Yugoslav Air Force Tech Tree

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Hello everyone! Today I would like to propose what an independent Air Tech Tree for Yugoslavia could look like. You may know Yugoslavia for its huge potential in ground vehicles, but they were also a producer of many domestically-designed aircraft like the IK-3, S-49 and J-22 Orao. This proposal aims to cover them and many more.

(Brief) History

The Royal Yugoslav Air Force and its successor, the Yugoslav Air Force, have a long and rich history. In fact, many of the aircraft included in this tree saw combat, another reason for including them in the game.


In 1919, the Air Force Command was formed out of Serbian and ex-Austro-Hungarian equipment and personnel to protect the skies of the newly-formed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. It was made up of WWI biplanes, mainly used for reconnaissance purposes and occasional bombing missions. As these aircraft went out of date and became unserviceable, the decision was made to look for new aircraft abroad in 1923. Starting that year, Yugoslavia would embark on a modernization of its arsenal - by the time of the German invasion in 1941, it had British Hurricanes, Furies and Blenheims, Czechoslovak BH-33s, Italian Ca.310s and S.M.79s, as well as German Bf 109Es and Do 17s. The first domestic combat planes had also begun being produced for the JKRV, as the Royal Yugoslav Air Force was known. These were the IK-2 and IK-3 monoplane fighters, as well as a number of trainers and seaplanes.

The JKRV put up a fight against the invading Axis powers, shooting down a number of Luftwaffe aircraft in aerial combat. However, they could not stop a numerically superior enemy and most planes were lost by the time of surrender, 11 days after the start of the war. 18 planes were able to make the final escape to an RAF base in Egypt, while a number of Yugoslav aviators were sent to the USA to form the Royal Yugoslav Air Force Detachment flying B-24 bombers. Back in the Balkans, Axis puppet state Croatia formed its own Air Force out of ex-JKRV planes, while later in the war the Partisans formed their own Air Force with captured planes.

On January 5, 1945, the new Yugoslav Air Force (JRV) was formed out of the various partisan units in the liberated territories. In its early post-war years, the JRV was made up of a mix of Soviet Yak fighters and Il-2s, British Hurricanes and Spitfires, and captured German Bf 109s and Ju 87s. As a result of the Tito-Stalin split, Yugoslavia was suddenly cut off from communist equipment, spare parts and fuels, driving them to revitalize a domestic aircraft industry destroyed by the war. The largest success from this effort was the S-49 prop fighter, while a number of trainers were also built for the Air Force. In addition, breakthroughs were made in jet technology with the creation of the first jet fighter and trainer prototypes like the Ikarus 451M and 452M.

In the 1950s, Yugoslavia began receiving aircraft from Western surplus such as Mosquito FB.6 fighter-bombers and P-47D Thunderbolts. This would later expand to F-84G Thunderjets and even F-86E fighters and F-86D interceptors. By the early 1960s, however, Khrushchev was the Soviet leader, and relations with the USSR improved as a result. In 1962, the JRV i PVO (now merged with air defense) received its first MiG-21Fs, and a number of other Fishbeds would be later delivered.

Yugoslavia’s mass production of domestic jet aircraft started with the G-2 Galeb trainer meant to replace the American Lockheed T-33s. This would be followed by the J-21 Jastreb attacker conversion, and eventually the G-4 Super Galeb trainer in the 80s. Arguably the biggest project of the aviation industry, in cooperation with Romania, was the Soko J-22 Orao twin-engined strike aircraft. In addition, Yugoslavia became the first European export customer of the MiG-29 in 1987, when the fourth-generation fighters arrived in Batajnica. They were meant to be a stopgap until the introduction of the domestically-produced Novi Avion fighter, a cooperative effort with France that never went further than a mock-up.

The JRV i PVO played an important role in the Yugoslav Wars, conducting ground attack missions that often cost aircraft downed by anti-air fire and missiles; countering these threats was a major concern for the Air Force in the 90s. 46 JRV planes and helicopters were shot down in total through 1991 and 1992. Planes stationed in Bosnia and Herzegovina would be inherited by the fledgling Republika Srpska Air Force, but the bulk of the sizable Yugoslav Air Force were inherited by the new Federal Republic. Modern Serbia still invests in the modernization of its air fleet with upgrades for the J-22 and MiG-29 still being made even in the 2020s. However, the Serbian government is considering the purchase of French Rafale jets, a move already made by Croatia which received its first Rafales in 2023.

The tech tree:

Interactive version: Yugoslav Air Force Tree

So, some clarifications on the tree and why I made it the way I did. First, I value uniqueness in new trees - especially since the number one criticism of proposed trees is “too much copy paste”. For that reason, I avoided adding foreign aircraft without any impactful modifications when they don’t fill a BR gap. Second, I want trees to be grindable in practice, which is why I tried to make every aircraft offer a significant difference. There are finer variants, but why add them if they only increase the grind? Last, I want the planes suggested to be competitive, which is why many pre-war or trainer aircraft, despite their uniqueness, aren’t present.

Due to the above, you may find that my tree is “conservative” compared to others. Hopefully, though, it’s filled with enough new planes that you’ll consider supporting it.

*The tree only includes service aircraft or prototypes from (current or former) Yugoslavia, with the exception of the Avia S-92 aka the Czechoslovak Me 262 A-1a, which was test-flown in 1947 by a Yugoslav pilot on Czechoslovak soil and was ordered without being delivered. I’m not too keen on adding it, but it’s the only plane that can fill the large BR gap in fighters between the 452M and Sabre.

Below, you can find short specification sheets for all the Yugoslav aircraft, as well as a short note about what their in-game performance would likely be.

Aircraft Notes


Rank I

Hawker Fury Mk IA


Year: post-1931

Status: 1 modified

History: Yugoslavia had already shown interest in the Hawker Fury from its first prototype, and was the first export customer for the biplane. The Fury Mk IA is the designation for the Yugoslav planes, one of which was used for trials with a stronger Lorraine Petrel HFrs engine.

Flight Performance: ??? (base Fury Mk I: 333 km/h, 3048 m@4:25 climb)

Propulsion: Lorraine Petrel HFrs (720hp)

Armament: 2x7.7mm Vickers

Suspended: N/A

Sources: https://www.baesystems.com/en/heritage/hawker-fury

A version of the British Fury Mk I, except using a stronger engine. This should make it somewhat more competitive amongst the Reserve biplane fighters.

Hawker Fury Mk II (Yugoslav)


Year: 1936

Status: 10 delivered with modification

History: Ten of the Hawker Furies exported to Yugoslavia of series II were modified with a more advanced Kestrel XVI engine and two additional machine guns mounted underwing, among other changes. By 1941 Furies were obsolete and suffered great losses against the Axis air forces.

Flight Performance: Unknown (base Fury Mk II: 359 km/h, 12.2 m/s)

Propulsion: Kestrel XVI (745hp)

Armament: 4x7.7mm Vickers (2 nose, 2 underwing)

Suspended: N/A

Sources: https://www.baesystems.com/en/heritage/hawker-fury

Once again a British Fury, this time the Mk II, but with a stronger engine. It also gets two more 7.7s, so it should serve as a forgiving introduction to Yugoslav players.

