C&F tactic

What I described is literally your terms (or “rules” or whatever):

You must use certain vehicles on certain maps with certain modes in certain ways or the CnF plan fails.

For the typical goals of gameplay (fun with ___ vehicle or earning SL/RP), CnF has no real practicality or relevance–it’s too niche.

Again, simply playing well is a wiser strategy.

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This is how all tactics work, You need to follow its rules otherwise it fails.

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Wouldn’t expect less from a toxic player .

The “rules” you specify with CnF render it so conditional and needy that it’s essentially pointless as normal gameplay motives go (fun gameplay in ___ & SL/RP earnings).

As CnF simply doesn’t work in Battle mode and is at best ‘problematically needy’ in Conquest, the odds are against even players who do follow all of the many ‘rules’ of your idea. I know it’s sad to realize this…but CnF is simply too convoluted and niche-focused to attract interest from most players.

CnF is impractically complicated for something that can be reached through easier, more reliable means. CnF is like fiddling with a stick and bow to start a fire as cavemen did…instead of just whipping out a lighter.

Playing well conventionally is much more direct and simpler: “the better side wins!

Well that ruined my terrible joke! Keep Lucky 👍

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If someone were to put in some serious effort into this tactic (I didn’t and even then I managed to make two players rage quit by dropping couple of bombs on them), I think it would be VERY effective tactic.

There’s no worse thing than being bombed in first 5 minutes of the battle, which C&F actually allows you to do and SPAAs in the early stages are very rare but people can take them.

I hate GRB CAS but this tactic is so dirty that I somehow like it… I should give it one more shot.

Just my two cents


Its just a tactic ffs .Take fallout 4 ,some people go looking for the kidnapped child and some collect tin cans and build settlements.Does anybody have heart attack over how everybody plays? And this BS that ULQ is alone in wanting TO mode,that is like thinking you are the only person in the fallout world who would like a clean toilet in the game then finding a hundred clean toilet mods with a million users.This forum talks shit and flies in the face of fifty years of video gaming.

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Whoever said that?

If you want something new you must ask Gaijin. Then if they refuse you find out why.
None of this is followed, ever.

And the tactic of TO threads to slag off anyone who uses planes in the mode produced most of the pushback from players. Slagging people off is stupid but TO players have been doing this since 2018.

This whole thread is just a dig at Gaijin, they don’t care for this minority in RB.

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I have no interest in going against TO mode because its supported by somebody I may have taken a dislike to on what has to be the most nasty toxic forum on the net.I occasionally see people in the game that i argue with on here and still assist them and help with repair.Im really not that petty. I think TO would be positive for the game overall.

No one is against it (OK I bet there are some but never seen)

There is not even a topic on it.

No Suggestion has been given to Gaijin in 6 years or before.

No one has ever asked Gaijin why not to add one.

Why are you discussing TO in a non-TO thread? Why not use existing threads? As you saw, me mentioning after you was called derailing.

The only reason I got involved with the whole TO idea was about just how rude and nasty people were against ANYONE who dared use a plane in GF.

Again, no one ever questions why. Why do people have to slag off every plane user?

Rhetorical, I am not expecting you to answer. The whole thread is just a windup to Gaijin due to dissatisfaction and not anything to do with TO.

Lack of asking Gaijin and instead asking other members why has lead to this “divide” and the arguments. It is so simple to resolve but those asking for a new mode refuse to change tact.


Just view TO as a positive move asked for with respect and as a player enjoying the game but wanting something different.

Most do. I “support” the idea but don’t “need it”.

But it is too complicated to have a nuanced view and good luck to all those wanting sonething but never the decebcy to ask correctly… not once.

What is the harm in putting all this to Gaijin?

(And remember this is not TO but about Cap and Fly)

And no I will NOT support stat shaming nor slagging off all users of planes.

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I would agree there.

I hate to be that guy, but the forum mods are continuously removing CAS posts. One of the biggest TO threads was removed completely randomly. The threads exist, the problem is the moderators taking them down.


(I know… I’m not taking the piss when I mention it, I agree, bloody silly they shut EVERY topic but also the main ones… but all pointing it out did was get ULQ all uppity)

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I think all regular forum users know the strenght of feeling regarding CAS.I maintain that so many posts on here are relatively new players who dont realise how new they actually are and those who jumped on to the forum in a fit of rage seconds after being revenge bombed.I have been anti CAS in the past,my brother in law also plays and he flies as badly as I do.Many of us dont lawn dart on purpose you know 😉. Gaijin don’t want revolutionaries on here and moderators use any old exscuse to ban people who they view as going against the grain.

Cause it’s against the rules to make multiple threads about the same topic. That rule didn’t change when we switched forums.

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Problem is they shut them ALL down by accident… lol

Are you a moderator in disguise ? 😆

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