XM800T needs a br change

And the worst offenders like the Pe-8, Ar-234, Ju-288, Lancaster or any US fighter bomber are left untouched. Meanwhile they had no problems with uptiering the Kugelblitz or Skink again and again.

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None of these critters are going to stop any bombers from dropping their load, at least from my personal experience flying it >1.5km altitude I always get to drop it, I could see bullets start flying but almost never hit by any, only enemy CAP could take me out.

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I knew as soon as they announced Fox and later XM800T, that they would be the funnest vehicles to use out of their respective updates. All the focus on top-tier jets, while these little rats are the way to roll.

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten shot down by SPAA before dropping the 5000kg. These planes are extremely op and shouldn’t exist.

I’ve gotten shot down like twice but it was my fault for bringing it to 8.3+ and it was Gepard lol and yes I still get to drop the 5 ton like 5/10 times at 8.3+

How about removing dm63 ?

Though one horrable thing about the XM800T is the pen and the belts, the first belt you get is HVAP and HE-I, which pens 57mm half of the time at best, which most tanks have some angles which HVAP is known to be garbage on and just splatter, the next two belts is either full HVAP or full HE-I, the last belt you get is APDS, which pens 66mm at best, but still isn’t all that good for angles and is very slow to get because of how high it is of modification research

To tell the truth, I don’t know. OP in that topic posted it and I’ve tried to reverse image search but haven’t managed to find it’s origin yet.

I’ve seen a few different ones, but I think they all go back to the same German test/service manual source, as far as I can tell (not sure exactly what the context of it was) that showed that the current 66-68mm (not sure how much it is exactly) penetration at 10m is actually the penetration at 1000m. This seems a bit far fetched to me, but it’s been proven fairly definitively that the current penetration is too low.

To my knowledge, this is because Gaijin bases most of their calculations for APCR and low-calibre rounds like that on their knowledge of Soviet munitions, which tended to have weaker or smaller cores than Western ammunitions of the same type, which tended to have steel or tungsten cores (so harder and denser than the Soviet ones), and the cores tended to make up more of the shell. This means Russian ammunition of those types is probably accurate, but Western ammunition underperforms.


All APCR/HVAP is based on soviet munitions you are correct.

Theres also a couple “formulas” gaijin uses to predict projectile penetration values which is both extremely inaccurate and also ignored when its useful to gaijin. Pretty much every APCR + APDS (and HESH but that’s more from a complete misunderstanding from the devs of what it even is) underperforms greatly and is substantially weaker than its real life & well (publicly) documented counterparts.

They went up 0.7-1.3 long ago. Every wondered why Super Saber and Harrier are at 9.3 and 9.7 in ground battles?

turns out, from a bug report, the XM800T is actually not supposed to even have DM63, its crazy to think that people want this thing to be buffed more like america is the only nation that matters

source: Community Bug Reporting System

its not a bug they did it on purpose click on the link look at what manager said in it

You’re kidding, right? The only thing the Scimitar has going for it is 50mm more pen, which for sure can be useful SOMETIMES, but the vast majority of the time if you can pen with the 30mm, you can pen with the 20mm. But the Scimitar…

  • Doesn’t get a stabiliser
  • Has a pitiful rate of fire
  • Needs reloading every 3 rounds
  • Gets much less overall ammo
  • Technically has 25 hp/t (24% less)
  • Has terrible mobility for a light tank (feels very draggy, accelerates slowly, looses so much speed while turning, is unstable when turning)
  • Doesn’t get it’s historical thermal sights

It does ONE thing better and all those worse… But it’s only 0.3 br lower.
A stabiliser ALONE is worth more than 0.3br!

I dont think thats a good idea
xm800t should be fine at 7.7
Its annoying but also very easy to deal with
The fix they need is lower the sound of the gun when u are scoped in
I would be deaf if i play that thing for more than 10 hours

its 7.7 counterparts are all unstabilised have a slower fire rate are less manoeuvrable and often have louder engine noises negating size advantages. Its only downfall is having the loudest spamcanon in game. the fact that its so close to things like fox, scimitar, AML90 and luchs is nuts


XM800T is perfectly balanced at 7.7 so what you’re saying doesn’t matter.

Idk what most of this thread is about. Putting it at like 8.7 is a benefit, as it performs better there due to the increased amount of light vehicles.

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The PUMA would like to have a word with you.

The loudest autocannons for me is actually the 25mm from the Bradley as it literally gave me tinnitus lol