Adding helicopter's to SB for better helicopter immersion and a better helicopter grind

After adding the original post some time ago. I’ve decided to add this to the suggestions section so it can maybe get some well needed attention. For those that are reading and voting on this. Especially the developers and moderators that come across this. I want to make this ABSOLUTELY clear. If helicopter’s do get added to simulator these changes NEED to happen otherwise it will become hard to play with helicopter’s in simulator. We are not only voting on helicopter’s getting added to simulator BUT also the changes NEEDED so helicopter’s get added CORRECTLY.

  1. Helicopter’s get added to Air SB EC.
  2. Rotor’s cause dopplar shift in simulator. Mimicking real life values. IMPORTANT!
  3. Flying low is fixed. Multi-pathing. Flying low doesn’t make you almost invisible on radar below 100m, reduce it to 50m or so. IMPORTANT!
  4. Rotary physics are updated and more realistic. Mimicking real life values. IMPORTANT!
  5. Updated airfield defense past Vietnam era. Around 11.7 and above, so having Pantsir-S1’s or Patriot’s at each airfield and they actually activate when hostiles are within range… Roland’s will still be fine at Vietnam era 9.7 - 10.7 ish. As Vietnam era heli’s don’t have crazy air to air capabilities like modern heli’s do. IMPORTANT!
  6. The BR for helicopter’s gets re-worked a little bit. That way Vietnam era rotary wing is matched up with Vietnam era fixed wing. And modern era with modern era. IMPORTANT!
  7. Helicopter spawns across the map that are able to be destroyed. And also have missle system airfield defense. Attackers objective becomes AI helicopter’s so helicopter players have more to do.
  8. Bigger maps. This isn’t as important but would be a plus with the addition of helicopter’s in simulator. ESPECIALLY with the addition of more Fox 3’s, such as the Aim-120, R-77 and Mica.

Adding helicopters to Air SB mode would be an awesome addition. Almost every player knows that grinding helicopter’s can be an absolute pain whether in “heli pve”, Ground RB or Ground SB (if the rotation is there that day for SB) because the research rate is quite slow. It would be cool to play peekaboo with ground units at ground battles on the map and possibly have to defend from other enemy aircraft trying to stop you from attacking grounds units. However, there would have to be some BR changes to match up Vietnam rotary wing with Vietnam fixed wing and modern rotary wing with modern fixed wing as explained in the video. One note would be that adding heli pad spawns across the map so heli’s don’t have to spawn on the airfield on one end of the map then fly to the battlefield which would take quite some time with a bigger map in a heli. Another thing to note is airfield defense upgrades so heli’s won’t be able to hover around the airfield and just airfield camp. The Roland’s don’t have the range needed to defend the airfield well anymore at top tier 11.7+, and sometimes they don’t even activate when an enemy is nearby. Keeping Roland’s at the Vietnam era would be fine as alot of heli’s in that era don’t have crazy good air to air capabilities but make them more aggressive where the Roland’s actually activate. However, adding Pantsir-S1’s or Patriot’s that have a launch range of well over 12 miles is absolutely necessary above SB 11.7 where 4th generation aircraft are present that can carry Fox 3’s as well as keeping heli’s IF added from camping the airfield.

Please vote and thank you for your time. o7!

Here is the video.

Here is the original War Thunder forum post where you can see other players feedback.

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This would be one of the worst additions to ec. The current top tier helicopters are basically immortal to planes due to the rotors having no dopplar shift, and the fact that they can all use atgms or fox2s to easily win any fight. This can be expeirnced in top tier tank sim currently, where u have a bunch of ah1z s landed just off your runway shooting you down as you take off.


This, 100% this. As it stands right now, it is nearly impossible to lock helo’s due to poor implementation of their rotor rotation and their radar signature from a radars point of view. They should be some of the most visible radar signatures in the game but they ain’t. Before they are added to sim, this needs to be rectified


Updated rotory physics would be a need if heli’s do get added to Air EC. If it isnt added correctly then I wouldn’t want heli’s added if not done properly.

Airfield camping was addressed with an updated airfield defense. Something with more range than a Roland (like a Pantsir-S1 for example) so it wouldn’t be so easy to just sit behind enemy lines and shoot hostile aircraft off the runway. Another thing would be to have the airfield defense actually activate. Because sometimes they don’t even do anything.

That’s experienced in top tier tank sim because 1. The map is so small and easy to navigate from one side to the other. And 2. The airfield defense is garbage at that BR.


YES. I only wanted to get the suggestion out there. If not implemented correctly it wouldn’t be a fun time, that’s for sure.

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For those that are reading and voting on this. Especially the developers and moderators that come across this. I want to make this ABSOLUTELY clear. If helicopter’s do get added to simulator these changes NEED to happen otherwise it will become hard to play with more modern helicopter’s in simulator. We are not only voting on helicopter’s getting added to simulator BUT also the changes NEEDED so helicopter’s get added CORRECTLY.

