SIM mode, Gaijin in this way is not good

After 20kill and 6 deaths, and the best of the other team had 7 we lost, and I wondered why this, since I pusted them at the airport, chased them in the capture areas even if I was alone against more enemies, and As aggressive in the game, I got the “terror of the skies” recognition. I didn’t know what to invent anymore, I even asked my companions to give me a hand because we were losing, and to attack in a group, and the answer that was given to me was-excuse the friend we have the R-77-
This answer has displaced me, because this answer is a clear and concise demonstration, of the awareness that if you choose the “red team” you already know that you will most likely lose, because your performances are lower. Now I know there will be a white chivalr who will say -ah but with the R77 I can also kill a lot of enemies, it is you who do not know how to play-, I reply to these people that I don’t do the same results, with the aircraft that they have R-77, and they are not an ace of the SIM, there are people clearly better than me, but it is an objective fact that the performance is not at the same level, and that looking at the situation from a general aspect a few exceptions do not balance the disparity of performance.
Another speech is the non -rewarding reward, after 1 hour and 20 minutes of mission and the result I obtained that gave me so little reward. Of course we have lost but they are always 20 killings in SIM mode, at least I expected 500k for such a performance. I believe we agree that the rewards in SIM must be magazine, and that Gaijin must take serious measures to balance the situation, both in performance and economic terms (as regards the SIM mode)


Sim rewards are not based straight on performance, they are paid out periodically based on your performance during that period (every 15 minutes) and with a max cap for each period. to maximize the gains from sim you need to calculate how much you are required to achieve within each period AND land the plane before the period is over. So if you get a lot of kills within that same 15 minutes then perhaps the last few kills will get you zero reward as you are already maxed out, and if you also don’t land at the end of that period and instead get shot down then the reward is also going to be lower.

and reason for that - PVE farm abusers… and yet they still exists, just look at Tunisia, winter stalingrad players
game gives you more for passive gameplay and punishes for active

So I am forced to return to the base to land to get my points? But are you joking? This does not make sense, it is an absurd system, but who is it that has thought of such an absurdity? This system must be totally reviewed, it makes no sense. The rewards must be accumulated for each action that I do, that it is bombing, killing other players, capturing the areas, defending them, and also completing objectives as well as the periodic reward for the activity, and not that some of my actions can be worth zero Because of a badly studied system. We are talking about the SIM mode, where everything being more difficult should be rewarded. The one reason to return to the airport should be the refueling of fuel and ammunition. Why must Gaijin always study new methods to make the community angry? they seem to do it on purpose

There is already a topic regarding that that you can join in that case: