- Yes
- No

- In-game:
- Description:
- The country of the Republic of Indonesia is a massive country located in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is a powerhouse of economic development due to it being a G20 member, and recently classified as a newly industrialized country as well as having the 4th largest population in the world at 275 million people. According to Global Firepower, the Indonesian military as a whole is ranked 15th in the world, with 400,000 active duty personnel and over 2,000 land-based vehicles to assert it’s security and sovereignty. The current budget of the military sits around $9.3 billion, allowing Indonesia to meet it’s own security needs. Indonesia has a newly developing arms industry such as PT Pindad, that is able to develop indigenous vehicles and new technology that is able to compete with modern technology of developed arms industries. Indonesia’s arms industry is rapidly modernizing due to its partnerships with established companies such as Turkey’s FNSS, France’s Renault or MBDA, or Belgium’s John Cockerill which allows them to share some specifics on technology. Due to this, Indonesia has developed several unique vehicles ranging from the Harimau Medium Tank to the smaller Komodo 4x4, which would have a unique place in the game War Thunder.
- Description:
- One of the issues with the Indonesian Sub-tree is the beginning 3 ranks and rank 5. This is due to the Indonesian utilizing vehicles from other countries like the US, the USSR, and France. The issue is that there would be some copy and paste, however, if combined with a tree that already utilizes the vehicles, then the only thing to do is add Indonesian military camouflage to those vehicles that exist in the tree already.
- The location of this sub-tree is up for debate. The Indonesian military draws a lot of their vehicles from France, and Germany, with newer vehicles developed in coordination with Turkey’s FNSS as well as Belgium’s John Cockerill. There is a lot of different options for this Sub-tree. One option is that this sub-tree could also be used to amplify potential ground tree’s such as an ASEAN tree of Turkish tree. The closest however would most likely be with Turkey due to their continuing development of armored vehicles with many more to come. To summarize, this sub-tree would be best to be implemented in support of a minor nation to provide more vehicles to use as well as draw on future potential since more vehicles are being developed. Please comment below on where you think this tree should go!
- List of vehicles included in this tree:
- Leopard 2RI
- Harimau Hitam
- Komodo CPWS Gen 2 (25) - Premium
- Cobra IFV
- Komodo Mistral ATLAS
- AMX-13/Yonkav 2
- Badak
- AMX-10P Marine
- PT-76(M)
- E.B.R. model 1951
- M4A3(75)W Sherman
- M3A3 Stuart
- Vehicles not listed in this suggestion but could be considered and/or are a WIP for this Sub-tree:
- Leopard 2A4+ (MBT)
- Cobra 8x8 FSV
- Marder Medium Tank RI
- Marder 1A3 (IFV)
- Propad SHORAD Grom (VSHORAD)
- Komodo Starstreak (VSHORAD)
- VAMTAC ST5 RapidRanger (VSHORAD)
- M109A4-BE (SPH)
- BMP-3F (IFV)
- BVP-2 (IFV)
- AMX-13/105 Modèle 58 FL-12 (LT)
- AMX Mk 61 (SPH)
- Tarantula 6x6 (FSV)
- FV101 Scorpion 90 (LT)
- V-150 FSV (FSV)
- AMX-13/75 Modèle 52 (LT)
- FV601 Saladin (LT)
- Isuzu NPS75 (ZSU-23-2)
- Type 97 Chi-Ha (LT)
- Humber Mark IV AC
- List of vehicles included in this tree:
- Disclaimer:
- If any information is incorrect or better sources are located, or other vehicles I’m sure I have missed, please comment them and I’ll be happy to correct it and tag your name in the correction.
- This suggestion is just to provide a blueprint for an Indonesian Sub-tree and is not final. Vehicles such as the Leopard 2RI can be added or removed, depending on what is necessary for inclusion of the tree.
- If any information is incorrect or better sources are located, or other vehicles I’m sure I have missed, please comment them and I’ll be happy to correct it and tag your name in the correction.
- Special thanks to @NFrost51 for there efforts in improving the quality of this tree! Work will be done to revise much of the tree and create a full-fledged layout for it.
A Leopard 2RI during an exercise.
- Basic Description:
- The Leopard 2RI (Republic Indonesia) is a heavily upgraded Leopard 2A4 for the Indonesian Army. The upgraded vehicle, touted as Rheinmetall’s Revolution package, was first presented at the Eurosatory 2014. The Leopard 2RI is a complete modernization by Germany’s Rheinmetall that is tailored to Indonesia’s environment to include AMAP armor covering the turret and hull, new/modern electronics for all crew members, a new gun brake to allow for firing of high-pressure APFSDS-T rounds like the DM53, fire control system capable of firing programmable HE rounds, A/C modifications, and many other upgrades. The Indonesian Army currently operates 63 Leopard 2RI’s as well as 40 Leopard 2A4’s for a total of 103 Leopard 2’s.
