Your SPAA Wishlist for the Next War Thunder Update!

I dont think towed anti aircraft guns can work that way. Towed AA guns are usually detached and locked in place before firing.


So should the Pantsir and Flarakrad but…

Also a more related one would be the South African SPAAG’s.

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Spaags dont need any extra preparations before firing but a towed AA gun needs to lock it’s wheels and extend it’s support arms(If it has any). Otherwise it wont stay still.

I’ll sure it’ll be fine.
I don’t think OSHA has power in the military.


Yeah towed stuff can bring more vehicles to the game.



It has nothing to do with safety. It’s mostly done because of the recoil. Towed AAs are quite light compared to a SPAAG

Well those are exceptions. Some SAMs dont really need to extend their support arms in order to fire the missiles. SPAAGs can fire on the move but towed artillery cannot.

Yea, most of them does not need, but some do. Just showing it


Herz-9(Copy of HQ-7)

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Wasn’t the FV4005 supposed to use the shovel thing on the back to fire?





Most of them do for example the pantsir can technically fire missiles on the move but there is a risk of tipping over, but it can’t fire the autocannon on the move without the anchors because that would surely tip it over the same for the type 81 and the fla rak rad and numerous AA

Shilka, Gepard and probably ADATS can fire on the move

I think, most tracked SPAAs

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tracked spaa’s cuz they have a much more stiff and reliable suspension system that can handle the weight and the tank of tilting over specially since those tanks arent tall as heck wich normally makes it so the center of mass its above and this makes vehicles tilt over when firing a good example of this its the KV2 how it tilts over when it fires due to how tall it is

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ill try to explain it with my poor painting skills:
since the pantsir is quite tall and is being sustained with wheels, it has less surface than a tracked vehicle so the center of mass being that tall and the vehicle being relatively heavy, with the force of the autocannon it can tilt over (red circle center of mass)



meanwhile in vehicles such as the shilka due to how the tracks work it has more surface to get shots without tiping over unlike taller vehicles wich makes the center of mass more centered instead of more above and instead of pushing itself from a much higher place wich would cause it to push its taller center of mass




It’s not restricted to fire guns in Pantsir without outriggers. But obviously they quite help especially when firing at sides.

i mean yeah if they fire to the back and front it will obviously stay in position but the moment it turns sideways just slightly that’s enough to tip it over

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