XM800T needs a br change

hoping the devs will consider this seriously because currently 8.0 germany can be summed up by “everything outclasses me in speed and turret traverse rate”, and this is especially the case for US teams that spam the xm800t

the fully stabilised and ludicrous high rate of fire and really really good mobility is reminiscent of the RCV (P), which the previous version has only a slightly higher HP to ton ratio compared to the xm800t, but at a lower br, which is confusing as then the RCV (P) proceeding that is 2 brs higher than it, following the recent br changes with the xm800t moving up to 8.0, this is likely due to the fact that there is a large influx of players who use the xm800t compared to the RCVs, which is why I think there is a desperate need to revise these “ratty” tanks’ brs.

I think that due to the RCV (P) being 9.0, we should set the correct br of the xm800t and perhaps the RCV at 7.7 to be at 8.3 or 8.7, which isn’t too broken as it still faces light tanks that it can kill like the bmp-3 or bmp-2, and literally everything else that isn’t russian mediums or heavies (rip frenchies), but also gets to fairly fight tanks that are also stabilised and aren’t overworked to play like a team (capture points) and have to contend with 5 xm800ts swarming their position at all times

From personal experience, there is not much harm done to tanks that have more competent opponents, such as in the case of the puma, which does really well if you position correctly, playing a tank that has only 66mms of penetration from the side and front should require the player who yields it to know where to aim instead of just spraying and praying and holding w :)


I agree. The XM800T is quite hard to deal with as it has a stabiliser and is frontally 50.cal proof.


XM800T at the same or higher BR than M3 Bradley?

You heard it here first, folks!


its a balance idea based on performance, being ignorant to performance isn’t helping you as the bradley doesnt even compete with the xm800t in terms of speed and size

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the type 87 RCV is 9.0 and has a 25mm with a apfsds round with ~92mm of pen and no stabiliser, the type 87 RCV (P) is 7.7 has a 20mm with ~66mm of pen and is fully stabilised

the 25mm gun is significantly better than the 20mm in every way apart from rate of fire

the XM800t being on tracks and having slightly more armor gives it a lot more use than the type 87 rcv (p) (in addition to more people playing it)

the xm800t is probably fine where it is, especially considering they were planning to nerf most or all low caliber apds rounds


One is fast and small with an airsoft gun as armament

The other has TOW missiles, thermal, and 25mm bushmaster


well i did hear about the rarden nerf too, if that goes through that’ll be great but currently it feels like im playing COD with 4 of these things present at all times and just sitting in one spot

with the amount of specs you have at your disposal, like a stabiliser, thermals, autocannon, im sorry but i think the solution there is to just get good

each vehicle is unique but this one does everything so well at its current br

XM800T doesn’t have thermals

Don’t tell me you haven’t even played the thing

yeah the 20mm (the same one that basically all western nations in warthunder use at around that br), doesn’t do a whole lot, the xm800t is i feel limited in how high of a br it can go because it doesn’t have much pen, as it is it cannot do anything against russian MBTs which is very limiting for it as you just have to avoid them

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im talking about you talking about the xm800t being higher in br than the bradley… are you following?

people who complain about things have very rarely played the things they are complaining about, don’t get your hopes up

tbh auto cannon vehicles aren’t expected to do much to t64s, t55s, or t54s, because they have really thick low side and angled turret sides, this isn’t unique to the US, its the amount of grief that it strikes into games for other nations

Been trying to grind Italy using only HU vehicles, and rn i’m at Zsu57 / BTR80 / Pzh2000HU, so needless to say playing paper things - XM800T is the source of like 90% of my frustrations lmao.

I watch these things just body every other light off the caps, BTR’s, Luchs, Fox, Scimitar, all of them just get shredded largely in thanks to the stabilizer. (Ik that’s not entirely fair as they’re lower BR but still).

Idk if it needs to go up, or if it just falls into that category of gremlin tanks which are BR balanced but still suck to play against, either way, i don’t like em lol. I notice almost everytime i destroy one, i tend to have an A2D / P51 / F4U coming back to spacebar me.

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No it’s you who isn’t following

You want the XM800T to be the same BR or higher than the M3 Bradley.

I know both of these vehicles and their capabilities, the M3 Bradley has far superior weaponry and sensors.

The M3 is the superior vehicle by far

hard to say rn due to the tight squeeze between 8.0 and 9.0, which is why i thought 8.7 would be marginally fine, but i think a revision to 20mm apds for specific cannons should be revised entirely, or just the round in general…

but yeah, its in a really good spot rn

Heavy tank drivers yap about Fox all day but when the XM800T comes and does “pest removal” they find a way to complain about that too.

Can’t win


you do know that auto cannon vehicles have for a very long time had a reputation of simply being support vehicles and aren’t supposed to pub stomp? you’re not leaving much room for fairness for other tanks given the meta they fit into, slower slightly more modern gameplay?

can’t win with someone who’s against the idea of having an okay tank instead of an overpowered one

due to the tight squeeze between 8.0 and 9.0

hmmmm its almost like the correct answer isnt to just put the xm800t up in br but instead to decompress and put everything up in br a little bit