Ikarus IK-2 (FN) (suggestion)


[There are no images of the IK-2 in its configuration without a cannon, as far as I’m aware.]

Year: 1940

Status: several modified

History: In 1940, several IK-2s were rearmed with a 7.92mm FN Browning machine gun in place of the hub-firing 20mm HS.404 cannon. By February 1941 almost all had been returned to their standard configuration.

Flight Performance: 435 km/h, 15.4m/s climb

Propulsion: Hispano-Suiza 12Ycrs (860hp)

Armament: 7.92mm Browning FN, 2x7.7mm Darne

Suspended: N/A

Sources: https://https//www.scribd.com/document/321987414/Ikarus-IK-2-Royal-Story, http://www.vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs/index.php/istorija/565-ikarus-ik-2

An inferior version of the IK-2 that loses its cannon so it can drop a bit in BR and offer a domestic monoplane early on. Its great speed and engine power will be all the more useful.

Dornier Do 22Kj


do 22kj

Year: 1935

Status: 12 delivered

History: In 1935, the Royal Yugoslav Navy acquired one Do 22 seaplane which proved much more capable than other aircraft of the type. An order for 12 Do 22Kj planes was placed, which arrived through 1938 and 1939. Eight of them escaped to Egypt in the war, where they fought on the side of the RAF until made unserviceable due to lack of spare parts.

Flight Performance: 350 km/h, 6.4 m/s climb

Propulsion: Hispano-Suiza 12Ybrs (860 hp)

Armament: 7.92mm MG 17 (nose), 7.92mm MG 15 (dorsal mount), 7.92mm MG 15 (ventral mount)

Suspended: 4x50 kg bombs or an 800 kg torpedo, 250 lb RAF bombs also mounted while in exile

Sources: https://vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs/index.php/istorija/dornije-do-22

Added so the Yugoslav tree can have a decent seaplane for naval, to add to the fact that it carries a torpedo.

Ikarus 215


ikarus 215

Year: 1949

Status: 1 prototype, served as training aircraft

History: One of the first aircraft prototypes to be constructed by Yugoslavia post-war, the Ikarus 215 flew in 1949 and was designed as a twin-engined light bomber. It was not deemed powerful enough for the role and was only used for utility purposes.

Flight Performance: 374 km/h

Propulsion: 2xRanger SVG-770C-B1 (520hp each)

Armament: 3 MG-15 (at least 1 forward and 1 turret)

Suspended: 4x50kg bombs

Sources: http://all-aero.com/index.php/17458-ikarus-215

A small light duty bomber designed from scratch. Its performance is coincidentally similar to the Do 22Kj in terms of speed, machine guns and bombs.

Caproni Ca.310


ca 310

Year: 1938

Status: 12 sold

History: A development of the Italian Ca.309 for a reconnaissance and light bomber role, which was exported to a number of European countries pre-war including Yugoslavia for bomber pilot training. They were used by fascist Croatia, afterwards being recaptured and used by the SFRY air force post-war.

Flight Performance: 365 km/h

Propulsion: 2xP.VII C.35 (470hp each)

Armament: 3x7.7mm Breda-SAFAT (2 forward, 1 turret)

Suspended: 400kg of bombs

Sources: https://comandosupremo.com/caproni-ca-310/

Still belongs in the same category of starter light bombers as the previous two, but doubles the bomb load, meaning it would at least be able to take out a base in Air RB.

Caproni Ca.311


ca 311

Year: 1939-1941

Status: 15 sold

History: An Italian design for a light twin-engined bomber that improved upon the Ca.310 with a glazed nose and transparent surfaces for reconnaissance. In Croatian service, one defected and two were captured and put to use by the Partisans and later the SFRY.

Flight Performance: 365 km/h

Propulsion: 2xP.VII C.35 (470hp each)

Armament: 3x7.7mm Breda-SAFAT (1 forward, 1 turret, 1 ventral hatch)

Suspended: 400kg of bombs

Sources: Caproni Ca.311

Same weapons as the previous Ca.310, its main difference being the glazed nose that should provide some aerodynamic advantages. Also a different position for the turret, but who cares?

Ikarus B-1


ikarus b 1

Year: 1941

Status: 4 received modifications

History: The Bristol Blenheim light bomber was license-produced in Yugoslavia as the Ikarus B-1 soon before the Second World War, but the JKRV quickly concluded its defensive armament was inadequate. A prototype received a new dorsal turret and machine guns, but only four airframes had these modifications installed before the German invasion.

Flight Performance: 447 km/h, 7.6 m/s climb

Propulsion: 2x Bristol Mercury VIII (840hp)

Armament: 3x 7.9mm Browning FN (1 in windscreen, 1 in ventral position, 1 in wing), 12.7mm Breda-SAFAT in dorsal turret

Suspended: 4x 100kg or 8x 50kg bombs

Sources: Full text of "Small Air Forces Observer", Bristol Blenheim: The Yugoslav Story

A sidegrade to the British Blenheim, sacrificing some engine power to get a punchier Breda-SAFAT for the gunner.

Fieseler Fi 167 A-0


fi 167

Year: 1944-45

Status: 3 captured

History: A biplane designed to meet Luftwaffe specifications for a carrier-capable torpedo bomber. It was outdated by the time the Graf Zeppelin was ready, and so it was sold to the Croatian puppet state. One defected to the Partisans in 1944 and two more were captured at the end of the war.

Flight Performance: 325 km/h, 1000m@2:42 climb

Propulsion: DB 601B (1100hp)

Armament: 7.92mm MG 17 (forward), 7.92mm MG 15 (turret)

Suspended: 4x50kg or 1x250kg or 1x500kg or 1x1000kg bomb, or 765kg LT-F5b torpedo

Sources: Fieseler Fi 167 | Plane-Encyclopedia, VAR.Fi.167, Yugoslav Air Force

This would be a rather unremarkable starter biplane bomber, if not for the fact it carries an SC1000, giving it major meme potential. Also, it can carry a torpedo.

Dornier Do Y (1936)


do y 1936

Year: 1937

Status: 2 purchased

History: Yugoslavia acquired its first two Dornier Do Y three-engined bombers from Germany in 1931. Two more Do Ys were ordered and arrived in 1937, this time modified with stronger 9K engines. They served as bombers until they were replaced by the new SM.79s and were then used as transport aircraft until their capture by the Germans.

Flight Performance: 300 km/h, 4.7 m/s climb

Propulsion: 3xGnome-Rhone 9Kers (625hp each)

Armament: 5x7.7mm Darne (2 in front, 2 in dorsal turret, 1 in ventral turret)

Suspended: 12x100kg bombs

Sources: Дорније Do Y, Уголок неба ¦ Dornier Do.Y

Another potential meme plane, Yugoslavia’s Catalina equivalent: it’s a huge trimotor bomber with one engine sticking out the top. Decent LMG protection on all sides for low rank, great bomb load for taking out several bases.

