C&F tactic


Duplicate posts: closed down.

Use of forum due to inactivity:

Old forum about a week
New forum started as 3 months inactivity.
Now: always open.

If you have issue with it ask Gaijin during next survey. I am not breaking rules of the forum, those making duplicate topics are.

Irony is that now there are NO topics on it now, mods made some poor decisions from what I can tell.

Sadly OP has stated time and again they do not want anything altered in GFRB. Hence a few messing with the CAS balance thread (don’t call it out, they get very mad over it).

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For me, if someone doesn’t play the gameI don’t see the point of them comenting about it. It’s like the addiction You can’t fully quit.

As then, I told You about the derail You make with talk about ‘TO topic’ not TO per se as the comment:

Is the derail. If You want to talk about topics on this forum, You can do it in game ;).

And by going with:

If You want still to talk about matters that differ from C&F tactic,

Please, don’t lie.

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Thanks for your opinion, I do not agree.

Again, BoveyBadBoy69 spoke of TO, not me. I only brought it up after the fact.

You know this so stop being disingenuous. There really is no need.

Sorry, you can discuss this all in game?

No, BoveyBadBoy69 derailed. No comment from you so I will ignore now your faux criticism. You LITERALLY LIKED THE COMMENT but now id derailment? 🤫

And ALL because you don’t know where a thread about TO actually is.

Yet I have not lied, stating the fact of your position as in comments during Balance CAS thread (not with me, your comments are just there for all to see).

And again ALL this because Bovey mentioned TO and you can’t/won’t point to this other thread he could support as per HIS comment.

So well done derailing your own thread.

And on topic: C&F works 👍(no brainer).

Again as You clearly miss it:

‘TO topic’ not TO per se.

Please quote me saying that I don’t want anything altered in GFRB ;)

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Yes, pointing to “where IS the TO Topic” is not TO per se either. So your point since nothing was “clearly missed”?

Within the 560 comments, 108 or so are yours, I’m sure you can find it. Wink.

It was missed as You would understand what I have called a derail and what not and why.

Looked, nothing like what You have said so You are just lying.

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lol . . . well, if you guys have a “special” relationship here on the Forum, that’s ok . .
I don’t make enemies here, I may not agree with what some say, but there is no hate or animosity to it.
We all have our own ideas & opinions. I tend to be “pragmatic” with most things, but that is often seen as “devil’s advocate” or even being a contrarian . . which I am not. I give a thumbs up to those that make statements I tend to agree with, most of the ones I do not follow the same line of thought I do not respond to . . every now & then. I, like many other players, feel like there are some things that could be changed/adjusted and it would make the game better . . but all we can do is make suggestions and wait & see usually . . . kinda like how the real world works most of the time . … lol

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No, I did not derail. Your obfuscation lead to any “derailing”. I just mentioned it in a simple question you refused to answer.

Well I am looking at them now, so try harder… they are your comments… in vein of “disagreement of ideas in thread because does not solve issue for players just wanting to play tanks”.

Indeed. Which is what I point to but ULQ plays silly games in the forum, it is well known. A shame as should be a beacon for all aspects of play rather than the “no reason to play tanks at all” line (his opinion, but just an opinion as must fit his personal goals with WT being a broad church to all sorts of opinions and takes).

Now, alongside the C & F idea, which OP already has put in mentioned in the opening, is the way one can deny any C & F CAS from doing much or anything at all. Perfect time to dust off fighters and make those CAS mains think twice.

You did and You are still doing it.

Well I too, and there is no comment like that. So ye, just lying.

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@CoffeeBean100 please be gentle…the people who rely on Nintendo 64 beta testing, cheese and believe CnF is practical get confused often times.

You have to be very patient & explain things repeatedly for the message to get through, if it ever will.

Like CnF, it takes a lot to make such educational efforts work and will often times simply not be worthwhile.

I tried ☹️

I have dusted off my CD32 but the capictors are blown and won’t load up. 32 bit gfx help even more!

Replying to another yet the person with a grudge flags my posts again…

Obviously personal since post replied to not flagged.

wait . . what?? . . cheese?? . . . oh my . . . .

To be honest if that’s how some want to play the mode and CAS main it that is up to them. Sounds boring when in AF there are many more targets, all marked! Does a poor job researching/spading ground vehicles but game is for many styles.

Not literal cheese… bloomin French. Cheddar is the best anyway. And if you are not French well you are because of the “Le”.

Lesser players tend to think they have discovered revolutionary ways of doing things, as we have seen with goofy proclamations like in days past here.

As has been documented, explained and verified, CnF doesn’t offer anything like the results of good, competent gameplay. It’s the poor man’s inefficient, unreliable way to try accessing aircraft ‘earlier’ than others.

It’s just another naive con of the confused…the daze of daily play has left some people out in the wilderness.

It really does, but You need to be able to understand it and follow its rules.

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Though I would agree the topic is meant for a sarcastic dig at the mode, it is far from perfect.

Which is why you have to wonder why he decided to suddenly get serious.

I am from Texas actually . … lol, nickname irl is . . “Lucky”

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