CAS needs to be fixed

The same can be said of being sniped by a tank from an unknown direction. Keep your head on a swivel, listen for aircraft or teammates warning of aircraft, and if you have a LWRS, don’t ignore it! Ultimately, CAS is good at killing tanks, which makes sense, since that’s its whole job. CAS costs more SP than tanks (a fully loaded aircraft with AGMs often costs upwards of 800 SP before scouting, over twice the 400 SP cost most ground players stop respawning their tanks at ) and with the rare exception is entirely unable to interact with objectives beyond simply killing enemies. If players could consistently “defeat” CAS with the press of a button, it would kind of lose it’s value.

There are very few overtiered SPAA- aside from the lack of a radar on the Type 81 (C) / manpad finickiness with IR/Optical locks or platforms like the starstreak bugging out for extended periods, AA are generally quite good at their BRs.

Regarding higher tiers specifically, while AGMs do exceed the range of equal tiered SPAA, they do so only in point-track mode, not target-track. Moving around the battlefield instead of staying still in spawn will reduce the ability of CAS players to lob munitions at your static position.

The weapon is not bad, you just need to learn to use it.

Which radar? That sounds like a bug; if you have footage, I’d love to see it and of course you could report such an issue.

I don’t know what you mean by “more realistic”, but typical high BR cas tactics don’t exactly involve high-G terminal maneuvers. Planes are perfectly capable of flying fast and high, engaging and disengaging to lob munitions over greater distances. You seem to only desire “realism” since you think that would be a nerf for CAS which you dislike, but I don’t even know what you think would change.

This would simply promote people staying in their spawn- I don’t see why we should encourage gameplay mechanics that reinforce lower level gameplay.

No, but it does provide you with a hard counter if you can get the spawn points to spawn CAP. You aren’t restricted to only spawning SPAA or CAP after you get bombed, that seems to just be a gameplay choice on your part.


Don’t go underselling the A-10; a good player in the A-10A Late can easily engage multiple targets at extended range. AGM-65D are incredible and can be rippled off to wipe out multiple foes with practice. As a Japan main, I wish we had anything close to the A-10A in performance and seeing people denounce the capability of their advanced avionics pains my heart.

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trust me. you can not see further than 5-6 km’s (on an open ground map)

My only problem with CAS is getting spawn camped. Like you die, respawn and notice that all your team is dead as well and the enemy tanks are already near you spawn, but then the enemy team also has 3-4 CAS planes in the air, so what are you suppose to do?

You spawn in a tank, you have to immediatly get ready to fight other ground units but you might just get bombed doing so.
You spawn in a SPAA to target aircraft: Well, either you get shot by a ground unit or you target one aircraft to get killed by another 🤷‍♂️

When this happends it’s just pointless to spawn, since at best you get one kill before you get killed again.

There should be a mechanic in play that prevents a team from getting too strong or being able to focus all their attention on a single zone.

At one point it’s no longer about skill, it’s just bullying the enemy team until they are dead.

It’s the same with airfield AA in air RB. If the enemy camps their airfield, it’s just wasting the active players time.
If the enemy camps their airfield then the other team should get air targets to bring down the tickets, instead of having to sacrifice their alt to target ground targets.

Both instances are just bad game mechanics, where the game design creates an artifical advantage for one side.

Similiar how a team loses a lot of efficency when players don’t bring effective vehicles or leave the game early.
A single game takes far too much time to allow one side to easily overpower the other with just no way to turn it around.

I mean I don’t mind losing but being put into a situation where you are basically powerless, is just stupid.


The game has been going 12 years why decide now it does not work?

“trust me” ain’t gonna cut it. I’ve used mavericks on numerous vehicles and consistently gotten 9-12km kills with earlier 65B mavericks. I may be a Japan main, but I have top tier in several nations and feel comfortable saying that the A-10 can be very deadly in the right hands.


Leave the game ,that is all you can do.

I am all for a good fight until the last and on my last game I got 3 kills as they tried to overrun spawn which gave me top spot from 4th in the last few seconds.With planes you are flogging a dead horse and may as well leave it there.You can try and run the Gauntlet or just give free kills to the enemy.Trying an SPAA means you are killed by tanks so it’s pointless.

I suppose it happens about one game in ten maybe?

There is plenty about this game that annoys me that I know will never change.
I noticed while trying to modify the Panther F at 6BR that I do OK when facing WW2 enemies but the post war shit just wipes me out in one so I wonder really why I’m bothering but that is the game and its not going to change. CAS inst going anywhere anytime soon.

It is always better to use a plane as it gives You much more options.