Kaproni Bulgarski KB-11A


kb 11

Year: 1947

Status: 30 transferred from Bulgaria

History: Army liaison and reconnaissance plane designed by the Bulgarian subsidiary of Caproni during WWII. 30 of them were transferred to socialist Yugoslavia after the war as part of reparations, and were used by them until 1958.

Flight Performance: 394 km/h

Propulsion: PZL Pegasus XXI (930hp)

Armament: 4x7.92m M-30 (2 forward, 2 turret)

Suspended: 2x100kg, 4x50kg or 6x25kg of bombs

Sources: Уголок неба ¦ СФКБ КБ-11 Фазан

Similar to the 1.0 light bombers in the tech tree, though its engine is quite strong for how basic the airframe is.

Dornier Do 17K “J101” (Hungary)


Year: 1941

Status: 1 captured and modified

History: The Royal Hungarian Army Air Force captured a damaged Do 17 Ka-2 No.3333 from Yugoslavia. They repaired it, and substituted its armament for Hungarian-made Gebauer GKM machine guns, as well as adding two reconnaissance cameras. Given the designation J101, it served until 1944.

Flight Performance: 440 km/h, 5000m@12:00 climb

Propulsion: 2xK-14NO engines (870hp)

Armament: 4x8mm Gebauer GKM (2 in nose, 1 in dorsal turret, 1 in ventral turret)

Suspended: 8x100kg or 12x50kg bombs in bomb bay, extra 2x100kg can be mounted on the wings

Sources: Dornier Do 17 The Yugoslav Story | PDF

An earlier version of the Do 17 K, made weaker by its lack of cannons or HMGs. However, the fast-firing Hungarian GKMs should be decent when combined with its great speed.

Rank II

Ikarus IK-2 (suggestion)


Year: 1937

Status: 12 produced

History: The serial production of the Ikarus IK-2 monoplane fighter, with a Hispano-Suiza cannon. Eight were serviceable by the time of the invasion and achieved a confirmed kill on a Bf 109. The four that survived the war were used by fascist Croatia.

Flight Performance: 435 km/h, 15.4m/s climb

Propulsion: Avia HS 12Ycrs (860hp)

Armament: 20mm HS.404, 2x7.7mm Darne

Suspended: N/A

Sources: http://www.vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs/index.php/istorija/565-ikarus-ik-2

A decent high-wing fighter which would be expected to use its great climb, strong engine power, and hub-firing cannon to its advantage. Its speed would hold it back from going after Bf 109s and the like in the long term.

Rogožarski IK-3 (suggestion)



Year: 1939

Status: 12 produced

History: A more advanced monoplane fighter for the Air Force produced by Rogožarski. It was tested in 1938 and entered service in the Royal Yugoslav Air Force. There, it saw combat against German aircraft during the invasion and scored numerous kills. All IK-3s were captured and scrapped by the Germans.

Flight Performance: 526 km/h, 5000m@7min climb

Propulsion: Avia HS 12Y29 (925hp)

Armament: 20mm Oerlikon FF, 2x7.92mm FN

Suspended: N/A

Sources: Rogožarski IK-3 | Plane-Encyclopedia

Considered a contemporary to most early war fighters, this iconic Yugoslav fighter should be expected to fight like a French D.520, a plane it shares similarities with. Average in most aspects, but if it could handle Bf 109E’s in real-life mock dogfights, then surely it will do the same in War Thunder.

Rogožarski IK-3 Br.7 (suggestion)


[There are no images of the specific IK-3 delivered in 1941, as far as I’m aware.]

Year: 1941

Status: Prototype

History: The Rogožarski IK-3 number 7 was used as the testbed for the planned second series of fighter planes, with a re-designed low-profile radiator, 15-20 km/h higher top speed, pilot seat armor and self-sealing fuel tanks. It was delivered mere days before the German invasion and was flown by the most successful Yugoslav pilot, Milislav Semiz.

Flight Performance: ~540 km/h, 5000m@<7min climb

Propulsion: Avia HS 12Y29 (925hp)

Armament: 20mm Oerlikon FF, 2x7.92mm FN

Suspended: N/A

Sources: Rogožarski IK-3 | Plane-Encyclopedia, Rogozarsky IK-3 | PDF | Aviation | Aircraft

A small upgrade for true IK-3 lovers, allowing it to reach a slightly higher top speed and making it a bit more survivable. Again, it’s only a marginal improvement for those who like the first series’ playstyle.

Rogožarski R-313 (suggestion)


r 313

Year: 1940

Status: Prototype

History: A prototype light bomber/reconnaissance aircraft designed shortly before the outbreak of war in Yugoslavia. It was assigned to a training squadron and was captured by the Germans, who then sold it to fascist Croatia. It was, however, sabotaged to a degree where repairs could not be made.

Flight Performance: 450 km/h, 8.3m/s climb

Propulsion: 2xWalter Sagitta I-SR (493hp each)

Armament: 20mm HS.404, 7.92mm Browning FN

Suspended: 4x106kg Stanković bombs

Sources: Рогожарски Р-313, http://www.all-aero.com/index.php/54-planes-p-q-e-r-s/15485-rogozarski-sim-xv-rogozarski-r-313

A light bomber with average speed, a front cannon but only one 7.7 in a rear turret. Quite good for an early CAS option, but probably not much more than that.

Ikarus Orkan (suggestion)



Year: 1940

Status: Prototype

History: The Orkan was a twin-engine light bomber constructed by Ikarus in 1940. It performed well in test flights but the testing was not completed until the arrival of the Germans, who transported it to Germany. Its fate from that point is unknown.

Flight Performance: 545 km/h, 15m/s climb

Propulsion: 2xFiat A.75 R.C.38 (840hp each)

Armament: 3x20mm HS.404 (2 forward, 1 turret), 3x7.92mm (2 forward, 1 turret)

Suspended: 4x106kg Stanković bombs

Sources: Икарус Оркан

An article dubbed it “the Yugoslav Mosquito”, though it looks like it would perform a lot like an early Beaufighter. Thanks to 2 Hispanos in the front and 1 in the back, it would be a headache for encroaching fighters and as it is speedy, it might turn out to be a surprise interceptor.

Dornier Do 17 Kb-2 (suggestion)


Year: 1940

Status: 10 produced

History: The 4th and 5th series of Dornier Do 17K bombers license-produced in Yugoslavia’s DFA factory have also received the designation Do 17 Kb-2. They were better than the original Do 17s made in Germany due to many improvements and domestic components.

Flight Performance: 440 km/h, 5000m@12:00 climb

Propulsion: 2xK-14NO engines (870hp)

Armament: 20mm HS.404 (nose), 13.2mm Browning FN (windshield mount), 2x7.92mm FN Browning (1 in dorsal turret, 1 in ventral turret)

Suspended: 8x100kg or 12x50kg bombs in bomb bay, extra 2x100kg can be mounted on the wings

Sources: Dornier Do 17 The Yugoslav Story | PDF, Yugoslav Do 17K engines - Axis History Forum

A better Do 17 from the German tree, the highlight being the strong frontal armament making it a good strafer. Lackluster defense but great bomb load, making for an overall decent plane.

