Air Sim rewards and how to fix them

Current ASB reward system is, as everyone knows, absolutely abysmal. Giving a relatively small limited reward every 15 minutes based on the amount of score a player has accumulated during this timeframe has way too many flaws and almost no positives. Such a system punishes skilled players and makes passive gameplay more rewarding.

This issue has been brought up way too many times, but Gaijin never responded to it.

For the people that don’t really know how “Useful Actions” works, here it is simplified:

After you spawn, a 15 minute timer starts ticking. In these 15 minutes, you have to achieve 1050 or more score points to get the biggest reward possible (though you don't need exactly that much, as you can still get most of the reward with 600+ score). By the time the timer ends, you will get a popup saying "Useful Actions" that displays the amount of SL and RP you got, and the timer restarts. This is 80% of the reward. To get the remaining 20%, you need to land your aircraft. If you do not get to live to the end of the timer, you get paid depending on the time elapsed (e.g. if you got 1050 score, but lived for only 10 minutes, you will get 2/3 of the 80% reward). You can also land your aircraft whenever you want (e.g. even after 5 useful action cycles, as long as you didn't die - you will get all 5 20% rewards).

This mechanic was added in 2021 to counter botters and zombers that were thriving in ASB, replacing normal, rb-like reward system.

This, however, led to the ASB economy plummeting and players getting very little as opposed to what they were used to.

So now, you can get as much kills as you want, be as good as you want, but after the first 2-3 kills - you don’t get any additional rewards. And, if you die, even if you get a million bazillion gaijillion kills, you will be payed less than an F-4S that had loaded bombs, blew up two bases and did nothing for the rest 7 minutes of his useful actions. Fair? No.

Now, just simply crying about the problem and doing nothing else has led to and will lead to absolutely nothing. So I have some ideas on what to replace the “Useful Actions” with:

1. Good old neuron activation

Simple mechanic as in almost any other gamemode - you kill, you get.

It is good for short term rewards, but will condone botting and zombing, as has previously happened (although the best way to resolve this issue is to severely punish zombers and ban botters).

2. Useful Actions rework 1: No timer

The player now gets 80% of the reward every time he achieves a certain score (be it 1050, 500 or 3000 etc.) and gets the remaining 20% after landing (with it stacking aswell). If he dies, he gets the reward based on the amount of score accumulated before death (e.g. if the limit is 1000 and the player got 600 - he gets 60% of the 80%). If the player has not died and landed on the airfield, while also achieving some score, he gets the reward based on the accumulated score before landing + landing bonus (e.g. if the limit is 1000 and the player got 600 - he gets 60% of the total reward).

This will ease the severity of botters and zombers, but will still give high rewards for passive gameplay. But this change will also make normal players more likely to kill enemies since they are no longer afraid to die and will get more rewards off of it, making zombing a challenge and botting less probable.

3. Useful Actions rework 2: Unlimited

There is still a timer present, but the rewards are not limited. After the time had passed, the player gets rewards based on accumulated score points (e.g. 1 point = 10 SL and 5 RP). As always, 80%, with landing giving 20% (and stacking).

This is more akin to what there is now, and will make botting and zombing less profitable than the previous system, but the normal players will also suffer more.

Which one of the ideas would you like to be implemented more (maybe with some changes)?

  • As in RB, you kill - you get
  • Rework 1: No timer
  • Rework 2: Unlimited
  • Other
  • Leave Useful Actions as it is
0 voters

Now, just simply posting this will, most likely, do nothing. To get The Snail moving, we need to show how much we need a change. Since there has been an increase in sim players lately, the gamemode should finally be revived.

  1. Just increase the reward. If now with 15 min and 1000 score you get “X”, make it so you recieve “X×2”/“X×Y”. That’s it.
  2. FIX THE ANTI-CHEAT. Proper anti-cheat=less bots. The rigged matches aren’t a problem, there are maybe 2% off full rigged lobbies [and probably all of them are chinese].

That’s why we ended up here! Instead of straight up banning them, “snail” just lowers the reward for everyone. It’s the classic “5% of population that ruins it for everyone else”.


I didn’t have much time to invent new ideas but I like the X×Y

Y being either number of kills divided by 2-3 or some modified score overshoot value



Also according to the data presented here the maximum reward that we can possibly get by useful action interval is actually only 92% of what is displayed in the stat cards during the game. Credit to the data to traveltrousers


Jsut gunna quote what i’ve put previously on this:

But I do like your suggestions. They could work


I had an idea like that but I figured that gaijin is so lazy that even what I’ve proposed is too much



Im just hoping for a new map sometime this year for Air EC and even then, that might be asking for too much.


Gaijin’s way of trying to deal with bots always ends up hurting real players the most. But, they dont really care about players and gameplay anyways.

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Can’t wait to see what they’ve come up with for “Aces of War Thunder”


Bring skill bonuses you get for kill-streaks to Sim Battles. This should act like a multiplier to the existing reward system, the way it does for RB. For example, If you get 5 or however many kills, you get the full multiplier. This should significantly boost the rewards, but you know, sim is hard.

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That is the same as the skill bonus in RB no?

Well, the skill bonus only multiplies RP rewards, not SL

Why just not do hybrid system?

You kill you get rewards so there is heavy incentive on PvP aspect of the mode. However all PvE actions like bombing bases, AF, killing AI units give score that ticks useful actions.

But given Gajin spagetti code implemeting this would take 10 years even if it is as simple as adding one variable that tracks PvE score outside of score displayed in players table and changing other variable to TRUE.

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But then people could play and make progress without premium…
This “unintended” way to play the game is definitely not planned.

Do you count XP-50 as premium?

If not then I ground out the whole tree (sans the new F-111 and the newest F-15, which I’m 5K RP away from unlocking).

Granted, I’ve had the game since 2014.

If you hover over the score, it shows what actions you got it for. So this is already in the game

Yes it tracks everything but current system would lead to double rewards if turned into hybrid system. One for kill and then since kills count towards score another reward for useful actions.

So what would need to be done is a separate score that is tracked only for PvE stuff (hidden score) that useful action rewards are calculated from. Then you would take hidden score and add to it whatever score from kills to make “display score”. Because kills in hybrid system can not be rewarded twice.

That way you would display correct score to players and system would not need a massive rewrite. It is the least effort solution to turn it into hybrid reward system.

This game starts to piss me on (again)
These were 30 min of pure rampage and what did I get? 60k SL and 8k RP…



The only game mode which doesn’t motivate you to get better, real spirit of competition! It’s the greatest unrespect to the sim community of this game


There are plenty of good recommendations, but unfortunately, they’ll all just fall in deaf ears. Gaijin doesn’t care about sim.