You will be captured ARB

How many air spawns

I have 10.338 airspawns in realistic.

They are in GRB not ARB

Nope. And if you claim otherwise provide a screenshot of a statpage that shows a number of my ARB matches played.

5807 air spawns in GRB, 121 air spawns in navy and 1303 in ARB

Screenshot? You are trying to statshame me and provide no proof. Also you keep ignoring that the number of respawns has very little to do with the number of matches played, since both Naval and Ground are gamemodes with respawns.

No, select Air Realistic battles from drop down menu then put your curser over index of destroyed player vehicles to the number of flyouts (drivers). I am not trying to statshame you lol, im just pointing out that ARB is not your most played

That is not a valid source. It does not show the amount of matches played in each mode.

It is true that it is currently not my most played and I never claimed that. You acted as if I don’t play it at all though and therefore know nothing about it, which is completely false. ;)

See? This is a lie. ^

You only use it to grind for GRB, 1303 spawn in ARB says so

Oh yes, I did much grind for GRB back in 2013 and early 2014…

Btw, these numbers don’t add up either. As I have said, I have 10.338 air spawns in RB. Your numbers only add up to 7231. That leaves 3017 spawns unaccounted for.

So my argument is why are you in this topic against an idea for a game mode you dont really participate in, other than what?

Which is a false claim. ;)
I participate in the mode and so far you have failed to present any proof that I don’t. You merely attempted to prove that I play it less than another mode and even for that you have not provided indisputable proof.

I have 10.338 air spawns in RB, of which you claim 5800 are in ground RB, a mode which allows multiple spawns.

Im not intrested in your stats i just want to know why you are in this topic?


A) I play the mode

B) the idea of being captured when landing on an operating enemy airfield (if there are logistics, it is operating) is realistic

You have only played 1303 ARB matchies since 2013

Which you have presented no valid source for.

In the list you posted of my supposed spawn numbers per mode, you conveniently left out 3000 spawns.

I have played more than 1000 ARB matches in 2013 alone btw.

I shall repeat again, you have only 1303 air spawns in ARB, so it actully could be less if you died and managed to get to AF and spawn again

You can throw around these made up numbers as much as you want and it won’t make them true.

Here is a screenshot of my RB airspawns.

These are a total of 10.338 airspawns.

You claim that I spawned:

5807 air spawns in GRB
121 air spawns in navy
1303 in ARB

Which is a total of 7331 air spawns.

So there are still nearly 3000 airspawns missing in your numbers, which means that they are false. So your claim that I only spawned 1303 aircraft in ARB can easily be dismissed as false.

The next time you want to bring up my stats to prove an irrelevant point, at least use them correctly.

Where are these 3000 missing air spawns? Events? Custom?

195 helicopter battles, 38 ground sim, there are more, but you have 1303 in ARB that is a fact.

Note, i play ARB a lot in fact i play more in 1 month than you have since 2013, fact. Now I have suggested a simple idea and you come in stating its not realistic etc. There are many things in ARB that are not realistic. TbH none if this should bother you as you only use the game mode to grind planes for GRB, why you have to argue with me about it, i say just for the sake of it. Now you argue you play the mode. No you dont, fact! I will defend my idea, because i play ARB a lot and notice things

Ah yes, the fighter, bomber and attacker spawns in heli battles, sure thing. Besides these classes not being helicopters, heli battles are only Arcade.

And I certainly did not play three times more Air RB events than Air RB in the regular matchmaker.

Your numbers are simply made up and that’s it.