- Specifications:
- Role: Main Battle Tank
- Origin/Manufacturer:
- Germany - Krauss-Maffei
- Note: Features technology developed from the Indonesian Defense Industry.
- Germany - Krauss-Maffei
- Armament:
- Primary: Rheinmetall 120mm L/44 Smoothbore Gun
- Ammunition:
- HE-T
- Feed System:
- Manual Loader
- Ammunition:
- Coaxial: 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- Roof Mount: 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- Primary: Rheinmetall 120mm L/44 Smoothbore Gun
- Dimensions:
- Length: 7.7m (9.6m w/ Gun Forward)
- Width: 3.7m
- Height: 2.8m
- Weight: ~65t
- Mobility:
- Engine: 1,500hp - MTU MB 873 Diesel Engine
- Max Speed: ~70km/h
- Transmission: RENK HSWL Automatic (8-Forward, 4-Reverse)
- Suspension: Torsion Bar
- Crew:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Loader
- Driver
- Modifications:
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- User(s):
- Gunner
- Commander
- Driver
- User(s):
- Laser Rangefinder
- Optional Laser Warning System (LWS)
- Armor:
- AMAP-B Modular Armor
- Rated at STANAG 4569 Level 5+.
- AMAP-B Modular Armor
- 16x 76mm Smoke Grenades
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- In-game:
- The Leopard 2RI is a highly specialized Leopard 2A4 that features improved armor, upgraded gun (capable of firing higher-pressure APFSDS-T rounds like the DM53 and more), and upgraded electronics allowing it to compete very well with other tanks of its rank. The AMAP composite armor takes the best parts of the Leopard 2PL turret and combines them with similar armor values of the Strv 122A/B hull (covering more area), allowing extreme survivability in the front.
- Due to its capabilities, this tank would sit at Battle Rating 11.0+.
- Sources:
- [Indonesian Leopard 2RI | Thai Military and Asian Region Leopard 2RI (Republic Indonesia,configuration has still changed after.](Indonesian Leopard 2RI | Thai Military and Asian Region
- Below The Turret Ring: Leopard 2RI in production
- Indonesia Receives First Batch of New German-made Main Battle Tanks – The Diplomat
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/germany_german_army_heavy_armoured_vehicle_tank_uk/leopard_2a4_main_battle_tank_technical_data_sheet_specifications_description_pictures_video.html
- Leopard 2 - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
- Advanced Modular Armor Protection - Wikipedia
- Used 'alutsista': Increasing the Indonesian Army's firepower - National - The Jakarta Post
- Imagery:
- Basic Description:
- The Harimau (Tiger), also known as the Kaplan or MMWT, is a medium tank developed and produced by both Turkey(FNSS) and Indonesia(Pindad). It is equipped with a Cockerill 3105 turret which features a 105mm High-pressure gun capable of firing GL-ATGM’s. It is also equipped with some of the latest electronics and can be upgraded with APS systems. The Hull armor meets STANAG 4569 Level 4 and can be equipped with modular armor to meet level 5. Due to its weight, it is capable of traversing many roads and bridges as well as the rough Indonesian terrain. This medium tank is being produced for the Indonesian Army with 4 other potential operators including the Philippines, Brunei, and Bangladesh.
- Specifications:
- Role: Medium Tank
- Origin/Manufacturer:
- Indonesia/Turkey - PT Pindad/FNSS
- Armament:
- Primary: Cockerill 105mm High-pressure Gun
- Ammunition:
- Canister
- GL-ATGM (Falarick 105)
- Feed System:
- 12rd-ready Autoloader
- Ammunition:
- Coaxial: 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- Roof Mount: 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- Primary: Cockerill 105mm High-pressure Gun
- Dimensions:
- Length: 7.0m (9.1m w/ Gun Forward)
- Width: 3.2m
- Height: 2.7m
- Weight: 32t (35t w/ addon armor)
- Mobility:
- Engine: 711hp - Caterpillar C13 Diesel Engine
- Max Speed: 70km/h
- Transmission: Allison/Caterpillar X300 Automatic (4-Forward, 2-Reverse)
- Suspension: Torsion Bar
- Crew:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver
- Modifications:
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- User(s):
- Gunner
- Commander
- User(s):
- Night Vision Device (NVD)
- User(s):
- Driver
- User(s):
- Laser Rangefinder
- Optional Laser Warning System (LWS)
- Armor:
- STANAG 4569 Level 4 Armor
- Capable of withstanding 14.5mm projectiles and 155mm shell splinters.
- STANAG 4569 Level 5 Modular Armor
- Capable of withstanding 25-30mm projectiles.
- Underbelly mine protection.
- STANAG 4569 Level 4 Armor
- 8x 76mm Smoke Grenades
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- In-game:
- The Harimau is a medium tank that would add a unique spin to top ranked vehicle play by adding a highly effective vehicle mounting a modern 105mm gun capable of firing a variety of ammunition including ATGM’s. The Harimau can equip modular armor similar to many vehicles already implemented in game and would fit well as a Tier IV modification alongside the ATGM.