  1. Helicopter’s get added to Air SB EC.
  2. Rotor’s cause dopplar shift in simulator. Mimicking real life values. IMPORTANT!
  3. Flying low is fixed. Multi-pathing. Flying low doesn’t make you almost invisible to radar. Have it mimic real life values. IMPORTANT!
  4. Rotary physics are updated and more realistic Mimicking real life values. IMPORTANT!
  5. Updated airfield defense past Vietnam era. Around 11.0 ish and above, so having Pantsir-S1’s or Patriot’s at each airfield and they actually activate when hostiles are within range… Roland’s will still be fine at Vietnam era 9.7 - 10.7 ish. As Vietnam era heli’s don’t have crazy air to air capabilities like modern heli’s do. IMPORTANT!
  6. The BR for helicopter’s gets re-worked a little bit. That way Vietnam era rotary wing is matched up with Vietnam era fixed wing. And modern era with modern era. IMPORTANT!
  7. Helicopter spawns across the map that are able to be destroyed. And also have missle system airfield defense. Attackers objective becomes AI helicopter’s so helicopter players have more to do.
  8. Bigger maps. This isn’t as important but would be a plus with the addition of helicopter’s in simulator. ESPECIALLY with the addition of more Fox 3’s, such as the Aim-120, R-77 and Mica.

Thank you all for your time. o7!


Why do we need bigger maps? I’m a little confused. I play sim a good amount, but I’m not entirely sure bigger maps is what we need. There definitely are some small maps I agree, but at the same time, with bigger maps does that not mean added fuel ranges, and longer game times? Does that mean we’ll actually see War thunder properly make planes that aren’t using after burner not fly like absolute bricks, and can still maintain speed saying we don’t get more than 20 minutes of fuel on some planes? ( which is beyond me)

Say something like demark, I think it gives a good mix or very quick action, yet at the same time it gives you variation of engagements at a distance.

I think what I’d rather see is a total rework to sim, different ways of engaging in EC, not just destroy the bombers, the convoy, the bases, the boats.

I’d rather see actual US forces use US/NATO planes. It’s annoying as an A10 we kill Wolfpacks and M1A for some reason. Same with the planes, why do we see the F89 when we all know the Russians used migs. Similar yet different. Or maybe having SIDAMs not being absolute death cannons that zap planes out of the sky, and maybe giving the Z35 tracers, too many times they’re shooting and I’m already hit without any inclination of being hit, and maybe having RWR work a little more consistently…

I would also be nice to get certain bombs to work correctly, like GBUs or the anti ship missiles

I’d rather see an overhaul of maybe taking out bunkers, or enemy artillery, or radars.

Bigger maps, maybe, but I don’t think they’re what sim needs right away.

I’ll vote yes, but War thunder needs to make changes to SIM more in the way everything else and not just bigger maps.

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Bigger maps = more map space to add new objectives (like destroy bunkers at E7), more frequent objectives (like having a couple on the map at once)

Improving simulator at the top tier level, bigger maps are a good start.


The thing is though, IRL helicopters have gone against fixed wing… it doesn’t go well for fixed wing. Don’t change the reality of things for the sake for the game.

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We are aware. Read my list a couple comments above.

Spawn killing is an issue that needs to be reworked in all game modes… however, helicopters certainly have exceptional air to air capability, just limited range and speed. This is not something that should just be altered because of how you feel, helicopters are and should be, difficult for fixed wings to kill.

In tests that specifically limited the use of radar against the helicopters. It’s not surprising that being locked into a phonebooth with an aircraft that can turn in place isn’t ideal.

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They are only difficult to kill because their radar signature might as well be that of a stealth plane in game. In reality the rotors are like a giant beacon for radars and radar missiles

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It would be good to see more mixed battles in sim on the larger maps.
Ships - helicopters.

But the lower tier helicopters would be unusable with the current AI AAA on the battle fields and convoys.

I would rather see achievable goals in EC than adding new things.

It’s neglected and broken as it is.

Attackers that plow into the ground.
AAA that one shots you 2km away.
The zombers diving with rockets on the runways.
Invisible aircraft in VR.
Ugly cockpits in the bombers and lower tiers.
Not being able to used the cockpit MFDs -instead having to lose all situational awareness to target ground troops.
Being unable to join or find friends in the servers.
Not being able to use torpedos - due to ships AAA
To name but a few.


+1 I’d love to kill ground targets in my helis in peace for once


I am largely in favor of helicopter participation in SBEC.
When adding helicopters to SBEC, it is better to add a helipad separate from the airfield.
I also think that reflecting the appearance of enemies in helicopter PvE in the SBEC will make it more thrilling and fun, as well as more dangerous at low altitude.

I think there is a danger of a lock to the airfield with helicopter implementation at SBEC.
But on a narrow map such as Tunisia, airfields are often monitored from high altitude and shot down immediately after takeoff, so I think adding a heliport and placing anti-aircraft guns around it at the same time would reduce the impact a little.

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The biggest problem (rotors not reflecting radar) has just been added!!!

This alone would pave the way for Helicopter participation in Air Sim matches. I think this would make a great addition. They can help out with ground battles/bases and fix the painfully slow heli grinding.


While i voted yes and would love to see this happen…
Get this…
Helicopter RB?
the same as HELI EC rn but with higher rewards (rp per kill) and instead of auto reload, we have zones like a,b,c,d, etc for reload that you can capture


Didnt know that, that is very cool and yes would make a big impact on how they interact with the rest of the game.

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