Your SPAA Wishlist for the Next War Thunder Update!

Gaijin are very selective when it comes to “”“buffing”“” vehicles like that. Though the function is the same, if it improves the performance of a vehicle from a country that isn’t Russian, they won’t do it. Instead they’ll put it on the backburner for years, ignoring the shabby implementation.


Yeah, you said it… Its not ruZZian…

But hey, its no propaganda game, noooo…

Gepards cannot use ahead unless the magnetic coil is replaced to the one found on the AHEAD package, gaijin needs to code a way of making AHEAD lock dependant so it uses speed and direction to allow the AHEAD ammo to work correctly or just make it HE-VT and another thing the ukranian gepards it’s just a satandard Gepard it dosent get the AHEAD package, it’s just that it’s a very reliable close range AA

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In ukraine are Gepards in use with AHEAD. So its working with an upgrade…

then they have the gepard 1A2.
the one in game is not the gepard 1A2 but a prototype. the production version did not have stingers but does have the LRF, thermals maybe and does have AHEAD.


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Starstreak+Stinger+50cal on avenger


da heck is this

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it seems to be the another gepard you can see the AHEAD coils installed in the tip of the cannons, if we could see this at 8.7 or 9.0 when they fix AHEAD it could be a really cool addition for the german tech tree, did some rough calculus the RPM of the Gepard allows for 18 rounds per second or 1100 RPM each gun and a total of 164 pellets per shell we can say that its 2952 pellets per seconds for each gun and in total it would be 5904 pellets for both of the guns


Absolutely would love this!

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this basically is an SPAA system for germany with up to 6 Rolands or you can have 5 Rolands and 1 20mm vulcan cannon.
(also has PD radar)

It can also mount the Crotale missiles, the Rapier missiles, Tigercat missiles as well as the Chaparral missiles or the Aim7 sparrow.
although AFAIK only the roland was tested on this

It has the ability to operate alone, and has an automatic target detection within the sight FOV, meaning that any targets visible to the sight will be automatically detected and displayed, which has an IRST to aquire targets and accurately track and fire on them, but for any targets outside of the sighs FOV, you would have to detect them yourself like with the Lvrbv 701.

Unfortunately that’s just a mocup. The Bofors BOSAM on an ACV Puma chasi to be specific, which never went beyond a wooden mockup of the turret.

This one looks like a real vehicle.

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Sadly not. Not a single BOSAM turret was ever produced with the entire project never going beyond a mockup. We do however roughly know how it would perform if built, so they could be added as an exception in a last ditch effort if Sweden is in need of an SPAA which it would fill the role of.

We don’t know what radar it would have gotten, but it would have been made by Ericsson, and it looks a lot like the same radar that’s on the ASRAD-R so it would have probably been the same one, and we know the missiles which were planned for it were based on the RBS 90, so it would have roughly the same performance as the ASRAD-R.

Basically it would have been an ASRAD-R with more ready to fire missiles and more missiles in total (it would have carried 16), but sadly neither of the proposed BOSAM variants were ever completed as the turrets were only mockups.


does it shoot the entire box or is it a break upon launch type like patriot

Breaks the box(top)

Looks like I was wrong back then. It can launch missiles using the IRST without relying on the command vehicle.
Some technical details of FM90(HQ-7B. Apart from the missile everything is same as HQ-7)



Possible for AA Guns can be towed and operatable at the same time? Some nations will lack a variety of useful SPAAGs but maybe allowing these Towed AA be operatable can allow some more breathing room for keeping up with many threatening CAS aircrafts.
Similar to how this works.


Japanese VADS-1 kai 20mm anti-aircraft gun

Japanese 35-mm twin anti-aircraft gun

75-mm anti-aircraft gun M51 Skysweeper

40-mm anti-aircraft machine Bofors L60


with the introduction of AESA radars i really want this, with functional AHEAD ammo of course






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I dont think we will see PESA/AESA any time soon.