- Due to its capabilities, it would sit around Battle Rating 10.0.
- Sources:
- Pindad on Instagram: "Cipatat - PT Pindad (Persero) melaksanakan uji tembak (firing test) produk First Article Medium Tank Harimau pada 24 - 25 Februari 2022 di Pusat Pendidikan Infanteri (Pusdikif) TNI AD Cipatat, Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Kegiatan uji tembak merupakan salah satu rangkaian dari Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) produk Medium Tank Harimau. Tujuan kegiatan uji tembak dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui dan memastikan kemampuan turret dengan kanon 105mm dalam kondisi baik, memenuhi persyaratan dan spesifikasi desain terbaru yang mendapatkan berbagai peningkatan. Kegiatan uji tembak dihadiri oleh Plt. Kabid Matra Darat Pus Alpalhan Baranahan Kemhan, Kolonel Yudha Adillah selaku ketua tim Factory Acceptance Test Medium Tank Harimau, Kasubdit Siapsat dan Alutsista Pussenkav, Kolonel Beni Nugroho beserta jajaran. Hadir pula dalam kegiatan uji tembak adalah Direktur Teknologi & Pengembangan PT Pindad (Persero), Sigit Santosa, Vice President Penjaminan Mutu & K3LH, Prima Kharisma beserta jajaran VP & GM. Medium Tank Harimau merupakan salah satu dari 7 program pengembangan strategis pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan BUMN Industri Pertahanan dalam membangun penguasaan teknologi menuju kemandirian alutsista dalam negeri. Bekerja sama dengan FNSS Turki, Pindad sudah mendapatkan pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan referensi standar internasional mengenai pengembangan tank. #Pindad #2022 #DefendID #HoldingBUMNIndustriPertahanan #BUMNUntukIndonesia"
- http://www.military-today.com/tanks/harimau_hitam.htm
- https://www.army-technology.com/projects/kaplan-mt-modern-medium-weight-tank/
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/turkey_turkish_light_armoured_vehicles_uk/mmwt_modern_medium_weight_tank_fnss_105mm_ct-cv_technical_data_sheet_specifications_pictures_video_10412164.html
- http://www.military-today.com/tanks/kaplan.htm
- Cockerill® modular turret 3105 : Defense - John Cockerill
- http://www.army-guide.com/eng/product3085.html
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/belgium_belgian_light_heavy_weapons_uk/ct-cv_weapon_system_105_120_mm_turret_armoured_armored_cockerill_gun_vehicle_design_development_prod.html
- Kaplan MT / Harimau - Wikipedia
- Imagery:
Layout of the Harimau MT.
Video of the Harimau MT.
- Basic Description:
- During Indo Defence 2018, a Pindad Komodo 4x4 was revealed on the 2nd day featuring the Cockerill SPWS Gen.2 Turret equipped with a 25mm M242 Bushmaster as well as 2 100mm Alcotán-100 un-guided anti-tank missiles. This vehicle features improved crew survivability by allowing the crew to reload the main gun from the inside of the vehicle as well as the ability to equip the 25mm M242 Chain Gun, a 30mm M230LF Chain Gun, as well as a variety of ATGM’s depending on the ordering country’s needs. As of now, there are no Komodo’s equipped with the CPWS Gen. 2 in service, however are available for purchase through PT Pindad and John Cockerill Defense.
- Specifications:
- Role: APC/Anti-Tank
- Origin/Manufacturer:
- Indonesia - PT Pindad/John Cockerill Defense
- Armament:
- Primary: 25mm M242 Chain Gun
- Ammunition:
- Feed System:
- Dual-Belt Fed
- Ammunition:
- Coaxial: 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- ATM: Alcotán-100
- Missile Types:
- Missile Types:
- Primary: 25mm M242 Chain Gun
- Dimensions:
- Length: 5.9m
- Width: 2.3m
- Height: 2.5m
- Weight: ~10.5t
- Mobility :
- Engine: 215hp - Renault Inline 6cyl Diesel Engine with Turbo Charger Intercooler
- Max Speed: 70-80km/h
- Transmission: Manual (6-Forward, 1-Reverse)
- Suspension: 4x4
- Crew:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver
- Modifications:
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- User(s):
- Gunner
- Commander (Commander’s Independent Viewer)
- User(s):
- Night Vision Device (NVD)
- User(s):
- Driver
- User(s):
- Laser Rangefinder
- Optional Laser Warning System (LWS)
- Armor:
- STANAG 4569 Level 3
- 12x 76mm Smoke Grenades
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- In-game:
- This is a fast, highly capable vehicle capable of using a powerful M242 Chain gun like the one on the M3A3 Bradley as well as Spanish ATGM’s able to knock out MBT. With it’s high speed, this vehicle would be able to flank tanks and either using its ATGM’s to knock the vehicle out or it’s chain gun with APFSDS-T able to knock out modules, it would make an excellent flanker, scout, ambush vehicle, or point capturer. One thing to note is the Alcotán-100’s are very limited in range, 600m for the Anti-Tank warhead, ~1km for airburst/area affect and would require this vehicle to get uncomfortably close to targets in some cases. Low flying aircraft/helicopters however could be very vulnerable due to the fragmented airburst capabilities.