Rogožarski LVT-1


lvt 1

Year: 1941

Status: 1 prototype, saw service

History: A Yugoslav Hurricane Mk I was fitted with the Bf 109’s DB 601A engine to test its performance for future implementation in the indigenous IK-3. The prototype entered service and saw action at the start of the German invasion, when it intercepted a Bf 110 and forced it to land.

Flight Performance: 557 km/h, 13.3 m/s climb

Propulsion: DB 601A (1085hp)

Armament: 8x7.7mm Browning .303

Suspended: N/A

Sources: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/251162-data-sheet-rogozarski-lvt-1-yugoslavia/, Rogožarski IK-3 | Plane-Encyclopedia

A Hurricane Mk I with a somewhat stronger German engine. It should be slightly faster and more agile, but it will still only have the 7.7s to kill enemies with a thousand cuts.

Rank III

Ikarus S-49A (suggestion)



Year: 1949

Status: 45 produced

History: The S-49 was developed as an indigenous solution for Yugoslavia’s mainly Soviet air fleet after the Tito-Stalin split. It was a fighter based on documentation of the pre-war IK-3 with significant influences from the Soviet Yaks.

Flight Performance: 554 km/h, 17.1 m/s climb

Propulsion: Klimov VK-105PF (1180hp)

Armament: 20mm ShVAK, 2x12.7 Berezin UB

Suspended: N/A

Sources: http://www.all-aero.com/index.php/contactus/46-planes-i-j-k/16274-ikarus-s-49

Given its engine and armament, expect a plane akin to a Yak-9 in performance (meaning, good luck at high altitude). At least it will be a better climber than its Soviet counterpart, and the ShVAK remains deadly.

Ikarus S-49C (suggestion)



Year: 1952

Status: 113 produced

History: Due to unavailability of the Soviet VK-105 engines, it was decided to produce a new variant of the S-49 variant. A new all-metal airframe was fitted with the stronger Hispano-Suiza 12Z engine and the Soviet armament was replaced with an MG 151/20 and two M2 Browning machine guns.

Flight Performance: 628 km/h, 6000m@6:54 climb

Propulsion: Hispano-Suiza 12Z-17 (1500hp)

Armament: 20mm MG 151/20, 2x12.7mm M2

Suspended: 2x50kg bombs or 4x127mm HVAR rockets

Sources: http://www.all-aero.com/index.php/contactus/46-planes-i-j-k/16274-ikarus-s-49, Ikarus S-49C

A “westernized” S-49 that will greatly benefit from its 1500hp French engine allowing it to fight at altitude. It also gains Minengeschoß together with fifty-cals, if that’s more of your thing.

Mosquito NF Mk.38


Mosquito NF 38

Year: 1951

Status: 60 delivered

History: The Mosquito NF Mk.38 was the last Mosquito night fighter variant to be developed after WW2. The new Merlin engines and the inefficient AI.IX radar weighed it down, and sixty NF.38s were delivered to Yugoslavia, its sole operator where it served until 1960, while the rest were scrapped.

Flight Performance: 684 km/h (clean), ? m/s climb

Propulsion: 2x 1710hp Merlin 114A

Armament: 4x 20mm Hispano

Suspended: N/A

Utilities: AI Mk. IX air-to-air radar

Sources: de Havilland Mosquito - Wikipedia, [1.0] Mosquito Origins & Variants

A night fighter version of the Mosquito, decently faster thanks to the supercharged Merlins and equipped with a radar, too. A lack of ground ordnance will likely limit it to a high-altitude interceptor.

Zmaj R-1 (suggestion)


Year: 1940

Status: Prototype

History: A twin-engine light bomber/reconnaissance aircraft developed by Zmaj in the lead-up to WWII. It was damaged during the first test flights and had to be repaired, but did not enter operational service by the time of the German invasion. It was damaged by bombings and scrapped by the Germans.

Flight Performance: 450 km/h, 5.5m/s climb

Propulsion: 2xHispano-Suiza 14AB (700hp each sustained)

Armament: 2x20mm Oerlikon FF, 4x7.92mm Browning FN (2 forward, 2 turret)

Suspended: Up to 1600kg of bombs

Sources: Змај Р-1

Mediocre flight performance for the BR and weak defensive armament. However, it more than makes up for it with its two frontal 20 mm cannons and a very powerful bomb load of 1600 kg.

Rank IV

Ikarus 452M (suggestion)


452M 1

Year: 1953

Status: 1 prototype

History: An experimental jet aircraft design by Ikarus. It was one of the smallest military aircraft ever made and was lightly armed only for testing purposes. There were further plans to develop the 452, but the prototype was heavily damaged in a crash and other jet aircraft were preferred.

Flight Performance: 750 km/h, ??? climb

Propulsion: 2xTurbomeca Palas 056A (~1.6 kN each)

Armament: 2x 12.7mm Browning M2

Suspended: N/A

Sources: Flight of the Yugoslav Ikarus – Part II – Aces Flying High, http://all-aero.com/index.php/contactus/46-planes-i-j-k/13465-ikarus-452-m, Уголок неба ¦ Ikarus 452

Depending on the flight model, the 452M has the potential to be an incredible rat amongst the early jets. At less than half the wingspan of a Spitfire, hitting it will be a challenge but it will struggle in return, due to having just two machine guns.

Ikarus T-451MM (suggestion)


t 451mm

Year: 1958

Status: 1 prototype

History: The T-451MM Stršljen II was the trainer version of Ikarus’ early J-451MM jet attacker prototype. As with all other 451 aircraft, production was canceled before it began but the prototype airplane survives in the Belgrade Aeronautical Museum to this day.

Flight Performance: 725 km/h, 5000m@8min30s

Propulsion: 2xTurbomeca Marbore II (3.9 kN each)

Armament: 2x20mm HS.404

Suspended: 4x127mm HVAR

Sources: Flight of the Yugoslav Ikarus – Part II – Aces Flying High, Уголок неба ¦ Ikarus T.451MM Strsljen, Икарус 451ММ, Login

This early jet really places emphasis on the “early” part, with pretty bad flight performance. Let’s just say, it will need the airspawn to compete (another reason why I made it an attacker).

Consolidated B-24J-10 Liberator


Specs WIP

This Liberator only features small differences from the American B-24, the main being a new hydraulic nose turret, like the one present on the PB4Y-2. Defense is made more flexible, but it would otherwise perform the same.

Rank V

Soko G-2 Galeb (suggestion)


g 2

Year: 1961

Status: 248 built, 132 used by Yugoslav Air Force

History: The G-2 Galeb, a two-seat aircraft for training and light attack purposes, was the first mass-produced Yugoslav jet. It was exported to numerous African countries, while it also saw combat during the Bosnian War in the 90s.

