Indonesian Sub-tree: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika!

I am not complaining, excuse me for not agreeing with you lmao. You keep making my point. It is frustrating. How do i make it get thru to you? Exactly because mordern vehciles are so similar, i think it would be more interesting to add vehicles that are more distrinct or even unique. I beleive that means adding less modern vehciles. I am not complaing about modern vehciles exising, how did you even get that notion? lol. I guess from you not listening to what i am saying.


Go ahead, tell me 3rd time why mordern vehicles are copy paste lmao

yes. that’s a real world problem, this is inevitable since people/nation choose path of least resistance.
i too want a unique vehicle especially for modern part. then again Gaijin aiming for “realistic” approach on their making, the modern part? impossible. the older? i agree. but here, in Indonesia most conflict in the past was predominantly guerilla/infantry. like the other person said:

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YES! holy shit get it thru your brain!!! Then Indonesia (in my opinion) should not be added! Are you picking up, what i am laying down!? In contrast to your proposel, i am pretty stoked about czechoslovakia being added and the prospect of more romanian and even Yugoslavian vehicles being added. Atleast the ones that are “distinct or even unique”


then we have to agree to disagree.

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Seems to me you really just want indonesia being added for what ever reason, not concerning what it would provide for War thunder

By any chance, are you from Indonesia? lol

no, i want to Asian nation to get into War Thunder, filling the empty trees in the game.

is it even matter? and yes.

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The thing with Indonesia is that there are more unique and fun alternatives from other countries for whatever Indonesia can provide with only very few exceptions.

Assuming that this sub-tree would go to Japan, we can sketch a picture of other nations that would make for either a more logical or interesting pick.
Thailand for example would be more logical: it was a nation that worked together with Japan during WW2 on it’s own volition while Indonesia was occupied.
South Korea would be more unique: they have many local modifications of aircraft which Indonesia doesn’t have and they have an excellent and unique ground industry.

Indonesia would be a healthy addition for Japanese lineups, but the two nations that I gave as examples both have arguably more valid reasons to be added as a Japanese sub-tree.
Not saying they should, as me personally wouldn’t even want South Korea to be under Japan, but whether it should happen or not is besides the point for the arguments given.
Anything Indonesia can provide these examples could do better, hence why some people would rather abstain from Indonesia as a sub-tree. Copy paste isn’t fun to grind.

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Yes, this supports my suspetion that you just want to add Indonesia or their/your (lol) vehicles because it would represent your nation in a game that you probably enjoy alot. That is not bad if it comes with a secondary or even primary function to add vehicles into the game that would provide more than just representing your nation. all the vehicles you showed are more or less copy paste… that is my point.

In fairness, Indonesia does have some unique options, it is just not to the same scale as some other nations that would be viable as sub-trees for Japan.

you are just putting stuff into my mouth there. i want ASIAN nation that can help the empty hole in other nation, in this case Japan. i’m here to play game not ego stoke.


Fine, then those vehicles should be the one proposed instead.

I am not going to repeat my self anymore…

then please don’t

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to be honest i would love to have korean in japan tech tree, but hey he said she said stuff there, most people screeching that SK is hostile to Japan. so that’s not happening unless Gaijin confirm that on QnA
that SK going to Japan we could rule that out. i actually saw few the vehicle and you guess it, some of them copy paste. i hate them too but looking at Japan tech tree currently they lack SPAA and IFV, which unless they officially announce the new light tank/IFV program that currently in testing/secret i don’t think we getting them soon. not to mention how Japan take their military secrecy to the max, i’ll take what available right now


Nothing much is off limits until Gaijin announces formal plans for a nation.
Let us not forget that the ROC is integrated into the Chinese tree.


well for the SPAA I don’t think it will add much, as the 4x4 cars such as the MML, Sherpa MPCV, and Komodo Mistral are similar to the type 93. And for the QW-3 missile carrier it cannot operate by itself so realistically it can’t be implemented, but maybe there are other alternatives that I don’t know about

to be fair Korea has also collaborated with Indonesia, in the case of the Tarantula 8x8 and the KF-21. But the chance of them being grouped together is slim.


Personally I think it would be better to group them with Turkey


this is just recently being tested and shown to to public(i think?)

it’s a saclos SPAA/TD which if added, will give Japan a way to kill low flying/hovering target.
because even the recently added optical lock, they still having problem locking low flying aircraft. because they added interference for optical lock against the ground. simply if it near/infront of the ground, it cannot get a lock

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