- Due to its capabilities, it would sit around Battle Rating 9.0-9.3.
- Sources:
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/indodefence_2018_news_official_show_daily/indodefence_2018_pt_pindad_and_cmi_defense_unveil_komodo_with_cpws_gen_2.html
- https://johncockerill.com/en/defense-2/weapons-systems/cockerill-cpws-gen-2/
- https://www.army-technology.com/projects/komodo-4x4-tactical-vehicle/
- https://johncockerill.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/John-Cockerill_Defense_CPWS_Gen2_EN.pdf
- ALCOTAN-100 (M2) – Instalaza
- Imagery:
- Basic Description:
- The Cobra IFV is an Austrian Pandur II produced under license by PT Pindad featuring the unmanned Elbit System’s U30Mk.II turret using the 30mm Bushmaster II and 7.62mm Machine Guns. A contract was issued in 2019 to order 22 vehicles with an estimated total future purchase of up to 250 vehicles for the Indonesian Army. The Cobra IFV was designed to be amphibious and to cross the terrain and wetlands of the Indonesian countryside. The Cobra IFV features some of the latest equipment such as the Elbit System’s U30MK.II unmanned turret which significantly increases crew survivability, the Pillar V which is designed to locate bearings (and possible range based on triangulation) to locate incoming fire, an optional Laser Warning System, as well as the latest generation Thermal Imagers for the Commander and Gunner. The engine is located in the front of the vehicle and crew compartment in the rear. The driver is located next to the engine. The Cobra IFV’s standard armor meets STANAG 4569 Level I, however Rafael of Israel produces addon armor that allows the vehicle to survive against 14.5mm projectiles, effectively bringing the vehicle to STANAG 4569 Level IV. The Cobra IFV’s inclusion alongside other vehicles like the Harimau MT significantly increases the capabilities of the modern Indonesian Army.
- Specifications:
- Role: Infantry Fighting Vehicle
- Origin/Manufacturer:
- Austria - PT Pindad/Multiple
- Armament:
- Primary: 30mm Bushmaster II
- Ammunition:
- AP-I
- Feed System:
- Dual-Belt Fed
- Ammunition:
- Coaxial: 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- Primary: 30mm Bushmaster II
- Dimensions:
- Length: 7.8m
- Width: 3.3m
- Height: 3.3m
- Weight: 22.6t
- Mobility:
- Engine: 455hp - Cummins EURO III Turbo-Intercooled Diesel Engine
- Max Speed: 80km/h on Road - 8km/h in Water
- Transmission: ZF 6HP602c Automatic (6-Forward, 2-Reverse)
- Suspension: Wheeled 8x8
- Crew:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver
- Modifications:
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- User(s):
- Gunner
- Commander
- User(s):
- Night Vision Device (NVD)
- User(s):
- Driver
- User(s):
- Laser Rangefinder
- Metravib Pillar V Crew Warning System
- Can detect incoming gunfire and will provide bearing of origin.
- Armor:
- Hull: STANAG 4569 Level I
- Addon passive armor by Rafael can be applied to meet STANAG 4569 Level IV.
- Turret: STANAG 4569 Level III
- Hull: STANAG 4569 Level I
- 8x 76mm Smoke Grenades
- Amphibious
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- In-game:
- The Cobra 8x8 IFV would easily be able to prove itself as a highly capable vehicle, being able to maneuver quickly as well as use its Pillar V to (relatively) locate enemy vehicles. Using its 30mm cannon, it will be able to easily take out targets and retreat without much notice.
- Due to its capabilities, it would sit around Battle Rating 9.0.