Flight Performance: 812 km/h, 22.8 m/s climb

Propulsion: Viper II Mk.22-6 (11.12 kN)

Armament: 2x12.7mm M3

Suspended: 2x100kg bombs and 4x127mm HVAR rockets

Sources: SOKO G-2 Galeb - trainer, https://aeropedia.com.au/content/soko-g-2-galeb/, Aeronautical Museum-Belgrade :: Treasure of Museum

Though its flight characteristics are great for a trainer, the Galeb is likely to struggle in Air RB due to very limited ammo and ordnance, making it mainly useful for Ground RB.

Soko J-21 Jastreb


Year: 1965

Status: 224 produced, 175 used by Yugoslav Air Force

History: The J-21 Jastreb was a single-seat development of the G-2 Galeb with an upgraded engine and a strengthened airframe. This enabled it to become a true light attack aircraft with a larger weapons load. It saw use in Bosnia and the First Congo War.

Flight Performance: 820 km/h, 21 m/s climb

Propulsion: Viper Mk 531 (13.3 kN)

Armament: 3x12.7mm M3


  • Inner: 2x250kg bombs or 2xL-12-57 or 2xL-16-57 or 2xNRZ-128 (1974/80) rocket launchers

  • Outer: 6x127mm HVAR

Sources: Soko J-1 Jastreb, Уголок неба ¦ SOKO J-1 Jastreb, SOKO J-21 Jastreb: Yugoslavia’s Advanced Single-Engine Jet Aircraft - Spec Ops Magazine

The J-21 fixes some of the G-2’s shortcomings, making for a more well-rounded plane. It’s still a far cry from a base bomber, though.

Soko G-3 Galeb


Year: 1970

Status: 1 prototype

History: Following the export success of the G-2, Soko embarked on making an improved version known as the G-3. This prototype was given a stronger Viper engine, thus increasing the weight and the loadout capabilities. However, neither export customers nor the Yugoslav Air Force were interested in the plane.

Flight Performance: 840 km/h, 30.5 m/s climb

Propulsion: Viper 20F-20 Mk 532 (15.1 kN)

Armament: 2x12.7mm M3


  • Inner: 2x250kg bombs or 2xL-12-57 or 2xL-16-57 or 2xNRZ-128 (1974/80) rocket launchers

  • Outer: 6x127mm HVAR

Sources: SOKO GALEB G-3: Kratki istorijat razvoja usavršene verzije aviona Galeb – Vojnopolitička osmatračnica

A hybrid between the J-21 and G-2 that ends up having the best flight performance of all three (not by much). It gets the Jastreb’s CAS options, but is still very much restricted by its two Brownings in Air RB.

Soko G-4 Super Galeb (suggestion)


g 4

Year: 1978

Status: 85 produced

History: A trainer and light attack jet that has little in common with the older G-2 apart from the name. It conducted strikes on ground targets during the Yugoslav Wars and is still in Serbian service, while many upgrades for it have been conceived.

Flight Performance: 910 km/h, 25 m/s climb

Propulsion: Viper Mk 632 (17.8 kN)

Armament: 23mm GSh-23L gunpod


  • 2 inner hardpoints at 350 kg, 2 outer hardpoints at 250 kg
  • 4x250 kg bombs or 4xVRZ-127 or 4xL-57-16 or 4xL-128-04 or 4xHVAR rocket launchers

Utilities: RWR (Iskra SO-1), Countermeasures (2xPOJ-264 with 40 flares/8 chaff each)

Sources: https://vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs/index.php/clanak/g4-super-galeb, Уголок неба ¦ SOKO G-4 Super Galeb, https://www.airwar.ru/enc/attack/g4.html, https://www.scribd.com/document/323647120/Mamci-i-Panciri

A light attacker that is expected to fly similar to the SAAB-105 or the A-4E. No guided weapons yet, but countermeasures should make it relatively safe even in uptiers.

Soko G-4 PPP


Year: 1978

Status: 1 prototype and 6 pre-production planes

History: The pre-production series for the G-4 trainer and light attack jet, which has little in common with the older G-2 apart from the name. It differed from the main production model in its tailplane, which was fixed and used elevators.

Flight Performance: 910 km/h, 25 m/s climb

Propulsion: Viper Mk 632 (17.8 kN)

Armament: 23mm GSh-23L gunpod


  • 2 inner hardpoints at 350 kg, 2 outer hardpoints at 250 kg

  • 4x250 kg FAB-250 or 4x500lb Mk 82 Snakeye bombs, or 4xL-57-16 or 4xL-128-04 or 4xHVAR rocket launchers

Utilities: RWR (Iskra SO-1)

Sources: https://www.aeroflight.co.uk/waf/yugo/af2/types/soko_g4.htm, https://special-ops.org/soko-g-4-super-galeb/

A small variation on the production G-4 thanks to a different tail. It should be slightly less stable and less aerodynamic than the tech tree version, but the difference is miniscule and won’t affect gameplay outside of close dogfights.

North American F-86D Sabre Dog


Year: 1961

Status: 130 purchased

History: The F-86D was the interceptor variant of the Sabre, armed only with rockets for use against bombers. 130 of the “Sabre Dogs” were exported, among other US allies, to Yugoslavia, enhancing its existing fleet of F-86s, and were used until 1974.

Flight Performance: 1113 km/h, 61 m/s climb

Propulsion: J47-GE-17B (24.1 kN dry, 33 kN afterburner)

Armament: N/A

Suspended: 24x70mm FFAR Mighty Mouse

Utilities: AN/APG-36 radar

Sources: http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_fighters/p86_6.html, https://acesflyinghigh.wordpress.com/2016/01/16/yugoslav-air-force-combat-aircraft-1953-to-1979-the-jet-age-i-us-soviet-aircraft/

A weird addition, it’s essentially the afterburning Sabre from the European trees but with a rocket-only armament like the F-89s. Normally, I wouldn’t include it but the Sabre Dog comes with a radar and ballistic computer that calculates the rocket trajectory for you and fires them in a shotgun effect. Still a gimmick plane.

Rank VI

Folland Gnat F.1



Year: 1958

Status: 2 acquired for testing

History: The Gnat was designed by British Folland as a modern lightweight fighter, being exported to Finland and India. Yugoslavia was interested in licensed mass-production of the plane and acquired two for testing, one of which was scrapped after an accident and the other survives in the Aeronautical Museum with Yugoslav markings.

Flight Performance: 1120 km/h, 101 m/s climb

Propulsion: Orpheus 701-01 (20.9 kN)

Armament: 2x30mm ADEN

Suspended: 2x500lb bombs or 18x3in rockets

Sources: https://www.baesystems.com/en/heritage/gnat, https://planesoffame.org/aircraft/plane-T1, https://web.archive.org/web/20131221004457/http://www.muzejvazduhoplovstva.org.rs/eksponati.php?jez=sr&id=26, https://web.archive.org/web/20220819090049/https://www.vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs/index.php/istorija/582-folland-gnat

The Gnat has the potential to be a great Sagittario-like dogfighter thanks to its great flight performance. It has no missiles or flares, so I refrained from placing it higher in BR.

Soko IJ-22 Orao


Year: 1974

Status: 27 produced

History: A subsonic strike aircraft jointly developed by Yugoslavia and Romania in the 1970s. The SFRY’s prototypes and first production batch were of the IJ-22 reconnaissance variant with a non-afterburning engine. However, they could still be armed with air-to-ground weaponry for attack missions.