Soft disagree actually. Stormer (when it works) actually does a fair job against most at that BR. My biggest gripe is the ADATS at 11.7. That thing is beyond useless

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Things like TRAM are untouchable with AA
And on top tier only ruzzians and chinese get good aa while also having the best cas su25 with missile that outranges all
While other countries get bruh trash like flarakrad


Ok man. I understand what you are saying but the cam on the A-10 is shit. Even with thermals

Its the same ( Fire and Forget ) seeker as seen / used on any other plane without a targeting pod ( AGM-65A/65B/65D/65H, Kh-29T/TE/TD do have slightly different seekers but the mechanics are the same ). Mark the enemy spawn or an objective on the map to set a reference point for yourself and then use the set target point key bind to slave the maverick seeker to said region. It’ll cut down on the amount of time you spend searching through the seeker and reduce the chance you get lost in it.


My argument isn’t that CAS should be defeatable with a single button all the time, it’s that they need more balance.

I disagree, i would say there’s quite a few. If the plane is not attacking blindly head-on, they easily have far better chances, i say that from my experience playing both sides (and i do not play that much CAS, so I’m not saying im that good with planes, it’s just way easier to do achieve than with SPAA). Especially under around 8.0 where almost every SPAA is open, thus very vulnerable to strafing. For example the Skink in 5.3 is just a watered down version of Wirbelwind in 3.7. Falcon in 8.3 having the same br as the chieftain marksman, gepard etc despite having no radar. Also the stormer is just plainly weird. Any open top SPAA is free kill for CAS in my experience. The problem with SPAA balance is that anti tank capabilities get in the way.

Maybe im playing another game because i get airstriked on the move just as much as standing around, and staying static isn’t my go to strategy anyways.

Compare arcade controls to realistic, or realistic to simulator.

No one is standing in spawn just for the sake of maxing out the protection timer, because there is no reason to do so. Players only stay in spawn when they are forced to

Yes, because there is no point in playing AFK simulator until somebody decides to spawn CAS, just to get no reward since you don’t even get xp for ground research. And it’s not even that hard of a counter because you still can lose in a dogfight, die in a head-on attack etc. It’s not like CAS has no air to air capabilities at all… And if you want to prevent them from bombing you kinda have to stay close to their spawn side, otherwise they easily have time to drop their payload, but then again this makes you very vulnerable to getting caught or outnumbered. And these aren’t even all of my problems with CAP, so yeah, i do play fighters but it’s not rewarding at all (aside from the small satisfaction of killing CAS players).

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My comment you responded to itself was in response to you complaining that smoke is not a universal solution. You don’t want “balance”, you want the ability to ignore a major portion of the game.

Learning to lead aircraft with AA guns is a skill, but lets go through your examples.

Funny you say that the Skink is just a “watered down” wirbel immediately after mentioning how most AA are open topped. The Skink is well armored on the roof, making it more difficult to strafe than most- hence the higher BR. The guns are also perfectly adequate for dealing with relevant BR threats- if you want slightly better firepower Britain has other options in the BR range too.

That mostly has to do with the vehicle’s anti-tank performance, as the default belt contains both SAPHEI & APDS, making it deadly against both lightly and medium armored tanks. It would be lower BR, While it isn’t the greatest AA at it’s BR, if you want a radar lead gun system for Britain you can simply take the chieftain marksmen instead.

When starstreaks function correctly, the stormer is an AA system with an entirely passive search, track, and firing system. It has the highest velocity of any SAM in the game, and a decent range of 7km. While it is shorter ranged than Rolands/Tunguska, the high velocity combined with low signature makes it a silent killer vs fixed wings, and still difficult to react/counter to in helis even with LWRS due to the speed. If you are being engaged by CAS before you fire at them in the stormer, its probably because you are sitting in your spawn where they expect to see SPAA.

If it isn’t defending itself, sure.

For a few vehicles ( such as the aforementioned Falcon ) sure, but by and large most AA are tiered inline with their capabilities vs Air. If they can slaughter ground vehicles, of course they go up in BR, as all ground vehicles would.

This suggests that you are primarily being locked directly by AGMs, bombs, etc- suggesting that they are operating within range of SPAA ( the only AGM capable of tracking a moving target beyond AA range is the KH-38ML ). I obviously cannot go over individual game experiences unless you post the replays, but with the exception of MANPADs that currently struggle to lock helis within reasonable ranges, the AA should almost always be able to engage CAS within the ranges FnF munitions can track a moving target.

Arcade artificially increases the performance characteristics of tanks, planes, etc in numerous ways- simulator and realistic are the same with realistic having the option of instructor to fly. Do you want planes to have arbitrarily & artificially reduced performance?

  • That’s not how this game does things
  • As stated earlier, that wouldn’t actually help you since CAS isn’t dictated via High-G maneuvers.
    At best, such a change would simply raise the skill floor for CAS. However- you would still likely get bombed as you are now as it is the better players who wouldn’t be effected that evade your SPAA and prompted you to make this ranting post.

