, its strange that we lack a “1+”. Though it would go against current patterns to have a “+” generation on ground vehicles, that seems like it would be the best solution for the Cr1/Cr2/TIALD. Any more would be ahistorical and could negatively impact lower BR aircraft. I don’t think the Nado’ GR.1 ever received a better pod, but the Harrier could just receive a new module whenever SNIPER is added to the game.

A personal aside I would just like to put out there; it feels somewhat rich to hear people complain about “only gen 1 thermals” to use on their dedicated attacker which has A massive CM supply, a TGP and 65D/G- when Japan has to rely on an F-16A with 65B and no targeting pod as their best CAS. You can survive without- source: me, a Japan main.

PS: I have used a gen-1 thermal TGP on the Q-5L. It’s certainly not as nice as later pods, but its certainly adequate for daytime spotting, especially when used in consort with a good RWR / friendly recon.

For ground vehicles, the thermal gen is set up like this: “The booklet says 2nd generation, so it’s gonna be 2 generation.” They don’t look at anything else.

All helicopters are 2+ gen minimum for gameplay purpose even if they have 1st gen IRL.

On planes, I have no idea what the principle is.

If the issue of CAS being unbalanced between nations is the question, we ought to work together a list of viable CAS aircraft featuring TGPs / FnF & LPGMs that could be added.

Japan could benefit greatly from having comparable CAS to other nations: Japan is restricted to a Sabre with 2x 1000 lbs to support their 9.3 line up when other nations can count on A-4Es or Scimitars loaded with bullpups. Something to fill that gap would be nice.

Additionally, the 11.0 & 11.7 are also somewhat behind with only AGM-65B and no tgp of any kind. The addition of GCS-1 kits to the game could help provide a unique and viable solution to the CAS gap.

Suggestion found here for additional reading:

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Its worth noting that both variants of the Type 91 bomb are already modeled in the files: Gaijin was simply previously under the impression they could not target tanks thanks to some not so thorough research.

Type 91 In Files

Mounted in various configs


Upvoting the post above could help finally solve this cas dilemma.

This is correct, it’s modeled after the generation of thermal technology, not the specific resolution.

That being the case, wouldn’t the thermals of the Chally 2 (Pre-2019 variants) be Gen 1 (80s era TOGs)?

Its possible they may have recieved sniper or a later variant of the TIALD during the transition from the Gr1 to the Gr4. But even just upgrading the TIALD we have to Gen 2 would put it on par with the other Tornados. Considering the Gr1 also has Mk101 engines for “balancing reasons” even though it was 100% upgraded to Mk103 fairly early into its life. Is just insane.

It did not. The GR.4 swapped to LITENING TGP. There was no upgrade pre-GR.4

The GR.1 is currently the best of the Tornados for CAS thanks to it’s access to PGM-500/2000. Only the German Tornado has litening (i.e. Gen 2 thermals), the Italian one is similarly Gen 1 with the CLDP.

The TIALD is gen 1. Stop Complaining.

If you get killed by CAS, you should get to respawn in the same vehicle at no repair cost and reduced sp cost.

Side note: un-nerf the Roland 3 please.