Flight Performance: 1050 km/h, 38 m/s climb

Propulsion: 2x Viper Mk 632 (17.8 kN)

Armament: 2x 23mm GSh-23L twin (4 barrels in total)


  • 3 hardpoints at 500 kg

  • Typical loads: 3x 500kg or 4x 250kg + 1x 500kg bombs or 6x 100kg bombs, 4x L-57-16 or 2x UB-32 or 4x L-128-04 rocket launchers

  • Reconnaissance pod takes up fuselage hardpoint but allows countermeasures

  • 2 Grom (Kh-23M) tested

Utilities: RWR (Iskra SO-1), Countermeasures (PIO-65-13 with 65 chaff/15 flares if recon pod equipped)

Sources: Odbrana magazine, https://yumodelclub.tripod.com/yugoslav_air_force/orao_technical_details.htm, https://www.scribd.com/doc/98676356/IAR-93-and-Orao-Balkan-Warrior

The first version of the Orao: it is limited to only three hardpoints, SACLOS AGMs, and to get flares one must sacrifice the center pylon. Good for Ground RB as the earliest plane with guided CAS options.

Soko G-4M


g 4m

Year: 1999

Status: 1 prototype

History: An attempted modernization of the G-4 by Utva. It improved avionics, increased the weight of ordnance carried under the hardpoints (including AGM-65) and integrated R-60 AAMs on the two wingtips. The plane was damaged during NATO bombings, subsequently repaired but the upgrade was never implemented en masse.

Flight Performance: 910 km/h, 25 m/s climb

Propulsion: Viper Mk 632 (17.8 kN)

Armament: 23mm GSh-23L gunpod


  • 2 inner hardpoints at 500 kg, 2 outer hardpoints at 350 kg, 2 wingtip missile rails

  • As with G-4, with the addition of AGM-65B Mavericks and 2xR-60s

  • Grom (Kh-23M) tested

Utilities: RWR (Iskra SO-1), Countermeasures (2xPOJ-264 with 40 flares/8 chaff each)

Sources: https://www.yugoimport.com/en/proizvodi/super-galeb-g-4m, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:G-4_SOKO_Super_Galeb_1991.jpg, https://www.airliners.net/photo/Yugoslavia-Air-Force/Soko-G-4M-Super-Galeb/471856

A modern Super Galeb with both R-60s and Mavericks, which should be able to keep its opponents at range either in Ground or Air. Lightweight, likely good for bullying flareless planes.

Soko J-22 Orao (Early)


Year: 1983

Status: 30 produced without afterburner

History: In the early 1980s, both Yugoslavia and Romania began production of their latest attacker aircraft known the J-22/IAR-93. A number of J-22 Oraos were built without the chamber for afterburning, though some would be later upgraded.

Flight Performance: 1050 km/h, 38 m/s climb

Propulsion: 2x Viper Mk 632 (17.8 kN)

Armament: 2x23mm GSh-23L twin (4 barrels in total)


  • 4 wing hardpoints at 500 kg, centerline hardpoint at 300 kg

  • Typical loads: 4x 500kg or 8x 250kg bombs, 8xL-57-16 or 4xUB-32 or 8xL-128-04 rocket launchers

  • 2 Grom (Kh-23M)

  • 2 AGM-65B (outer hardpoints only)

Utilities: RWR (Iskra SO-1), Countermeasures (POJR-S with 40 flares and 2xPOJR-L with 20 flares and 8 chaff each)

Sources: https://www.paluba.info/smf/index.php?topic=20.1335, Odbrana magazine

The non-afterburning version of the J-22 attacker. It gains its full 5 hardpoints, built-in flares as well as Mavericks over the IJ-22. As with many of the Yugoslav attackers, it is very good defensively but can’t easily fight back against other air targets.

Rank VII

Soko J-22 Orao (Late)


j 22 late

Year: 1983

Status: 13 built with afterburner + 8 converted from IJ-22

History: In the early 1980s, both Yugoslavia and Romania began production of their latest attacker aircraft known as the J-22/IAR-93. The strike version of the J-22 Orao was meant to have afterburning engines, but only some planes received the afterburner chamber.

Flight Performance: 1160 km/h, 70 m/s climb

Propulsion: 2xViper Mk 633-41 (17.8 kN dry, 22.2 kN afterburner)

Armament: 2x23mm GSh-23L twin (4 barrels in total)


  • 5 hardpoints at 500 kg

  • Typical loads: 5x500kg or 8x250kg+1x500kg bombs, 8xL-57-16 or 4xUB-32 or 8xL-128-04 rocket launchers

  • 2 Grom (Kh-23M)

  • 2 AGM-65B (outer hardpoints only)

Utilities: RWR (Iskra SO-1), Countermeasures (POJR-S with 40 flares and 2xPOJR-L with 20 flares and 8 chaff each)

Sources: Odbrana magazine, https://www.paluba.info/smf/index.php?topic=20.1335, http://aviadejavu.ru/Images6/AN/AN85-1/7-1.jpg

The afterburning Orao, reaching its full hardpoint capacity and able to hit Mach 1 in a shallow dive. It should be expected to fly like an AMX or a Super Etendard, but its lack of air-to-air missiles will be a hurdle in Air battles.

Soko Orao M1A


Year: 2023

Status: 5 modernized, 5 to be modernized in the future

History: The “Orao 2.0” program was announced in 2016 as an upgrade of Serbian J-22s. The first air-worthy batch of five modernized aircraft was presented in Granit 2023 - they incorporate new avionics, a thermal imager, an LRF, the new VRVZ-200 long-range AGM, and the LVB-250 laser-guided bombs. The planes received the M1A designation in Air Force service.

Flight Performance: 1160 km/h, 70 m/s climb

Propulsion: 2xViper Mk 633-41 (17.8 kN dry, 22.2 kN afterburner)

Armament: 2x23mm GSh-23L twin (4 barrels in total)


  • 5 hardpoints at 500 kg

  • Typical loads: 5x500kg or 8x250kg+1x500kg bombs, 8xL-57-16 or 4xUB-32 or 8xL-128-04 rocket launchers

  • 2 Grom (Kh-23M)

  • 2 AGM-65B (outer hardpoints only)

  • Grom-B (TV-guided version of Grom with AGM-65B seeker)

  • VRVZ-200 air-to-ground missile

  • LVB-250 laser-guided bomb

  • 2 R-60MK air-to-air missiles (mounted on prototype)

Utilities: RWR (Iskra SO-1), Countermeasures (POJR-S with 40 flares and 2xPOJR-L with 20 flares and 8 chaff each)

Sources: https://militaryleak.com/2020/12/14/serbian-armed-forces-unveils-new-vrvz-200-air-to-surface-guided-missile/, https://tangosix.rs/2023/24/04/foto-reportaza-granit-2023-kako-je-petina-vojske-srbije-proslavila-svoj-dan-na-batajnickom-aerodromu/

The ultimate Orao comes with basically everything a ground attacker needs: LGBs, long-range AGMs, IR-homing rockets, all guided by thermals. To add to that, it can carry R-60MKs on its wingtips, allowing it to better defend itself or even go on the offensive.


