Air domination match

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I hear you, believe me. I do.
I also like to play bombers, but “domination” or “airfield domination” are just pointless for anything but fighters.

What helped me?

I discovered Air RB for me. Bombers have it hard in RB, there are times when you get into the match, fly for 5 minutes, to be shot down 10 seconds before you reach drop point. But then, that can happen to you in AB as well, can’t it?
So, nothing lost, and that was for me the entry to Air RB.

And I have not looked back.
Ever since, Air AB to me feels like bumper cars.

Chat me up if you want assistance with bombers in RB :)

  • E.

It’s the map rotation cycle combined with the BR range you are playing. Once you get to a certain BR “range” you won’t see near as many, if any Air Domination matches. And yes I hear what you’re saying, I often do a BP Daily task requiring me to kill ground targets with an attacker/strike aircraft, which can go really fast on Frontline maps or some of the Ground Strike maps, but . . . I do get Air Domination at times since I run a Russian IL-2 line up for this often and only take 1 fighter with that, so . . not a very good set up for Air Domination. Key thing to making good line ups in AB is to have a “balance” of aircraft that can work on most any map. 1 - 2 bombers max, a strike aircraft, the rest fighters seems to work for me. I do however have a good many ALL fighter line ups that I use for the BP tasks(that’s basically all I do anymore, BP stuff) and that generally goes pretty good depending on the tasks I have going. Getting some points/score can help work crew skills(they are 3x in AB, a very nice perk) and you can still earn SL’s & some RP even tho not as much as another map might offer, but it is still infinitely better than returning to the hangar and getting a crew lock and zippo on the scoreboard. Just have to remember, that the Air Domination map(s) will rotate out sooner or later and you won’t see them as much. Maybe you can use a bit higher BR line up(if you have that) when you see the Air Dom maps popping up a lot(I never see any at 4.3) and check back now and then until the coast is clear . . . lol. There are ways around it that are less frustrating than what you seem to be getting . . . . Hope that helps.

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I appreciate your help and ill try bombing in rb since the experience is similar, just have to get used to the bomb computer.

I see, i was playing low tier bombers a few days ago and got nothing but ground strike. Ill just go grind some higher tiers since you mentioned there is more variety. Anyways thank you for providing me with some more game knowledge and tactics to “tailor” my experience

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In RB, even the Rank I bombers can bomb bases, if you like to. I have been on base bombing runs from BR 1.3 onwards… admittedly, I don’t think I ever tried with a 1.0 Bomber…

I feel your pain. I really do not understand why Gaijin doesn’t either, allow you to exclude the game modes you don’t want to play or provide ground targets and bases in all modes.

I hear the argument being matchmaking but my time is finite, I cannot commit hours upon hour trying to get into matches that suit a playstyle, a plane I am trying to spade or an objective I am trying to achieve. It is a waste of time for the matchmaker to put me in a match I am just going to quit straight out of. And what is more infuriating is that you end up getting put back in the same game mode, back to back even when you shift nation.

Very annoying.


Second you change your lineup you’ll get groundstrike maps haha! it’s fkn annoying that’s true!
I had this happen 3 times in a row.
I take out my groundpound focused lineups get domination, i switch to a fighter lineup get groundstrike.
lucky I play 4 nations so I just return to hangar but it is incredibly frustrating. We should be able to pick mission modes.


I think if your squad battle rating is 1.3 (also 1.7?) you get a very high percentage of air domination. You need to go down to 1.0 or climb to (1.7?) or 2.0 to get out of this trap.


True dude,I was playing new bombers/attackers that i just researched, but there’s no way to avoid the goddamn air domination mode…in this mode the bombers are useless.
Very very very annoying.It seems gaijin really hate bomber players lol

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If anyone had the same problem,you can check this link below,it might help you.Change low BR air arcade match making, it's BROKEN - #21 by Dodo_Dud

This has become so irritating. This started for me in the last week of December after I hadn’t played for a few weeks. Now about 4/5 matches are air domination. Yes, I counted.

I’m REALLY sick of it.

Same for me, I have a Destroy Base wager mission… I tried 6 nations and had a Domination every time… So I quitted immediately and switched nation, but it happened 8 times in a row to finally have a mission with bases (tried between BR 3.3 and BR 5.0). Extremely irritating.

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I have a special task which requires me to take down 15 bases. I’m already at 11/15. But the amount of air domination battles I have to come across to get 1 ground strike is ridiculous. The worse is that this is one of the communities biggest problems and Gaijin does not give a fuck about it. I wished it would be fixed so that it would be at least 50/50 if not even lower. I rather would it seen being removed from the game since it requires to much to have a sensible team which is often asking a lot for in war thunder these days. With ground strike I can at least steer the game to a win.

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Same here. It’s been awhile since I played air. I used to have all nations spaded up to 6.7. Today I lined up the G8N1 to get a new modification they added some time ago and 8 out of 10 games have been domination. Haven’t got it yet, and as soon as I do I’ll go back to ground as given state of air AB I have absolutely 0 interest to spade the new lines/modifications they added in Italian, French, Sweden trees and the whole Israelian tree. Ground is currently way more fun.

Same problem. But Gaijins said it is “Not a bug”. Lol.

If you set a line up of planes over 3.3 - 3.7, I think you will see a lot less Air Domination matches. I normally play 4.3 - 5.3 and never get them. I have an attacker/strike aircraft line up at 3.3 and I will catch Air Domination matches every now & then. Making room with that line up for the BP IL-8, which is 3.7 BR, and I do not get them either, not yet anyway. But I also think it is wise to make your line ups as balanced in BR as you can, but also, 1 - 2 bombers, 1 - 2 attackers and the rest fighters, something along those lines. This way, no matter what type of map/mode the game gives you, you’re still going to be able to go out and play the match and get some decent scoring. Doing tasks can be tedious, but it is also good to break things up a bit too. That “all work & no play” thing. All I really do anymore are the BP Daily/Special tasks, so I understand where you are coming from, just have to make the best of it. It is also good to remember that the way map rotation works, if you play the same line up, BR, nation, mode game after game . . . good chance you can see the same map several times in a row, more so at certain times of day when there are fewer players online. Lots to consider, many variables . . . just have to make the best of it and do as well as you can … . all things equal out in the long run.
Good Luck

If you set a line up of planes over 3.3 - 3.7

This is wholly incorrect.

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Just by my experience, I never get any Air Dom matches playing 4.3 or higher, none at all

Can you link a replay showing a 4.3 lineup in Airdom? Thank you.