I don’t agree with this.
XM800 has crazy mobility so it can get to the ambush spots first, getting easy shots on incoming enemy rushers in lights and side shots on mediums. You’re underestimating what 33 HP/t can do in that BR. It also has a nasty gun depression so you can exploit some rat spots where people simply don’t expect you to fire from.
Balancing high mobility, high damage output light vehicles has always been an a challenge for Gaijin.
Smaller maps inflates their efficacy. Put them in a field or a large map and watch as every tank, ATGM carrier just destroys these light tanks.
Put them in a 5x5 French vilage map where they can hide and peek and they are stupidly good.
You’re underestimating
maybe I am, but either way I’ve mostly played light tanks and have had far worse experiences against the gepard than the XM800t
Xm800T must go down to 7.0. Facing against tiger2s and Is3-4s is better for the game.
Pretty wild to see someone claim the Type 87 P is decent, let alone OP.
It’s a massive, clumsy box of a tank that struggles to turn and can’t reverse well. It’s massively tall too, so good luck hiding behind anything. The gun is utterly reliant on having flank shots on vulnerable enemies, something the 87 cannot guarantee due to it’s conspicous size and poor handling.
Also, something I haven’t seen mentioned here which seems relevant is the fact that the XM800T has substanially boosted RoF over standard 20mm autocannon users, at 1050 vs 800 RPM. This, plus the incredible gun handling, stabilizer and agile platform is what allows it to out-rat other rank tanks at the tier so consistently. Which is also why it’s at a much higher BR than all of them.
XM also doesn’t need to reload every 100 rounds unlike 87 and it has access to full APDS belt.
Meanwhile 87 has 3/4 APDS belt which means 25% of your ammo is useless.
In my opinion XM is more than 0.3 better than 87, as it practically has no downsides.
I think the gepard and all the marksman SPAAs should be higher too, radar shouldn’t be facing ww2 planes in GRB
I agree that they should be higher, but for other reasons
what are your reasons?
a violent hatred for the thing from a light tank perspective
also for a long time it was a lower BR than the sidam 25 for no reason, so its just kind of a personal hatred
what are your reasons for the hate?
rant on why I hate XM800T is spoilered
As for me the thing is exactly how players that have never played the fox describe the fox.
Its really fast (faster than the fastest production tank, Scimitar) to the point that it keeps up with the fox and can easily overtake on worse terrain.
Its also more agile when the fox just understeers into the nearest wall.
Its engine is quiet while the fox is one of the loudest in game (I’ve put a but report in for how overly loud the fox is, the thing can be heard from 600m away)
its fully stabilised so you don’t need to sacrifice much speed to get perfect shots on target
its fire rate not only compensates for its lower pen as you just dismantle everything before they even see through the tracer spam
its only 0.3 BR higher than the fox and its closest counterpart, Scimitar. Scimitar has unfinished gearing, overly bouncy and soft suspension and its Aluminium alloy is underperforming and there’s armour holes that let you die to small arms calibres frontally. Scimitar should handle similarly to the VFM5 but faster yet you are slower than a centurion unless you’re downhill.
I don’t like calling nation bias buuuut this is very blatant
I play a lot of italy, so many not well protected tanks, I have many memories of dying to people rushing in gepards or other 35mm AA, often just using the normal AP belt instead of the apds, while my own AA at the same br as the gepard has no radar, is significantly slower, does not get an AP belt (only getting limited APDS or HE), gets less APDS per gun and gets less pen with the APDS. all while for about 2 years the gepard was at a lower BR than the sidam 25 (last year when the controversial economy changes that they reverted came out I was quite happy as the gepard had finally been put up to the same BR as the sidam 25)
Gepard is still too low of a BR. so is every radar SPAA tbh
yeah absolutely but anything was better than nothing. the gepard has gone up by like 0.3 step while everything else at that BR has been decompressed multiple times and gone up like 0.7 to 1 br steps
Radar SPAA is fine it’s just their “APHE” overperforming against tanks.
And most if not all CAS aircraft at that BR have gone up by 0.0 BR steps.
yeah, you would’ve thought that they would’ve used the separate GRB and ARB BRs for aircraft more by now
Made a big announcement, added them for a few 9.0+ aircraft and everyone forgot about them at mid/low BR. Usual Gaijin practice when it comes to new additions to the game.
I think theres like 2 aircraft below 8.7 with it, which is no where near enough