Mikoyan MiG-29SM


Year: 2021

Status: 5 modernized so far

History: Starting in 2021, a number of Serbian-operated MiG-29s has undergone modernization to the SM standard, which allows for advanced air-to-air weapons like the R-77 and the R-27ER, as well as air-to-ground like the Kh-29TE.

Flight Performance: 2450 km/h, 330 m/s climb

Propulsion: 2x Klimov RD-33 (50 kN dry, 81.3 kN afterburner)

Armament: 30mm GSh-30-1

Suspended: 6 hardpoints

  • R-73 (all)

  • RVV-AE aka R-77E (all)

  • 2x R-27R / R-27T / R-27ER / R-27ET (inner hardpoints only)

  • 4x S-8M1 rocket pods / S-24B rockets (inner and middle hardpoints)

  • 8x FAB-500 bombs (inner and middle hardpoints, two on each)

  • 4x KAB-500Kr TV-guided bombs (inner and middle hardpoints)

  • 2x Kh-29TE TV-guided AGMs (inner hardpoints)

Utilities: N019ME radar, RWR (L-150 Pastel), Countermeasures (60 flares/chaff)

Sources: https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/serbia-showcases-modernised-combat-aircraft-debuts-armed-uav, https://tangosix.rs/2021/27/05/analiza-hrvatska-sa-rafalom-srbija-sa-mig-29sm-ko-je-bolji/

Capping off the Yugoslav tree, the Serbian MiG-29SM is almost a perfect combination of the Fulcrums we have in-game: it has the agile 9.12 airframe, R-73s, a modernized radar, the SMT’s new digital RWR, and it gets the KAB-500Kr and Kh-29TE ground attack weapons on top of that. It should be a highly competitive top tier fighter for the foreseeable future. In addition, it can carry R-77s, which Gaijin could add to it when the Fox-3 era comes so it’s on equal footing with its peers.

Unused Aircraft


Dewoitine D.27 (1.0)
BH-33E (1.0)
Ikarus MM-2 (1.0)
Ikarus 451
Ikarus S-451M
Blenheim Mk I with twin 20 mm - mentioned in foreign sources but not confirmed by local ones
Hurricane Mk I (2.3)
Hurricane Mk IIC (3.0)
Hurricane Mk IV (2.0)
G.50bis (1.7)
MS.406 (2.0)
Potez 630 (2.3)
Spitfire Mk Vb trop (3.7)
Spitfire Mk Vc trop (4.7)
Spitfire LF Mk IXc (5.7)
Bf 109 E-3 (2.3)
Bf 109 G-2 (4.3)
Bf 109 G-14 (5.3)
Bf 109 K-4 (5.7)
Yak-1B (3.0)
Yak-3 (4.3)
Yak-9D (3.0)
Yak-9M (3.7)
Yak-9T (4.0)
Yak-9P (5.0)
P-38L-5-LO (4.7)
P-51D-5 (4.3)
Lockheed T-33A
Yak-23 (8.7) - disassembled and sent to the US for testing while being transported through Yugoslavia
MiG-15bis (8.3) - Hungarian plane test-flown
MiG-23ML (11.3) - Iraqi Air Force planes underwent overhaul in Yugoslavia, received Yugoslav markings
Rafale F3R

Strike Aircraft
Ju-87 B-2 (1.3)
Bf 110 C-7 (2.7)
IL-2 with the DB 605D engine - couldn’t take off due to the engine overheating
J-451MM - only 20 rounds of ammo carried
J-21 Jastreb prototype (Viper Mk 530)
J-22 Orao prototype (NR-30 cannons)
Utva 213 Vihor (1.0)
Soko 522 (1.0)

Not added due to bad performance (aka being slower than almost every reserve plane):
J-20 Kraguj
Zmaj He-8
Dornier Do D
Utva 75
Utva Lasta

Rogožarski R-100 (1.0)
Ikarus 214 (1.0)
Blenheim Mk I
Ikarus B-4 - prototype for a license-produced Blenheim Mk IV
Hawker Hind (1.0)
Pe-2FT [Pe-2-83] (3.3)

Unbuilt/Unfinished/Undelivered Aircraft


Information on these aircraft may later be added, ask if you’re curious until then.


IK-3 (DB 601 A)
IK-3 DB 601

IK-3 (Merlin II)
IK-3 (12Y51)
B-12-V (wind tunnel tests only)

Novi Avion/L-19
Novi Avion

MiG-19 (9.3) - evaluated in the USSR
F-5E (10.7) - evaluated in the USA

The planes below were considered for purchase before the April War, or were ordered but never delivered:

He 112
P-40 Warhawk
Do 215

Strike Aircraft
G-4 (Viper Mk 680)

Ikarus 453 (glider prototype only)

RV i PVO Designations Addendum

In case you want to know what foreign planes some of the designations in the tree stand for, or you are just curious as to how the naming system works, here is a guide:


Primary role prefix
L = fighter (Lovac)
J = strike aircraft (Jurinik)
N = trainer (Nastavni)
H = helicopter (Helikopter)
V = utility (Visenamenski)
T = transport (Transportni)

Secondary role pre/suffix
I = reconnaissance (Izvidjac)
M = modified (Modifikovan)
N = fighter trainer (Nastavni)
N = armed helicopter (Naoruani)
O = general purpose (Opste namene)
P = anti-submarine (Protivpodmornicki)
S = rescue (Spailacki)
T = transport (Transportni)

Fighters (L)
L-10: F-84G (unofficial)
L-11: F-86E (unofficial)
L-12: MiG-21F-13

  • NL-12: MiG-21U-400/600

L-13: F-86D (unofficial)
L-14: MiG-21PFM

  • L-14I: MiG-21R
  • NL-14: MiG-21US

L-15: MiG-21M
L-16: MiG-21MF

  • NL-16: MiG-21UM

L-17: MiG-21bis-SAU

  • L-17K: MiG-21bis-Lazur

L-18: MiG-29 (9.12B)

  • NL-18: MiG-29UB

Strike aircraft (J)

J-20 Kraguj
J-21 Jastreb

  • IJ-21 Jastreb (recon)
  • NJ-21 Jastreb (trainer)

J-22 Orao

  • IJ-22 Orao (recon)
  • NJ-22 Orao (trainer)
  • INJ-22 Orao (trainer for recon)

Trainers (N)

N-60: G-2 Galeb
N-61: Zlin 526
N-62: G-4 Super Galeb

  • N-62M: G-4M Super Galeb

N-63: Utva Lasta

That’s all, feel free to express your support (or opposition) below. I appreciate any feedback to improve the tree, whether it concerns formatting, balance or other aircraft you may know. This tree isn’t meant to be set in stone, as I hope to improve it even more in the future.