- Sources:
- https://www.metravib-defence.com/our-solutions/vehicle-protection/ - Pillar V Crew Warning System
- Indonesian army to receive Pandur II Cobra IFVs
- CZE/IDN - IFV Cobra (8x8) : Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic / Slovak Republic (CZK/CZE/SVK)
- DEFENSE STUDIES: Kobra 8x8 Panser IFV Pertama Garapan Pindad untuk Batalyon Infanteri Mekanis TNI AD
- Индонезийская бронетанковая техника на выставке Indo Defense 2018. Часть 1 - bmpd — LiveJournal
- Kemhan Order Pindad Cobra 8x8, Varian dari Panser Tempur Pandur II 8x8 IFV
- 30mm Bushmaster II | Weaponsystems.net
- USA 30 mm (1.2") Bushmaster II Mark 46 Mod 1 and 40 mm (1.57") Bushmaster II - NavWeaps
- Spesifikasi Pindad Cobra, Si Panser Lapis Baja Hasil Kerjasama dengan Ceko Halaman all - Kompas.com
- Imagery:
- Basic Description:
- The Komodo Mistral ATLAS is a VSHORAD vehicle developed between PT PINDAD and MBDA of France. The Komodo 4x4 platform itself, developed by Indonesia is loosely based on the French Renault Sherpa vehicle. The Komodo 4x4 was designed to meet local requirements by being well protected, cheap, and modular, allowing multiple weapon platforms to be equipped suiting the needs of the Indonesian Army or export customers. In this case, the Indonesian Army equipped the Komodo 4x4 with the MBDA Mistral ATLAS platform, a dual Mistral launcher with enhanced electronics allowing the operator to target aircraft, drones, or helicopters up to 7.5km depending on the type of Mistral missile used. The platform requires the gunner to be seated on the missile launcher, exposing the gunner to enemy fire. The Mistral ATLAS can receive targeting data from Mistral Co-ordination Posts (MCP) which featuring a search RADAR to target incoming threats or fire independently through 3rd-generation electro-optical sighting equipment located on the ATLAS launcher. The Komodo Mistral ATLAS is currently in use with the Indonesian Army with over a 100 Komodo 4x4’s of different variants in service.
- Specifications:
- Role: Very Short Range Air Defense (VSHORAD)
- Origin/Manufacturer: Indonesia/France - PT Pindad/MBDA
- Armament:
- Primary: Mistral ATLAS Dual-missile System
- Mistral 2
- Speed: 930m/s (up to 30G’s)
- Tracking: Fire-and-Forget, IR, All-Aspect
- Weight: 19.7kg
- Length: 1.86m
- Diameter: 90mm
- Maximum Intercept Range: 6.5km
- Minimum Intercept Range: 500m
- Maximum Altitude: 3km
- Reaction Time: 2 Seconds
- Mistral 3
- Speed: 930m/s (up to 30G’s)
- Tracking: Fire-and-Forget, IR, All-Aspect
- Weight: ~20kg
- Length: 1.86m
- Diameter: 90mm
- Maximum Intercept Range: 7.5km
- Minimum Intercept Range: 500m
- Maximum Altitude: 3km
- Reaction Time: 2 Seconds
- Note: The Mistral 3 has an improved seeker that provides significant capabilities over the Mistral 2.
- Feed System:
- Manual Reload
- Mistral 2
- Primary: Mistral ATLAS Dual-missile System
- Dimensions:
- Length: 6.3m
- Width: 2.3m
- Height: 2.4m
- Weight: ~7.5t
- Mobility :
- Engine: 215hp - Renault Inline 6cyl Diesel Engine with Turbo Charger Intercooler
- Max Speed: 80km/h
- Transmission: Manual (6-Forward, 1-Reverse)
- Suspension: 4x4
- Crew:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Loader
- Driver
- Modifications:
- Mistral ATLAS System
- 3rd-Generation Optical Sight:
- User(s):
- Gunner
- User(s):
- 3rd-Generation Optical Sight:
- Night Vision Device (NVD):
- User(s):
- Commander
- Driver
- User(s):
- Armor
- STANAG 4569 Level 3
- Mistral ATLAS System
- In-game:
- The Komodo ATLAS Mistral features the powerful Mistral 3 anti-aircraft missile that is capable of 7.5km of range. Its capabilities allow excellent tracking to eliminate anything from helicopters to aircraft without being detected utilizing its optical sight. The main drawback is its gunner is exposed to enemy fire which will require the player to stay completely out of sight unless trying to capture a point quickly. Having a crew of 4 however, will allow players to make a comeback if there gunner is killed.
- Due to its capabilities (powerful missile, maneuverability, and over-exposed gunner), it would sit around Battle Rating 9.0.
- Sources:
- https://pindad.com/komodo-4x4-missile-launcher
- Pindad Komodo 4x4 Missile Launcher: Lebih Dekat dengan Sang Pembawa Mistral Atlas
- Pindad Komodo - Wikipedia
- https://web.archive.org/web/20140512223653/https://us.nasional.news.viva.co.id/news/read/366414-sby-namai-panser-4x4-pindad--komodo-
- https://tni.mil.id/view-42523-rantis+4x4+komodo+buatan+dalam+negeri.html
- Multipurpose Combat Vehicle (MPCV) | Missilery.info
- MBDA's Mistral 3 missile scores a double success | Press Release | MBDA
- https://www.deagel.com/Defensive Weapons/Mistral/a001129
- Imagery :
Yonkav 2 featuring enhanced armor.