SPAA are not forced to stay in spawn- but they do so often anyway. Extending the spawn protection timer incentivizes people to not move to enjoy spawn protection for longer. I do not want the addition of a game mechanic that incentivizes bad play. The current spawn protection is already long enough to give SPAA the opportunity to shoot down any near-loitering threats. If there is no immediate threat, than players should be leaving the spawn.

I can understand the desire to grind ground vehicles, but even with the restriction of no aircraft in the lineup there still isn’t a reason for you to not first-spawn SPAA. Obviously it depends on the BR but at a minimum most CAP loadout aircraft can still kill SPAA/Light Vehicles, as you described above, so you do have options other than just waiting if you are flying A2A.

Dedicated attackers typically have inferior FMs to their equal BR fighter counterparts. Even with multi-role fighters, CAS loadouts are heavy and often severely impact the ability of aircraft to significantly maneuver. In higher tiers, multi-role fighters often give up additional A2A capabilities to carry A2G munitions on the pylons instead. If the opponent doesn’t jettison their A2G munitions, they are at a significant disadvantage. Releasing A2G stores to focus on the A2A fight effectively suppresses their role as a CAS aircraft for the duration of the fight + ~1 minute after if they survive; all while you still have a higher weapon count.

This is to say- yes, they can fight back, but they are universally at a disadvantage when you jump them. If you can’t win with the numerous advantages stack in your favor, that’s on you.

This isn’t quite true either. At lower tiers, aircraft lack ballistics computers and have to get over the battlefield to line up their payload. You are not obligated to fly over their spawn. At higher tiers with CCIP/CCRP & stand off munitions, you have access to AAMs that allow you to engage from a distance. Like with earlier cases, conditions may vary by map, BR, opponent, etc. if you submit a replay I can perhaps give more relevant commentary.

As with earlier, I believe you are wishing for vague nerfs to CAS as a result of not understanding how to effectively counter it. This is not the way.

CAS does need to be fixed. Its annoying that TIALD is only Gen 1 despite being Gen 2 IRL. That would be quite a decent buff to the Jaguar, Tornado and Harrier. Would also be nice to give the PGMs a better seeker head than the one they have now (could have basically the same seeker has the AGM-65D IRL). Harrier Gr7 is also missing 2x AGM-65s (can be mounted on the outer pylons) and really needs its proper MAWS modeled. Not too mention BOLs current state.

Would also be good to buff some other bits and pieces, like giving the Apaches FnF AGMs and giving other nations besides the soviets really good long range AGMs. Brimstones would be awesome. Wouldnt say no to also having CBUs and HARMs added to the game. Give some aircraft some more variety of weapons to use in GRB

Already is realistic

No, would you also advocate for fake nerfs to tank shells at certain BRs as “balancing” measure?

They already are, its called spawn protection

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IRL Thermal generations are not the same as the in-game generations. TIALD is one of the earliest TGPs with thermals, and was quite good but was even noted to be outdated in the early 2000s for CAS and subsequently was replaced by Litening & SNIPER. Considering that Litening is Gen 2 in game, it would not make sense for the pod to be anything but Gen 1 in game.

I am aware they are likely underperforming but am not particularly familiar with the specifics. If you have the info, make a bug report!

Make a bug report x2!

I have no clue what you mean by this.

AGM-114L is an interesting issue since the MMW seeker would ignore smoke, unlike current FnF seekers. The same issue applies to brimstones ( not to mention we don’t have GR.4 Tonka or the Typhoon yet ). They would be cool to see at some point, but Gaijin’s hesitancy is understandable. As for the long range AGM comment, the US & China could receive SLAM-ER, plus China has their own unique AGMs. I imagine they will come in due time.

Neither of these munitions would be super useful in the current game as we lack dedicated radar systems and thus SEAD doesn’t really exist, only DEAD. Could be fun at some point, but I expect so more expanded targets in ARB before either show.

It has the same IR sensor/imager used by the challenger 2s. If they have gen 2 thermals, then so should TIALD. If one is gen 2, then both should be gen 2.

One was submitted when they were added I believe. But Gaijin being Gaijin, no chance of a buff (I think internal report so nothing to link)

Again, already in, was made about 6 months ago. (I think internal report so nothing to link)

Both flare and chaff are MASSIVELY underperforming. But reports in for both. Flares should be nearly as strong as large calibre flares and chaff equal to standard calibre. Currently it’s modelled to be smaller than small calibre

Easy enough to model them without mmV. Look at Martels, they have a totally fake guidance method. They weren’t TV guided but rather manually operated by the navigator. Easy enough to model them as IIR instead of mmV

CBUs are the primary anti-,tank weapon for the Tornado and the default for many others like the Jaguar. They would give them a nice buff

Tornado Manual for CBUs

Tornado Gr1 prefered weapons

HARM would be niche, but still useful, even as a threat. They would also be fun in Sim

Oh yes. I love throwing lead at someone that does not pay attention