+1 though your suggestion still needs some work

Also here is some of the vehicles that you missed

  • Bf 109 G-2-9663: A heavily modified Bf-109G-2
  • Multiple variants of the Mosquito including the T.III, FB.Mk.VI & NF Mk.38
  • Export variants of the G-2 & J-21 (designated as Insert aircraft hereE)
  • J-1: G-2 that was converted into a J-21, it retains the performance of the G-2 with the J-21’s armament loadouts
  • The S-49C can be spilt into 2 variants, the “Serie I” & “Serie II” with the main difference is the Serie II has boosters for improved high speed tail controls, the Series II is also more streamlined in comparison with the Serie I
  • IK-1: Predecessor to the IK-2
  • Ikarus 451/III: Prone down light fighter prototype armed with 2 MG-131’s
  • The IK-2 & 3 had many engine and/or weapon loadout proposals (some were protoyped) that can be added
  • Su-25UB: All of North Macedonia’s Su-25’s were Ex Ukrainian with the exception of one UB from Belarus, because of that there is a chance that North Macedonia operated a Su-25UB ARZ 558
  • The G-2 can be spilt into 2 variants since they had a mid-life upgrade program to increase it’s payload
  • Croatia upgraded all of their MiG-21’s to the Doraden standard including their armed two seater variants

Does this include aircraft from ALL the former Yugoslav republics? If not, then they should be added, as that is the whole point of a Yugo/post-Yugo tree. Not only to feature Yugoslavia and Serbia, but also Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and North Macedonia. You could also include proto-states like Serbian Krajina, Republika Srpska, and others. Without at least all the final nations, it isn’t complete. All that said, it looks great!


Big +1, hopefully as the next nation!


The majority of these entities either don’t have fixed wing aircraft or have never modified/imported more stuff since they gained independence, with Crotia being the main exception for (marginally and not so important for the game) upgrading their MiG-21s and importing Rafales, as well as Serbia which made some new COIN aircraft and upgraded the J-22 to J-22M1A standard.

1 Like

Thank you for your support! I hope to polish it further, though I think we also have a different philosophy on what planes should be added.

  • Do you know what modifications this Bf 109 included? I found a bit on how the Yugoslavs added their own radios and cameras to the Bf 109Gs, but nothing more.
  • The FB.VI is there, the T.III is a trainer, but the NF Mk.38 looks like a nice addition, a faster Mosquito that loses its ground ordnance.
  • Did the export planes have any meaningful combat difference? Otherwise I don’t want to add them just for the sake of adding them.
  • Same with the S-49C series, seems to me like a modification rather than a separate plane.
  • Only difference between the IK-1 and IK-2 according to Aircraft Profile was the former had fabric wing covering while the latter had metal.
  • This one is on my list and close to being added. According to a page on Glasnik RV i PVO, it actually carried one 20mm cannon and 6 underwing rockets.
  • I am aware of the IK-3 proposals for different engines, but didn’t add them because neither the Merlin nor the DB 601 conversion is confirmed to have been completed. Will keep an eye out for anything else.
  • Su-25UB is just a two-seater Frogfoot, nothing changes in terms of performance. As for the ARZ 558, it seems near impossible to me given the North Macedonians retired their Su-25s more than a decade before the Belarusian factory came out with their upgrade program. (On the other hand, one of their Su-25s was later donated to Ukraine and underwent a domestic upgrade program to the M1 standard, which could be a premium.)
  • Do you have any info on that G-2 upgrade?
  • MiG-21bis Doraden is already the Rank VII premium, though despite all my searching I still haven’t found if it has any upgrades that would be noticed in-game.

As Mahiwew just replied, most of the ex-Yugo republics mainly passed around the old JRV arsenal like G-4s, J-22s, etc since they are small air forces. The main exceptions are Croatia (MiG-21bis-D is already included and Rafale F3R is too advanced but will def come in the future), North Macedonia (Su-25K is also included), and Slovenia with its PC-9M which I am not a big fan of due to the disparity between its tech and its performance. I may add it if I find a place where it looks balanced, but it would still be jarring for a HUD-equipped plane to be fighting Bf 109s.


Probably one of the best new nation trees, interesting additions with as little filler as possible. If only all tree makers followed this example.

+1 would grind this tree.


Thank you for your kind words, that was my goal when putting the tree together.

1 Like

Great job on this suggestion +1

I would love to see it in game




You could in theory replace it with T-33A Shooting Star, trainer version of P-80/F-80 with two machine guns and only two hardpoints


+1 delicious i want J-22 oreo


That’s actually a great idea, I’ll consider it.


MiG-29 of the Serbian Air Force after 2010 without the MiG-29 UB …

  1. 3 pieces of 9-12B…judging by this photo(2014), they have been upgraded to version 9-12SD… Mig29cockpit_modernized | Modernized cockpit of the Serbian … | Flickr
  2. Russia transferred in 2017 (introduced into the Serbian Air Force after repairs in 2018) four MiG-29 fighters from the presence of the Russian Ministry of Defense (three types 9-13 and one type 9-12A) …
    They are 9-13 starting from about 2020/21 they were upgraded to the level of 9-13SM…but at that time there was no official confirmation of the name, although there were photos… «Узнаваемый стандартный радар для истребителей ВВС РФ»: опубликованы первые изображения сербского МиГ-29SM (topwar.ru)
  3. Belarus in 2019 transferred 4 pieces of 9-13 (introduced into the Serbian Air Force after repair and modernization in 2021)…modernization took place at 558 ARZ (Baranovichi.Bellorussia)- therefore, it is possible MiG-29BM / BM+… Церемония принятия в состав ВВС Сербии четырех истребителей МиГ-29 полученных из Белоруссии (livejournal.com)

9-12A was also upgraded to 9-12SD_L-150 Pastel …

9-12SD(former 9-12B) the same with L-150 Pastel …

Belarusian MiG-29BM…NO L-150 Pastel…

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Fair enough, but I believe that EVERYTHING should be included. We’re already well past the time of performance vs era, so putting a new plane at a low BR isn’t out of place anymore.

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Awesome, I didn’t know about the Serbian Fulcrums that were upgraded to the MiG-29SD standard. When we get Fox-3s in the near future, it would be good to add the SD as the “slightly better MiG-29” (R-73s, series 2 engine, Pastel RWR) while the SM gets R-77s and stays as far up as possible with all the bells and whistles.

For Ikarus S-451 it seems that either there were 2 build or the plane got a modified canopy and tail section (Could be just the angle of photos though). It is shown on photos that it had machine gun on the side but I am unsure if there was anything mounted below the cockpit like on Ikarus S-451M

I think the sources are conflicting on whether the S-451 got a second prototype, and the existence of the Ikarus 232 Pionir which looks very similar doesn’t help things.

As for weapons, the spec sheet for it on the Air Force’s magazine mentions a 20mm cannon and 6 underwing rockets.

There were definitely changes to cockpit and there are photos of Pionir 232 which is quite different unless that is not Pionir

You can see the difference. So perhaps designation S-451 II was just modernisation. as per Armament it could be that machine gun in the side is actually 20 mm cannon.

Pionir is said to be this plane:
unnamed (1)