- Basic Description:
- The Yonkav 2, also known as the AMX-13 Refit is a light tank originating from France that has been upgraded by the Indonesian Defense Industry. The Yonkav 2 underwent two modernizations, one in 1995 featuring a new Detroit Diesel engine and Automatic Transmission, and the Dunlostrut Suspension to increase off-road performance. Another modernization was conducted in 2014 which added a newer 320hp diesel engine by Navistar (which required the hull to be extended), improved armor on the LFP, and UFP, as well as addon armor for the turret in urban operations. Another part of this upgrade included a new Fire Control System featuring 3rd-generation thermal viewers, new 105mm main gun, and a thermal imager/FLIR camera for the driver. The new FCS is designed to further offset the aiming of the unstabilized main gun. The idea of this upgrade was to prolong the life of the Yonkav 2 until newer vehicles such as the Harimau MT are produced in quantity. The Yonkav 2 is still in use by the Indonesian Army and around 250 different models of AMX-13 remain in serivce.
- For this suggestion, this version of the Yonkav 2 is the 2014 refit.
- Specifications:
- Role: Light Tank
- Origin/Manufacturer: France/Indonesia - Multiple
- Armament:
- Primary: 105mm Smoothbore Gun
- Note: A replacement gun was provided during the 2014 refit, unknown if its the same model of gun or new production.
- Ammunition:
- HE-T
- Feed System:
- Autoloader
- Ammunition:
- Coaxial: 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- Roof Mount: 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- Dimensions:
- Length: ~6.50-6.55m
- Width: 2.51m
- Height: 2.35m
- Weight: 15-16t
- Mobility:
- Engine: 320hp - Navistar Diesel Engine
- Max Speed: 60km/h+
- Transmission: ZF 5WG-180 Automatic Transmission (5-Forward, 2-Reverse)
- Suspension: Torsion Bar
- Crew:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver
- Modifications:
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- Users:
- Gunner
- Driver
- Users:
- Night Vision Device:
- User(s):
- Commander
- User(s):
- Laser Rangefinder
- Armor:
- Unknown values of urban armor kit.
- Unknown values of UFP/LFP post-modernization.
- 6x 76mm Smoke Grenades
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- In-game:
- The Yonkav 2 would be the epitome of the AMX-13 series vehicles found in-game. Featuring new armor, thermal imagery, enhanced FCS for more accurate shots, this vehicle would be a quick shoot-n-scoot vehicle capable of scouting and capturing ahead of the main group. This vehicle would still suffer from the same fate of all oscillating turreted vehicles, an unstabilized gun/turret uncapable of firing effectively on the move.
- Due to the capabilities of this vehicle, it would best sit around Battle Rating 8.7.
- Sources:
- AMX-13 Retrofit TNI AD: Tetap Andalkan Meriam dengan Kubah Osilasi
- https://tanknutdave.com/the-french-amx-13-tank/amx-13-indonesia-2/?ak_action=accept_mobile
- Redirecting...
- AMX-13 - Wikipedia
- AMX-13-105 Tank | Full specifications, history and variants
- http://www.army-guide.com/eng/product1199.html
- Disclaimer: Sources are limited on vehicle. If more information is available, please post in comments with sources. Thank you!
- Imagery:
A Pindad Badak Fire Support Vehicle (FSV).
- Description:
- The Badak is a fire support vehicle (FSV) developed by PT Pindad of Indonesia that entered service with the Indonesian Army in 2021. Development began in the late 2000’s, with the mounting of the Alvis AC Turret with the Cockerill 90mm MkIII M-A1 Low-pressure Gun on the 6x6 Anoa APC to provide Indonesia with a lightweight FSV capable of navigating the hostile mountainous terrain. In 2014, a complete version of the Badak was displayed at the Indo Defense & Aerospace of 2014 which featured the two-person CMI Defense CSE 90LP turret equipped with the Cockerill 90mm MkIII M-A1 Low-pressure Rifled Gun, Laser Warning System, and more. The turret armor meets STANAG 4569 Level 1 protection that can be upgraded to level 4. The Badak hull is armored with STANAG 4569 Level 3 protection which protects against 12.7mm caliber rounds. It also utilizes a 6x6 dual-wishbone suspension that differentiates itself from the Anoa APC which it was based on. This suspension system increases stability while firing the main gun. On the inside, the driver is placed on the right side next to the engine on the left. The turret with the gunner and commander are placed in the middle and behind them is storage for ammunition. This design is pretty typical of similar fire support vehicles (FSV) that enhances protection and crew survivability. Originally 50 Badak FSV’s were ordered, however the order was reduced to 14. As of January 2022, 7 have been delivered.
