Why not add heli spawns to air sim using the bomb targets and heli spawns near the ground battles that take place.
Also the helicopters that can carry troops like the black hawk, huey, hind, MI 8, ect. should be able to deploy mobile sam systems like stingers and at teams for gound battles that take place in sim??
Because they helis would be slaughtered faster than a new player in a click bate Abrams
I agree, the whole game mode would have to be developed into a much more detailed and deep style of warfare. At the moment we’re at maybe 20% of what we’d need to get this working.
Getting helis in is super simple. Getting them to work in any meaningful way super hard (well, not super hard, just a lot to do before).
Has quite a few considerations for Helis to join in Sim ECs.
TLDR: Helis as they currently are modeled can be extremely dangerous while flown by even mediocre pilots and are difficult as hell to find via radar because the Snail hasn’t modeled rotor attenuation.
in ASB, probably not as quick as you’d think, with helis being so slow and low it’d be relatively hard to spot them, and ones with Radar like the Ka-52 and AH-64D would get early warning of aircraft incoming, and allow them to start preparing to defend,
No-one is expecting them to win in a 1v1, but neither are they expecting Su-25s or other strike aircraft to,
early hells would be in a real unique position, the lack of look down radars at that BR would make it highly difficult to see them providing your high enough to avoid rotor wash dust, especially if you are against a forest
the 10.0-11.0 Heli’s would be in a weak spot, with look down radars appearing in their spread and quite a few without an effective counter to aircraft, but that’s what the BR system is for
This has been asked in the past when chatting with lastGrayAngel. The mission design dev who created the EC game mode.
The issue is the EC mission files were created to support aircraft only - long before helicopters were added in the game. To support helicopters, that will require development time to update each EC map, in order to update mission logic to fully support it, and with new mission tasks. EC currently has 22 maps to choose. That’s a lot of work.
Also, updating the AI as well to support the flight model. Because without it, any AI helicopter will fly dumb in a straight line, or just crash. This itself will require support from the programmers.
This is why nothing has changed. Based on their roadmap for upcoming features with the core game modes AB & RB. It’s not a top priority their game director has planned.
even if they could sneak past players to hit ground points, the NPC AA will shoot them down
interesting is that why there has been no changes to sim in the like 5 years ive been playing sim
(outside of changing rp and sl gains that are bullshit)
only really a threat to the most basic starter helis, anything higher outranges the gun SPAA a lot
maybe if they were not guaranteed death it would be alright,
Bot SPAA is bullshit accurate, atleast 5x more accurate than any human
yea i know that they need to change that even so it would help the grind for hellis
Yeah, I understand what he meant since my background is in software development. The director will work closely with the company stakeholders to go over the project at the end of the year, and map out the roadmap for features to spend development time.
Everything is planned out to make sure each team is assigned the right amount of tasks per patch release (aka sprint). But not too many tasks that overwhelm them and make it impossible to complete it by the deadline.
With that said, and in WT’s case. Their yearly releases they plan out is top priority since it brings in the revenue for the project to continue development. So that will always take up most of their planned work load. Anything besides that will not be marked as a high task. They will be considered a low task, and can be potentially placed on a backlog for many months. Only to be pulled if there is an opening when developers need something to work on during an active patch cycle.
Sim itself is not a one dev show - it never was. That’s a misconception most have about it. Every game title, like any software project. Has multiple staff to support it. Developers themselves are broken up into teams based on their skill specifications - map design, UI design, art/animation, gameplay design, etc. lastGrayAngel is a mission designer, and he still does work on many of the maps in the game. If he gets the ok to work on the EC maps. He still needs assistance from other developers with other skills to make certain features work, and function properly.
And that’s the problem there. If there is no free time, then it has to be on the back burner. Also, you can’t shift gears in the middle of development because of a few want this or that feature in their favorite mode. Development time will always need approval from the project director. So in the past, when the Sim community ask for improvement and changes. They always mention to suggest only features that are light, and will not require major overhauls.
Meaning, they won’t take a lot of development time that won’t force them to shift gears from what they currently have planned to work on for the year.
when they did go to mess with sim tho they fuck up the sl and rp gains
It was back in August 2021 if I recall. That’s when our old economy system that reward you based on performance was gutted.
Then replace with the current Useful Actions system.
It’s also the same system used in Heli EC PvE mode. The only difference is the intervals there are 10-minutes instead of the Sim EC 15-minutes.
The reason was not to spite the player base even though it feels that way. It was their solution to combat the problem with 3rd party groups abusing the mode to boost accounts for resale.
The same groups that also flooded naval with the same bot accounts.