New tech tree?

Warthunder really needs to add a new tech tree. The current warthunder updates have been quite mid. Every single update we get more and more modern vehicles and I am tired of it. A new tech tree would add a whole new fleet of WWII and Cold War vehicles. Good tech trees for this are Yugoslavia or Spain, that produced a lot of WWII, inter war, and Cold War tanks. Honestly, Poland and yogolavia as one tech tree would be epic ngl


This would probably increase the time required for new vehicles to be added for existing nations if they are just gonna att a new tree with a lot of copy paste i’m guessing, since their attention is gonna be spread out more

Yeah the updates been kinda meh lately because of 2 major updates just adding Hungary to Italy which was like 11 ground vehicles with 6 of them being copy paste
And now we are looking at the air tree which is fully copy paste for the moment
Before that you had stuff like French Navy which is good for the people who enjoy Naval but I doubt that’s the majority of players

I’m all up for new nations but i don’t think it would solve this issue specifically
What you really need is a Major Update that’s specifically aimed at those WW2 and Cold War vehicles

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You don’t need new nations to implement new indgenious vehicles, currently represented nations still have plenty of stuff to add including WW2 and Cold War era vehicles. Although Gaijin is trying to earn as much as possible with low investments, that’s why we often see C&P and reused models.
I’m not against new tech trees, but imo subtrees are much better, since most of new TTs will have gameplay issues with gaps/small lineups, which will lower popularity and hence the attention from Gaijin, making just other “outsider” or “minor” TTs. On the other hand subtrees should be made at better quality compared to what Gaijin does, for example Hungarian line could be much better if it had more effort put into ingenious designs, including Romanian additions, as most of suggestions had.

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The only ones with all aspects are: BeNeLux, Yugoslavia and a combined Korean TT.

BeNeLux and Yugoslavia are the most unique ones left.
But BeNeLux has been added to France.

Since Benelux has everything a nation needs.
A extremely big navy (bluewater, coastal and submarines), big ground, air and helicopter TT as well.

Same goes for Yugo, but Yugo has a very tiny navy compared to Benelux.
And most airframes from rank 3/4 and above are mostly just modifications of existing models.

Same can be said about BeNeLux, but BeNeLux has stealth fighters and a few unique models.

@Mahiwew agree or do i miss something?

I’d like to add that Benelux has more available aircraft options due to them being multiple and richer countries for longer, but Yugoslavia overall does have more unique airframes than Benelux does, particularly above the ranks you mentioned.

Both Benelux and Yugoslavia do have modifications of foreign aircraft also, such as the Yugoslav Fury fighters with enhanced engines and additional armaments.
For both regions these aren’t so obvious to find, so I recommend reading the descriptions of pretty much every aircraft in the link below, so that the mods don’t get missed out on.

I’d list them here, but I’d actually rather farm engagement on the Yugo aviation tree proposal, so I’ll link that here.


No it really does not.

For Sub Tree’s, not as much of an issue due to their size being relatively small but for countries such as India, Argentina and such this more or less depends.

I fully agree with this, let’s hope that gaijin, due to the lack of modern machines, will add some new trees to slow down the development of the game by adding the same number of machines as updates. i would love to see visegrad 4 as the new TT also i think it is the most possible one there is a lot unique machines and lots of players from which gajin can drain money.

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The consolation for Yugoslavia lacking in the Bluewater department is that Sweden and Israel suffer from similar problems. Ground and helicopters are absolutely viable in my opinion, whilst the air tree would be serviceable but maybe a little lacking (but then again would have a lot of indigenous subsonic jets and one of 2/3 trees to have the Rafale depending on whether or not you include India).

I hope they add Ukraine. Ukraine would be by far the best top tier in War Thunder. Too many cool vehicles to fit in a subtree

It’s definitely going to be a sub tree.

Denmark sounds like a cool tech tree to add

I look forward to Polar d as well. Very excited for a Slovak-Czech tree as well.

Most likely would go to Sweden, under the Nordic countries umbrella.

Before adding new nations, lets improve the ones already here…

They’ll be improved in time, no need to prioritize.

Also, I’d like to see Yugoslavia or Iran added.

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