- Specifications:
- Role: Fire Support Vehicle (FSV)
- Origin/Manufacturer: Indonesia/PT Pindad
- Armament:
- Primary: Cockerill 90mm MkIII M-A1 Low-pressure Rifled Gun
- Ammunition:
- HE-T
- Canister
- Ammunition:
- Coaxial: 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- Roof Mount: 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- Primary: Cockerill 90mm MkIII M-A1 Low-pressure Rifled Gun
- Dimensions:
- Length: 6.0m
- Width: 2.5m
- Height: 2.9m
- Weight: ~16.5 tons
- Mobility:
- Engine: 340hp – Turbo-charged Intercooler Diesel Engine
- Max Speed: ~80km/h
- Transmission: ZF S6HP502 Automatic Transmission (6-Forward, 1-Reverse)
- Suspension: Double-wishbone 6x6
- Crew:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver
- Modifications:
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- Users:
- Gunner
- Commander
- Users:
- Laser Rangefinder
- Optional Laser Warning System (LWS)
- STANAG 4569 Level 3 Armor
- Note: Turret is rated STANAG 4569 Level 1 protection but can be upgraded to STANAG 4569 Level 4.
- 8x 76mm Smoke Grenades
- 3rd generation-Thermal Imagers
- In-game:
- The vehicle would operate similarly to the PTL-02/WMA301 with less firepower however can withstand heavier punishment. It features a wide variety of ammunition for different circumstances. It is a light, highly capable vehicle than can be used as a light tank or tank destroyer.
- Based on its capabilities (i.e. APFSDS-T, Armor, Electronics) it would most likely be based suited around the battle rating 8.0-8.3.
- Sources:
- https://johncockerill.com/en/defense-2/weapons-systems/cockerill-cse-90lp/
- https://johncockerill.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/John-Cockerill_Defense_CSE90_EN.pdf
- https://www.army-technology.com/projects/badak-fire-support-vehicle/
- https://pindad.com/badak
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pindad_Badak
- https://monch.com/pt-pindad-delivers-new-afvs-to-indonesian-military/
- https://www.ketiknews.id/news/pr-3012695181/mengenal-badak-6x6-pindad-alutsista-baru-tni-ad
- https://web.archive.org/web/20160204142036/http://www.pindad.com/jusuf-kalla-pesan-50-panser-badak-buatan-pindad
- https://militaryleak.com/2017/01/04/pt-pindad-badak-direct-fire-vehicle/
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_february_2022_global_security_army_industry/tni_indonesian_army_receives_ranpur_badak_6x6_fire_support_vehicles.html
- Индонезийская бронетанковая техника на выставке Indo Defense 2018. Часть 1 - bmpd — LiveJournal
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ka-x2RIOxrcSkh8mneBr08jVisHPXeUd/view
- Imagery:
An early version of the Badak FSV.
Late version of the Badak FSV used by the Indonesian Army.
Badak FSV being offloaded from a transport vehicle.
- Description:
- The AMX-10P PAC 90, or AMX-10P Marine, is a fire support variant of the AMX-10P infantry fighting vehicle of France’s GIAT Industries, also known as NEXTER Systems. The AMX-10P PAC 90 originally began production in 1979 and was the mating of the TS90 with the CN40 F4 90mm gun to the AMX-10P chassis to provide a cheap, export variant of the AMX-10P designed for amphibious assault purposes. The AMX-10P PAC 90 has service with a few countries such as in the Indonesian Marine Corp or the Singaporean Army. As of 2022, the Indonesian received modernized AMX-10P PAC 90’s that feature enhanced electronics as well as improved amphibious capabilities that will continue to serve in the Indonesian Marine Corp for years to come.
- Specifications:
- Role: Amphibious Light Amphibious Tank
- Origin/Manufacturer: France - GIAT Industries
- Armament:
- Primary: 90mm CN40 F4 HV Rifled Gun
- Ammunition:
- HE
- Smoke
- Ammunition:
- Coaxial: 7.62mm Machine Gun
- Roof Mounted: 7.62mm Machine Gun
- Primary: 90mm CN40 F4 HV Rifled Gun
- Dimensions:
- Length: 5.87m
- Width: 2.83m
- Height: 2.73m
- Weight: ~16t
- Mobility:
- Engine: 280hp - Hispano Suiza HS 115 Diesel Engine
- Max Speed: 65km/h (8km/h in Water)
- Transmission: Automatic Transmission (4-Forward, 1-Reverse)
- Suspension: Torsion Bar
- Crew:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver
- Modifications:
- Night Vision Device(s) (NVD)
- Users:
- Gunner
- Driver
- Commander
- Users:
- Laser Rangefinder
- Amphibious
- 4x 76mm Smoke Grenade Launchers
- Night Vision Device(s) (NVD)
- In-game:
- Based on its capabilities and unstabilized main gun, it would most likely be best suited around the Battle Rating 8.0.
- Sources:
- http://www.military-today.com/artillery/amx10_pac90.htm
- https://www.chars-francais.net/2015/index.php/liste-chronologique/de-1945-a-1990?task=view&id=30
- https://encyclopedie-des-armes.com/index.php/unites-mobiles/vehicule-de-combat-d-infanterie/1510-amx-10p
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_january_2022_global_security_army_industry/indonesian_marines_get_amx-10p_amphibious_combat_vehicles_ready_for_vvip_security.html
- https://militaryleak.com/2022/01/05/indonesian-marine-corps-to-receive-modernized-amx-10p-marine-infantry-fighting-vehicle/
- Imagery:
A PT-76(M) during maintenance.
