C&F tactic

Have I talked about his conversation with You? I’m talking about what You say in our conversation.

Have You actually made any comments about the gameplay as it is in game?

Because I have made and for them I have provided evidence of how they work

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Sorry, I am not allowed to discuss this with you, by OP.

You can discuss it in proper topic about it, normal thing on forum. C&F tactic wouldn’t work in TO

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Yes, “discussing TO”. That is who I spoke to about TO after they mentioned it, after I queried you as to where the TO thread is since you seem to be the largest voice on that topic. Which you are refusing to answer.

You interjected to my comment, it seems you forget. I supported the replies of those before me which you now avoid after being shown. Evidence is just a few scrolls up 👍

You being awkward is no one’s fault but your own.

If You want to find TO topic use serching option

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You asked me about the topic of TO and I called it a derail

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So you don’t know and can’t find it either. Ok.

How hard was it for you to finally answer? Poor lamb.

Where have I said that I even looked for it?

I just told You to use search option like any person on forum who wants to find something on it

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But you ignored Bovey… sure.

Has he made a point about TO „topic”?

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Again, you just being awkward.

And I will inform you (using said search):

It has been deleted.

Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

So there is no TO thread and looks like interest wained.

Ok? Should I care about it or something?

When talking about interest, You take into consideration posts that are being created all the time?

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OK, you don’t support TO, I don’t care. Maybe make your mind up?

A TO would remove any dissatisfaction for those having issues with air in the mode. But no topic, no interest.

Odd, you usually love to turn topics into discussion of TO!

Again, blame Bovey since he brought it up and you even liked the post 🤣

I support TO, I just don’t care about the topic on the forum. Hard to understand I see.

There are topics about it being created, but let us ignore it!

Again, more derail from C&F topic

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No, people who fail to continue existing topics but start duplicate ones are not anyone who should be listened too until they learn forum etiquette.

Like ones who talk about the game while not playing it?

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I give your “sarcasm” a 2/10 . . but, you have perfectly laid out what the problem is with tank RB . . . the respawn point system . . . it never has worked properly. Just look, a complete guide on how to avoid playing the objectives, even more reasons(excuses) for players to leave games early and a guide for trying to irritate other players. Not sure when people began to think that was also a main objective of playing online games, but it’s really . … just lame, “bully culture”. But as I stated, it’s not the planes/CAS that are the problem, it’s how they are implemented. Take planes in AB tanks . . . they have nerfed them so much they are basically useless 90% of the time(made up number to provide emphasis) and yet you STILL have so many players crying how OP planes are there. They could remove planes altogether and guess what . . . players would still be mad. I like using planes in tank battles, I fly better than I tank and my only good/decent scores in most tank games come if I can make a successful bomb, which is rare(I play AB). No matter what Gaijin does, someone is gonna be mad about it . . . period, just the way it is.
Personally, I feel like they need to ditch the respawn point system and go to something similar to what naval uses, 3 guaranteed tank spawns, minimum/maximum and players accumulate spawn points for planes based on the actions. These would need to be ALL actions and gained in a balanced and fair nature. No single actions(liking capping) would warrant a plane automatically. Players talk about raising the “spawn cost” of planes a lot, this would be a better way to do just that.
At any rate, I used to play RB, stopped shortly after they implemented the respawn point system and every time I try it again . . it’s just a big . . . nah. RB has devolved into a “get respawn points to get a plane to get more respawn points to get another tank” . . . ad nauseum . . . players ignore game play/objectives and all they care about are . . . . respawn points. To me, this has basically ruined what was a good and fun to play mode. . . . oh well, it is what it is and that is just one guy’s view on the matter. But much like waiting for an actual overhaul of the spawning system(the one in AB tanks for planes is the worst in the game by a mile) I do not see anything changing or being done about any of it as it seems to be . . . “good enough” . . seems like a good many things get this label and are just ignored or forgotten for the most part . . . too bad. But we all play the game we are given, find the parts we enjoy and many find the stuff that “pays” well and just do that . . . to each his own.



Duplicate posts: closed down.

Use of forum due to inactivity:

Old forum about a week
New forum started as 3 months inactivity.
Now: always open.

If you have issue with it ask Gaijin during next survey. I am not breaking rules of the forum, those making duplicate topics are.

Irony is that now there are NO topics on it now, mods made some poor decisions from what I can tell.

Sadly OP has stated time and again they do not want anything altered in GFRB. Hence a few messing with the CAS balance thread (don’t call it out, they get very mad over it).

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