- Description:
- The PT-76(M) is an Indonesian upgrade to the Soviet PT-76 that were acquired in 1962 alongside the BTR-50. In the 1990’s, Indonesia upgraded there PT-76’s to the designation PT-76(M) featuring several upgrades including a new Cockerill 90mm MKIII Low-pressure Gun, new Detroit Diesel Engine coupled to the original transmission, several fire control modifications, as well as other upgrades that bring the PT-76 to modern levels. These new PT-76(M)'s were used in service with the Indonesian Marine Corp, conducting amphibious operations during the Insurgency of Aceh in the early 2000’s and continue to serve today. In 2020, another upgrade program was initiated with Ukraine through Ukrspetsexport which includes an APS system, a new Cummins Diesel Engine, and the possible inclusion of the Falarick 90 GL-ATGM. Modifications will have to be made to the gun due to the muzzle brake preventing certain ammunition from being fired such as APFSDS-T. It is unknown if the upgrades took place or are delayed due to recent events.
- Specifications:
- Role: Amphibious Light Tank
- Origin/Manufacturer: U.S.S.R./Indonesia - Kirov Factory/PT Pindad
- Armament:
- Primary: Cockerill 90mm MkIII Low-pressure Gun
- Ammunition:
- Ammunition:
- Coaxial: FN MAG 7.62x51mm Machine Gun
- Primary: Cockerill 90mm MkIII Low-pressure Gun
- Dimensions:
- Length: 7.6m
- Width: 3.14m
- Height: 2.3m
- Weight: ~15t
- Mobility:
- Engine: 300hp - Detroit Diesel 6V-92T Diesel Engine
- Max Speed: 58km/h (9km/h in Water)
- Transmission: Manual Transmission (4-Forward, 1-Reverse)
- Suspension: Torsion Bar
- Crew:
- Commander
- Gunner
- Driver
- Modifications:
- Night Vision Device(s) (NVD)
- Users:
- Gunner
- Driver
- Commander
- Users:
- Laser Rangefinder
- Amphibious
- Night Vision Device(s) (NVD)
- In-game:
- The PT-76(M) is an excellent light tank of the Indonesian Marines. Capable of amphibious operations as well as a more powerful gun than the standard PT-76’s, this vehicle would excel at water based maps and flatter terrain. However, with its light armor and lack of smoke grenades, players will have to plan their shots accordingly.
- Based on its capabilities, it would most likely be best suited around the Battle Rating 6.3-6.7.
- Sources:
- http://www.military-today.com/tanks/pt_76m.htm
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/weapons_defence_industry_military_technology_uk/indonesia_upgrades_pt-76_light_amphibious_tank_with_john_cockerill_90mm_mk_iii_cannon.html
- https://www.asiapacificdefensejournal.com/2020/05/indonesia-continues-improvement-works.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PT-76
- Imagery:

- Description:
- The Panhard E.B.R. model 1951 is an Armored Car that was in service with the Indonesian Army. Not much is known on the history or the quantity used in Indonesia, however, the were believed to be retired in the early 1960’s. Two can be found in Indonesia today, one at the Satria Mandala Museum in South Jakarta and one on a monument in South Bandung near the Indonesian Army School (SESKOAD).
- Since this vehicle is already in-game and exhibits the same values, I will not go into detail.
- Sources:
- Imagery:
- Basic Description:
- The M4A3(75)W Sherman is a development of the M4 Sherman used during WWII as well as Post-War engagements. The M4A3(75)W Sherman’s in Indonesia were originally used by the British before being turned over to the Dutch. After Indonesia declared Independence on August 17th, 1945, the Dutch used them against Indonesian Independence Forces until the Netherlands recognized the Independence of Indonesia in 1949 after 4 years of intense warfare. Following negotiations, the Netherlands donated the M4A3(75)W’s to the newly formed Indonesian Army. The M4A3(75)W Sherman’s were seen in use into the early 1960’s with the inauguration of the KKO Tank Battalion of the Indonesian Marine Corps, back then the Korps Komando (KKO).
- This vehicle is not in-game however, it is a combination of the M4A2(75) turret and the hull of the M4A3(76)W with shared values in-game.
- Sources:
- Imagery:
- Description:
- The M3A3 Stuart was a . The M3A3 Stuarts were used by the Dutch against Indonesian Independence forces from 1945 until 1949. After the Dutch recognized the Independence of Indonesia, M3A3 Stuarts were adopted by the newly formed Indonesian Army and used in several engagements from 1950 until 1965. There is one M3A3 Stuart (unit 240-32) in operation of the Indonesian Army today for ceremonial purposes, featuring all original parts with the exception of a fire extinguisher and a decorative communications antenna.
- With the M3A3 Stuart in-game, this M3A3 would match the values of the in-game variant.
- Sources:
- Imagery: